He takes my glass from my hand and places my drink next to his. I’m sweating in fear; I don’t know what the hell is about to happen. I don’t want him to tell me we can no longer be friends.

What will that mean, exactly?

I won’t be able to work the bar?

I won’t be able to see Tate anymore?

Just the thought of not being able to see Tate has my nose burning with emotion. I love that boy; I can’t lose him.

Shepard grabs my upper arms, pulls me against him, and kisses me!

I’m so shocked for a moment that I’m standing here like a dumb idiot!

I shake myself out of shock, moan a little, and open my mouth to let him in. Yeah, I could push him away, but like I’m going to do that! I’ve always wanted to be with a strong man, a man who put his family first. A man who when he holds me, makes me feel so safe. A loyal man who would both kill and die for me, for his family.

I slide my hand up his big chest and over his cut, his hands cup my face, pulling me closer.

We kiss so wild and passionate that I have to mentally slap myself to remind myself that the kids are inside the house. I think it’s the fact they’re laughing from the doorway that finally has me pulling away.

“You owe me ten bucks, Will. Told you they’d be sucking face.” I laugh and rest my forehead against Shepard’s chest. Embarrassed that the kids have seen us like this.

“Fine, but let’s go inside so they can “suck face” some more.”

“God,” I groan as soon as the screen door slams. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

Shepard tilts my chin up with his fingertips. Our eyes lock, green on blue. He strokes my face, and I smile while leaning into his touch. “Its time, Lynette.”

“For what?” I’m confused. If he didn’t want us to be friends anymore, there’s no way he’d be kissing and touching me like this.

“To stop pretending that we’re just friends.”

“We’re not friends?”

“Baby,” He laughs. “We’re more than friends. This,” he presses my palm against his chest, I can feel his heart beating fast. “This belongs to you.” My eyes widen. Tears clog my throat. Is he telling me that he loves me? It can’t be.

“I meant what I said when I told you it should’ve been you.” His thumb strokes my cheek softly, and I’m melting. “If you weren’t sixteen and with that loser, I know we would have found our way to each other, in the end. It would have been you that I would’ve been sharing my life with all these years.”

I swallow hard. I’m nervous, and what he’s saying to me is hard to believe. “But you were with Celia. You had a three-year-old together.”

“And I would have stayed in his life. Hell, I would have taken him with me.” This is crazy. If he thinks like this, then he wouldn’t have had Nova, and that’s not something even I want to think about. “Neither of us can ever regret what happened in the past; we got Will, Tate, and Nova from it. However, that’s not to say we have to go one more day without each other.”

“But I have a date tonight,” What the fuck did I say that for? The fire in his eyes is like hell itself. “I mean... Erm, Chuck asked me out, and I said I’d go.”

Chuck is a guy I work with during the day at the hardware store in town. Yeah, I work three jobs. The restaurant only employs me at the weekend now, and I have to make money for my daughter. Shepard owns this house, he doesn’t charge me rent, and I’ve always felt uncomfortable about that. Shepard told me he’d rather have me live here where Willow is safe, where he can keep an eye on us than have us try and find somewhere else. There are still bills to pay, a little girl who needs new clothes, and food on the table. It’s a struggle, but I manage.

Chuck had been badgering me for months to go on a date with him. I finally said yes, when I shouldn’t have because I knew in my heart Shepard would never allow me to go. Chuck is what Shepard would call, “A fuckwad.”

“Well, you best tell Chuck that my woman is unavailable from this day forward.”

“Your woman?” I must be asleep. This is a dream, and I’ll wake up in my bed at any moment, and I’ll be aching for his touch, wanting him, and realizing it will never come true.

“Tell me right now that you feel nothing for me, Lynette. Tell me, and I’ll walk away and let you go on your little date with Chuck.”

“I can’t tell you that I feel nothing for you,” I swallow back my emotions.

I’m a strong woman, and I go after what I want, hold on tight when it is eventually mine. However, this is different. I’ve never shown what I felt for Shepard in the past because he was my friend’s old man, they had children together. Then when she left, he needed support and help. He didn’t need me coming on to him, left, right, and center.

I take his big hands in mine, bring them to my lips and kiss his big knuckles hard. “Don’t you know why I let you dictate to me about whom I date? Don’t you know why I come running whenever you need me?”

He smiles cheekily, which only serves to tell me he knows exactly why. “It’s because you are everything to me. Whether you feel the same about me remains to be seen. I’m not a shy person. When the chance arises for me to get stuff off my chest, I will.”

“How do you feel about me, baby?”

I smile and tell him, “I’m in love with you, and that’s the truth.”

“Yeah?” I nod while biting my lower lip to hide the smile on my face.

He leans into me, his lips a hair’s breadth away from mine. I can smell his aftershave. I can smell the sweat on his skin in the Tennessee heat, and my head is spinning with it. “I’m in love with you, too,”

Think. I. Might. Pass. Out!

Chapter Three


I’m gonna drop the kids off to my mom; then I’ll be back. I want you ready for me.”

“God,” She groans while tightening her arms around my back.

I wrapped her up in my arms after we confessed our love for each other. All these years I’ve loved her, all these months I’ve longed for her, and it was this fucking easy to tell her how I felt. If I’d known, I would’ve done it months ago.

I drop Tate and Willow off with my mother. She has Willow now and again when Lynette works late nights. Mom was only too happy to take her tonight. My mom loves that little girl, Willow calls her grandma, and Mom always tells people she has three grandchildren, Tate, Nova, and Willow. It makes that little girl happy, and Lynette, if I’m honest.

Mom is going to love that Lynette and I are finally together, and we are, and I’m never letting her go.

I take my dad to one side and tell him why I need to leave the kids with him and Mom tonight. Not that I want to fuck Lynette like she's never been fucked before, but that I love her, that she’s my old lady now, and even the fact I want to make her my wife.

True as the day is long.

I may have asked Celia to be my wife, but I drew it out because I couldn’t see her as my wife. Lynette? She was born to be my wife, and she will be, very soon.

In true Apollo style, he slaps me on the back, hands me a beer, and tells me, “‘Bout fuckin’ time, boy. She’s a good woman; she’ll make you a good wife.”

“I know,” I’ve wasted far too much time where Lynette is concerned. No more.

“She’s been faithful to you all this time. You weren’t even hers, and she stayed faithful. You know what they call that, son?”

“What’s that?”

“Rare, my boy, fuckin’ rare. Hold onto that one. Hold tight. You never know who might come along and try taking her from you.”

My back stiffens, my eyes lock with Apollo’s. “She’s mine. Ain’t nobody will live if they touch what’s mine!”

He slaps me on the back with a chuckle. “That’s my boy. Now, give me that beer and get back to your woman. Go break her in.” Jesus! My father has no filter.

I make my way back to Lynette’s place to find downstairs in total darkness. Her bedroom light is

on, though, and as I follow the sound of her voice singing a 70s rock ballad, I smile to myself.

I poke my head through her bedroom door. She’s standing in front of her mirror, naked but for her panties. She’s showered, I can smell her soap and body wash from here.

I’m struck dumb with how beautiful she is.

How can it be that her body is so perfect, and there are no signs of her ever being pregnant?

She’s taken care of herself. Her tits are a nice handful, pert, real. Flat stomach, curvy hips, toned legs, ass like a fuckin’ bubble, everywhere nice and tight.