“I swear to god, I never will. I love you, Nova. Shit, I love you so fuckin' much.”

“I love you, too.” I confess, and I allow him to pull me into his arms, where I tell him, “We really need to talk, Tank. You have to know who I really am. Only then can we really be together.”

“Okay, baby. Anything you want.”

* * *

“Wow!” He rakes his fingers through his long hair, messing it up even more.

After we got home and put Ember down to sleep, Tank and I sat down and I explained everything to him, all my sordid past, my horrible childhood, the stabbing and how I almost died. I told him about the rape and just who did it, how and why, even how many of them there were.

I then backtracked and told him about Brett secretly getting me trained in all sorts of ways from the age of thirteen as his personal fighting, killing machine.

He listened when I told him how I became The Exorcist and why I chose to use my training to help those more deserving of that help when the law couldn't or wouldn't. He said nothing until he got to his feet a moment ago.

“Now you know who I am, Tank. You know everything.”

“You're The Exorcist?” I nod. He's so confused right now, and I can't blame him for that. Everything I've just told him was a lot to take in, but he needed to hear it. I needed to be truthful with him if this relationship is to work between us.

“It makes a lot of sense now, the way you fight, the way you killed and didn't even care that you had. The way you're so unapologetic about things when you believe you're right.”

I get to my feet in front of him. I'm giving him one chance to get out. If he takes it, I'll never bother him again. If he doesn't... He's mine and there won't be a way out then. I'll never let him go. Ever.

“I'm not weak. I don't need a man to treat me like a delicate flower. I want my man to see me for the strong woman I am, his equal in everything. He'll see me at my best and my worst, and I'll see him the same way. Are you that man, Tank?”

There is no answer, there are no words, he just slams into me like the tank he is. He slams me back against the wall, my arms pinned above my head, our eyes locked. My pussy is soaked and I know his cock is rock hard for me. He's running on adrenaline, he's going to fuck me with the force of a hurricane.

“Do it.” I bait him as he stands there holding my arms and breathing fast and hard. “Do it, Tank. Fuck me like you mean it!”

His lips hit mine, his hands tear away my clothes. I grab him, tearing his cut from his shoulders. I throw it to the floor and grab the hem of his t-shirt. He breaks the kiss only to pull our tops over our heads, then we're sucking on each other's tongues all over again.

I'm so hot I want to scream!

His fingers are curled inside of me, moving fast and hard in a come here motion. I know what he's doing and my eyes are rolling because of it. I'm splayed back against the wall, my right thigh in his left hand as he holds it against my waist while finger fucking me with his right hand.

Oh god, I think I'm going to burst!

“I'm gonna make you squirt so fuckin' long and hard that you'll be screaming the fuckin' house down!”

I dare him with my eyes to make me cum so hard I'll scream the house down. My body is slick with sweat, my heart is beating out of my chest, and I may just have drawn blood from how hard I'm biting my lower lip.

Oh, shit!

“Oh, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, it's happening, Tank!” Every muscle in my body locks in place as I gush all over him. His chuckle is like an echo to my ears, my breath is lost, but it's the kind of loss you don't notice until you finally take a much-needed one. I feel like I'm choking!

I'm shaking as though I'd just finished a ten-mile run!

Tank kisses me, nipping at my swollen lips. “I love watching you cum for me.”

Yeah, now it's my turn. I smirk before trailing kisses down his sexy muscle-clad body as I get to my knees in front of him. I don't look away, his eyes are locked with mine, holding firm.

I lick the tip of his thick cock while stroking the length of him gently, not really touching, just teasing. He watches me, his chest heaving as I suck his balls into my mouth one at a time. He groans and it vibrates inside my chest, sending tingles through my already engorged clit. “Nova, you're killing me.”

I smile despite myself. He's hungry to feel my mouth on his cock, and I'm just as hungry to suck him dry.

So I do. I take him in my mouth, twirling my tongue around his shaft as I suck him. He takes my head in his hands, not really guiding me, but making sure I don't stop sucking his beautiful cock.

