“What's funny, bitch? You're in no position...”

“Give it up, Shank. Do you really think this is gonna go the way you think it is?” I see the figures behind him, somehow, I know they're nothing to do with him and everything to do with Tank. I'd know my brother anywhere.

Shank takes a step toward me, his gun held and poised to kill. I fire a shot at his hand, it connects, he screams and drops his gun just as Jett and Red enter the alleyway.

Both men have their guns raised. This isn't their fight, it's mine. Jett knows who I really am but Red doesn't. I don't have time to pretend anymore. I need to finish this piece of crap before he does something bad and I end up losing my daughter. She'll never know this cunt, I'll make sure of that.

I'm right in front of Shank now, I can see his pig ugly face, he's holding his hand and looking up at me from his kneeling position. “Did you really think you could follow me, kill me and take my daughter? Do you have any clue who I really am?”

“You're a slut, that's what you are!”

“Wrong.” I point my gun at his head. I can't stop laughing. What the hell is wrong with me?! “You never should have come here. Where's your brother? I know he's not too far behind you. So where is he, huh?”

“Fuck you, bitch! My brother will end you for this.”

“Very doubtful. He'll never even see what's coming for him, but he'll sure know who killed him, just as you will.” Two for the price of one. Dodger won't be too far away from his brother. They travel together everywhere since their dad was killed.

Goodie. Saves me trying to search for the cunt.

This ends tonight. Only then will I be free.

“Do you honestly think you can kill me? Kill Dodger? What happens when the cops find out, who'll take care of your kid then?”

“Nova, this isn't the way.” I hold my hand up to my brother. He shouldn't even be here, but in a strange way, I'm glad he is.

“No one will find out, Shank. The mess that was you will never be found. And do you know why?” He glares at me before looking past me. Looking for his gun no doubt. No man will go down without fighting. A man inches from death will find the strength from somewhere to keep fighting. I won't give him that chance.

I kick him in the face breaking his nose on contact, sending him flying back. I straddle his chest with my gun pointed right between his eyes. “Take this to hell with you, Shank. Remember for all eternity who killed you.”

“Fuck you, bitch! You're no one! No one!”

“Wrong. I am The Exorcist.” His eyes widen, his mouth opens, I won't give him the chance to say anything. That's the worst mistake anybody could make, letting the fuckers talk and pull you in. That's why I load off three shots right between his motherfucking eyes. I have to be sure he's gone now, don't I?

I'm breathing hard and fast, adrenaline pumping through me so fast my stomach rolls. And I hear Red say, “She's The fuckin' Exorcist?!” I don't hear my brother answer, I've already got my phone to my ear.

Marlon answers on the first ring. I rattle off where I am and what I need doing, and now. He tells me ten minutes and that I should get out of there. I'll do just that. I'm going to find Dodger before he finds me.

I climb off Shank's body and flip the torch on my phone. I shine it to the ground and gather the bullet shells from around the alley. No one will ever find Shank's body. There won't be a body to find. But I won't leave any trace that we've been here. I won't let anyone pin anything on my man.

“You two, Tank's over there. I had to knock him out. He wouldn't let me do this. I had to, it was personal. Pick him up and get him back to the clubhouse.”

“You are fuckin' insane, do you know that?!”

“Yes, big brother, I know that.”

“Can't believe you knocked him out.” Red chuckles to himself.

There's nothing to laugh at, Tank is gonna be beyond pissed at me for this, but what else was I supposed to do? He might be an outlaw biker, that doesn't make him immortal.

“I assume I don't need to tell you to keep your mouth shut about what you heard here, Red?”

“No, ma'am.”

Good. I'd hate to silence him. He's a good man, plus I like his wife.

“I'll meet you back at the clubhouse.” There's one more thing I need to do, then I'll check on my man.

Kill Dodger.

Five minutes later, I pull up outside a bar on the outskirts of town. Billington's is a dive bar for the local riff-raff. I should have known Dodger would be waiting here for his brother. I tracked him here using Shank’s phone. Stupid prick’s phone is paired with his brother’s. It was almost too easy to find him.

I send him a text from Shank’s phone asking him to meet me outside. I watch him minutes later staggering out of the bar alone. These two idiots tracked me to this town, and they came alone. How do I know this? Because they're big-headed and think they don't need backup.

Stupid cunts.

I wait until he's near the turning at the corner of the building that leads to a small alleyway. He staggers while searching for his bike keys. Motherfucker thinks he's gonna ride his motorcycle drunk.

Trust me, these pricks don't give a damn about drinking and riding. No matter if they end up knocking down an innocent person and killing them. They wouldn't even stop to check, they'd carry on riding like they didn't have a care in the world.

Animals the pair of them.


And you know what you do with rabid animals?

You put them down.

I move through the shadows of the trees toward him. He doesn't even see me coming. I could end him right now without him knowing what hit him. But where's the fun in that? I want this piece of shit to know who killed him.

“Hello, Dodger.”

He squints into the light of the street lamp just to the left of us. “You!” He hisses between gritted teeth.

“Looking for your brother? I wouldn't bother, he's not coming.”

“Where the hell is he, you bitch!?”

“The same place you're about to go. Hell.”

He laughs, sways and presses his hand to the side of the building to hold himself up. This is hardly a fair fight, he's drunk, but he's not leaving here alive. Believe me.


“You're a dumb bitch, Anna. Didn't you get enough last time? Is that what you're here for? You're here for some more of this...”

I shake my head in disgust when he unzips his pants and gets his hard cock out. Pathetic. But if that's how he wants to play it. Fine.

I walk closer to him, he doesn't see the knife in my hand. He smirks at me. “I knew you couldn't resist.”

Thank god I'm wearing leather gloves because if I had to feel his cock in my bare hand I'd throw up. But as it is, I take him in my hand and stroke him, a smile on my face. His eyes roll, smirk on his lips. “Look at me, Dodger. Look me in the eye.” He does. And as the knife cuts through his cock they widen in shock.

My trusty knife that I carry everywhere with me is so sharp it could cut through metal, so this motherfucker’s cock is a piece of piss. Blood spurts from the stump I've created. He's so stunned he can't even scream.

I stand there with hate in my veins, anger rushing through me so badly my chest is heaving forcefully. He falls to his knees crying. “What did you do to me?”

“The same thing that should be done to all rapists, Dodger, I cut your dick off. Here,” I throw his severed cock down on his lap. “This belongs to you.”

“Help me, you crazy bitch!”

I laugh maniacally while crouching down in front of him. I grab the front of his hair and pull his head back. The fear in his eyes is my power right now, and I breathe deep the scent of it. He's shaking, slobbering as he sobs. “I was going to make this quick, but I think it'll be more fun to let you die like this. But before you go, I want you to take with you the same truth your brother took with him.”

“Please, don't kill me, Anna. I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry!”

“Take to hell the fact you were killed by The Exorcist.” Eyes widen in shock and realization. This prick’s father trained me, had men only a sadist would associate with teach me everything I know. Pity the old fuck never let his sons in on that little secret. I slice my knife across his throat, blood spurts on my face, his body twitches violently for a few seconds before it finally goes still.