“I don't know. Some guy made all the arrangements. I went with Hammer to meet with the person who collects the information for the guy. That person was her,” He points at Nova. “She was wearing a disguise but it was definitely her.”

“Maybe you're mistaken. Look at her, she doesn't look like the kind of girl who'd get involved with something like that.”

He suddenly bursts out laughing. “Come on, Tank. If you look close enough in her eyes you'll see a very dangerous young lady.”

“Don't be ridiculous!” She's not dangerous, she's barely a woman!

“When have I ever been wrong?”

“True.” He never has, not when it counts. He goes with his gut.

“You know what that means, though, right?” I shrug. “We can use it to our advantage.”

“If she does work with him, he must trust her. There's no way she'd go against him and give up his identity.” There's no way she'd be working with him if that guy thought for a second she'd give him up. He'd have to trust her with his life.

Like I said, she's barely a woman, this Exorcist person has been going for a few years, there's no way she'd be working with him that long.

All of this is a moot point. Ghost has it wrong no matter how he tries to justify this.

“I wouldn't ask her to. The point is, with her on our side, we could be untouchable. We need to make her see working for us is better than letting some other MC realize who she is and use her against us.”

“No one will realize who she is, Ghost. You've got this wrong, I know you have. But in case you haven't, keep your mouth shut.”

“Sure.” He smirks behind his glass of scotch.

Anything could happen in this life. I've seen it a million times. But I can't do this right now. I need to get out of here. I can't be in the same room with Nova when I need to get my dick wet. And I really fuckin' do right now. I have the worst case of blue balls.

“Right.” I knock back my drink and slam the glass down on the table in front of me. “I've got places to be.” Yeah, I do, strip club. There's a pussy with my name on it.

“I'm going to have a little chat with Miss Nova.”

I don't answer him. I'm not interested in what he does right now. I have better things to do than chase bullshit. Nova has nothing to do with this Exorcist guy. I know that and I think the quicker Ghost gets this shit off his chest the better. Before Shepard finds out what he's been saying about his little girl.

“Nova!” He yells her name as I get up to walk away. “Come over here!” I watch her roll her eyes at him and get out of her seat. “You staying for this?”

Not that I want to stay for this, but I don't think leaving her alone with him, even in this crowded bar, would be a good idea right now. Ghost can be a little intimidating not to mention hot-headed at times. If he upsets her in any way I'll kill him, then the Prez will dig him up and kill him all over again.

“What do you want?” She practically snaps at him. She doesn't like him at all. She's a feisty little thing, fuckin' sexy as hell in those tight jeans.

I groan inwardly as I check out her tight ass. God kill me now. This is fuckin' killing me. I've never wanted a woman as much as I want this one.

What the fuck does this little girl have that's so damn special?

Sure, her body is beyond hot, tight, lick and fuckable, she has eyes so blue they mesmerize a man to the point he doesn't realize he's staring at her. It's like she has some weird power over me, makes me feel like I've taken a shit load of drugs that render me useless. I can't even move when I look in her eyes. But more than that, there's something about her, something I can't put my finger on just yet.

I need to get away from her, stay the hell away from her at all costs. I know she's gonna be around a lot now she's back in Shepard's life, but that doesn't mean I have to be around her. Jett's my best friend, my brother from another mother, but he ain't had much to do with her either since she's been back. It's fuck all to do with me why, but it helps that she's not hanging around him all the time. Don't think I could if she did. And me and Jett not together every day? Don't make any fuckin' sense in my world. We've been friends our entire lives, we'll be friends until the day we die.

“Take a seat.” Ghost tips his head toward the seat in between mine and his. She rolls her eyes and sits down like a petulant child.

Man, she looks hot today. Hell, she looks hot every day. But when she wears tight jeans, and I do mean tight, all I can think about is sinking my teeth into that peach shaped ass of hers. All I can think about is ripping her clothes off and licking every inch of her or sinking my dick so deep into her tight body that she feels it in her throat.

Well, stop fuckin' thinking about it, fuck face!

“So, you gonna tell me what you want? Because I was kinda busy over there.” She tilts her head towards the girls, who are watching us closely.

“I need a little help.”

“With?” She folds her arms around her gorgeous body and my eyes follow the movement.

Only way a fucker like me is gonna be able to stay away from a girl like this is to have his fuckin' eyes gouged out and his hands cut off. Maybe his dick too. Might just happen if I don't keep my goddamn eyes off her.

“Contacting The Exorcist.” She looks at him for a moment. She looks confused and then amused. “Surely you remember me?”

“Should I?”

I watch Ghost lean forward in his seat, resting his arms on the table. “We met once. You collected some information from a friend of ours.”

“Is that right?” I watch a smirk creep across her pretty face. She's mocking him. Serves him right, this is fuckin' ridiculous. “And who is this friend of yours?”

“Hammer. You collected information and payment for The Exorcist's help with a job he needed doing. Now, tell me, Nova. How does a girl like you get involved with a man like that?”

She smirks, trying not to laugh out loud. I wish he could hear himself right now, it's no wonder she's laughing at him, he sounds ridiculous. “You have me mistaken for someone else. I've never heard of this Exorcist person. The name alone is ridiculous.”

“I know it's you.”

She smiles while getting out of her seat. “I think somebody spends too much time watching action movies. I'm not who you think I am. If I was I'd watch what I said. You wouldn't want the wrong person finding out what you've been saying.” Ghost's eyes widen a little, she's spooked him. Nova smirks, and I'm wondering if she really is hid

ing something.

Don't be stupid, Tank. Ghost started this stupid shit and Nova finished it. If she spooked him, he deserved it. You know him, he can be a real prick sometimes. It's about time somebody put the little shit in his place. Just so happened to be this little slip of a girl.

“Now, don't do anything stupid, Ghost.”

“What the hell is it you think I'm gonna do?”

“Don't go telling people what you think you know. You have it so very wrong. But that kind of thing could lead to bad things for all of us, and I know you don't want that.”

Ghost smirks. “You won't bring hell down on this club, your family is here.”

I watch Nova lean down, hands pressed into the table as she stares at Ghost. “You have no idea of the things I would do. But I don't know this Exorcist person, and I have no interest in finding out who he might be. But I've heard the stories, just as you have. You ought not to mess in things that don't concern you, Ghost. You should know that by now.”

Ghost leans back in his seat, arms around his big chest, smirk on his face.

I wipe my hand over my face. This idiot is just loving antagonizing Nova. She's not a weak woman, any idiot can see that, but she is just a woman. She doesn't need Ghost riling her like this.

Is he so stupid to believe that if Shepard finds out he won't beat his ass into next week?

Shepard is a crazy son of a bitch, and if he finds out about this it won't lead to good things.

Then there's Jett. He might have a chip on his shoulder right now, why, none of us know. But Nova is still his little sister and he would kill any man who upset her.

This prick just can't seem to let it go, though.

“I know it's you. I am never wrong, and I will find the proof I need. Once I do, I'll take it to Shepard. What do you think he'll do when he knows his little girl works for the best assassin there is?”

“What do you think he'll do when I tell him one of his men is harassing me?” She cocks her eyebrow at him. He swallows visibly. He knows what will happen, we all do. “Now, I've got places to be.” She turns to look at me. “Will you walk me out please?”