His hips buck faster and harder, forcing his cock to hit the back of my throat in a way that doesn't give me a chance to choke. “Fuck,” He moans. He's close, I can feel the vein in his cock pulsating, his cock throbbing. “Nova, baby, I'm gonna cum!” I moan my appreciation. I want him to cum. I want to taste him like this.

When he cums, it's so hard and so much that I'm struggling to swallow it all and some seeps through the crack between my lips. He finally stills his rocking hips, his eyes opening and looking down at me, smile on his face.

He pulls his now sensitive cock from my mouth and releases my head. I wipe my mouth before scooping the spilled cum from my chest with my finger and sucking it clean.

“Naughty girl,” I'm being hoisted up onto my feet and into his arms. I wrap mine around his back, resting my head on his chest, I sigh.

“Are we going to be okay?” I just want him to tell me that we'll be okay, that we can work through all of this. That he won't leave me because of who I am or was. Because I am giving it all up. I want to be a real mother to my daughter, a good partner to Tank.

That doesn't mean I'll never look the other way when someone needs me. If anyone ever threatens my family, then they'll meet The Exorcist. They'll never breathe air again, but they'll know who killed them. Me.

“We're going to be just fine, Nova.” He kisses my head and I hug him hard. “I love you for who you are, no matter what or who that might be. I'm proud of you for the woman you are. My woman.”

I look up at him and smile. This is all I've ever wanted in my life, someone who would understand me, to love me regardless.

“I love you, Nova.”

“I love you, too. More than anything, Haiden.”

“Then, marry me. I want you to be my wife. I want to adopt Ember. I want us to be a family.”

I cut him off with a kiss to his lips and smile on my face. There is nothing in the world I want more than to be this man's wife, for him to be the father of my child.

“Yes, I'll marry you, Haiden. I would marry you right now if I could.” He laughs. “But I want our daughter to officially be yours first.”

“And she will be.”

“Good.” I wrap my arm around his neck. “Now take me to bed, fiancé.”

And he does.

He carries me to our bed and fucks me six ways to Sunday. Against the wall, bent over the dresser, spread out on the bed, me riding him like a damn rodeo. Yeah, every position is ours all fucking night long! Doesn't look like I'll be walking straight

for some time, though.

I thought organizing a wedding would be the hardest thing we'd have to face for a while. I was wrong.

Sure, everyone is happy for us, Lynette is in her element with helping Nova choose her dress and such. But Nova still refuses to speak to Shepard. It's ridiculous if you ask me, but there's no talking to her. She won't tell me what's going on inside her head when it comes to her dad.

But then, there's so much going on right now that Nova talking to Shepard is the least of our worries.

Two days ago, Willow was taken by a rival MC. Nothing new or original when it comes to our enemies, you see. Cunts have a habit of snatching our women from right under our noses. No matter how far we go to protect them, there's always something small one of them does, something that opens the door for certain motherfuckers to snatch one of our girls.

Trouble is, we don't get half of them back in one piece. My brother’s fiancée included. Hammer is going out of his mind. I haven't seen him this het up about anything since Cindy died. I know he loves Willow, he's in love with her. But he'll never admit it. He's scared after what happened with Cindy. If we don't bring Willow home alive, I'm not sure Hammer will survive it this time. He'll end up getting himself killed. The trouble is, I don't think he'd even care.

I can't lose my brother, apart from Ember and Nova, Hammer is all I have in this world. Hell, he's the only blood-relative that I have on earth. I don't know what I'd do without him. Yes, I have my MC family, but my brother is... I can't lose him. Simple.

Nova is adamant that she'll find Willow. It's what she's good at, after all. She has a lot of connections. Trouble is, I don't want her out there when all of this is going down. Those cunts took Willow because she's Shepard's daughter, it could easily have been Nova. It should have been, that's who they were looking for, to begin with. The thought still turns my stomach.

We know Willow is still alive right now, Satan's Barbers sent proof of that this morning via video link. They've really done a number on her, she's been beaten and bruised up. They even beat her so we could see what they could do if we don't give them what they want. Our Prez.