I must have spaced out, but I’ve most definitely annihilated Jose. His face, fuck! I guess there was once a face. His arm is almost severed, as is his head if I look closely enough. His dark clothes are matted with blood. I don’t know precisely when he drew his last breath, but he already looks like a rotting corpse.

“Dad? That’s enough, he’s dead. We need to get back to the house and figured what to do next.”

“Red?” I turn to look at my men. Each one has just watched me butcher a man in cold blood. The older members know this is me. The younger ones had no clue I could be so damn cold. Now they do. “Pick some of the others to help you get rid of the body. I don’t care how you do it, just do it.” He nods and tells Ace, Roman, and Tank to help him.

“What about the car, Prez?”

“Burn it, crush it, I don’t care, CueBall. Just get rid of any evidence Lynette was there.”

“Prez,” CueBall is good at that shit. He’ll make it right.

“Come on, brother, let’s get you cleaned up. There’s nothing more we can do tonight.”

“I ain’t givin’ up, BlackJack. If I don’t keep looking through the night, it might be too late!”

Grabbing my shoulders, he forces me to look at him. “You need to get cleaned up. No one is giving up looking for Lynette, Shepard, but you can’t find her covered in her exes blood, guts, and brain matter! You also need to check on your kids. Taylor texted, Willow is home. She’s frightened, Shepard. She needs you.”

My eyes close for a second. Willow. What am I going to tell that girl? Not that I killed her birth father, that’s for sure.

“Go, Dad, I’ll keep looking for Mom. Any sign and I’ll call you.”

“I’ll be an hour.” That’s how long it will take me to shower and check on my kids. That’s all the time I’m affording myself before I get back out there and look for Lynette. I just hope and pray that I find her alive. We can get past the rest as long as she

Chapter Eighteen


There have been a few defining moments in my life. A few times where things happened that I had no control over. Things that made me a stronger person. Strong in a way, I didn’t even realize until Jose stood there in front of me with a sneer on his face. A smirk that told me, he’d tear me apart if I let him get close enough.

A thick tree branch caught my attention right there in those woods. It was just sitting there amongst the leaves that had fallen to the ground. I noticed it because it seemed to have a sharp tip, and I mentally laughed at the fact it somehow looked like a stake that you’d drive into the heart of a vampire.

I grabbed it and waved it at him. He laughed, of course. Jose wasn’t scared of me. I wasn't afraid of him either, but the thought of not fighting, of giving up and never seeing my family again was not something I was willing to do.

Give up?

That’s not me.

Jose came at me with a knife in his hand. I struck out with the tree branch but missed. He grabbed my wrist, twisting it until I dropped my wooden weapon. I didn’t scream, I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Jose pulled me back against him, but I slammed my head back into his face. He yelled while holding his nose.

I got to my knees in search of the branch. I knew I had to kill Jose. It was the only way he’d leave my little girl alone. He’d destroy her should he get near her, and there was no way on earth I’d let that happen.

He grabbed my foot and pulled me towards him. I kicked out as hard as I could, and he yelled about me being a whore and what he was going to do to me. He was on top of me faster than I could get away from him.

He pinned my arms above my head and told me how he was going to finish what he started. He slammed his mouth against mine, all the time I was trying not to throw up. The second his tongue penetrated my mouth, I bit down on it so hard he screamed. He punched me in the face in anger, then tried to tear my clothes off. All the time, telling me what a feisty bitch I’d become, and how much of a turn on that was for him.

I stretched my arm to the right, the branch just within fingertips distance. I struggled and struggled. It’s incredible how far you can contort and stretch your body when you’re fighting for your life.

I don’t know how many seconds had past, how high he got my skirt up, how many times he pushed his fingers inside of me, but I got it. I grabbed that branch, and I found the strength within me to ram it hard into the side of his bloated body.

He leaned back on his knees, a shocked expression on his face. Like he couldn't believe I'd done that to him. ‘You fucking stabbed me!’

Yes, I had, and as I scrambled back, I pulled that branch from his side and slammed it into his stomach. I wanted him dead. I wanted to make sure he could never come near my daughter or me again. I was angry, and I just wanted him gone! I had to do whatever it took to protect Willow, just as I promised the day she was born.

‘You never should have come looking for me. You should never have made threats, and you should never have come here thinking you'd get near my daughter.’ I told him as I leaned into him, my hand on the branch in his stomach. ‘Men like you never learn, but you should’ve realized that I’m not a little girl anymore. There is nothing you can do to hurt me now. I am married to the president of the Snakes Henchmen! I am a goddamned Queen! You. Are. Nothing!’

I yanked the branch from his stomach, got to my feet and ran. I ran for miles. Ran and ran to get away from those woods. I didn’t want to run to Jose’s car, I was scared the cops would find me and know what I’d done.

Then thought hit me that my panties were around there somewhere. What if the police found them and checked them for DNA? Not that mine is in the database or anything, but they check hospital records, don’t they?

Why the hell would I worry about that when my DNA is all over his damn car?

Then I thought about the fact I could get someone to burn the damn thing out, there'd be no DNA then. There was also the fact once Shepard spoke to the Sheriff, he’d make any evidence disappear, and I’d be fine.

Aside from thinking about that, all I could concentrate on was the fact I’d killed a man. Or had I killed him? He was seriously hurt when I ran from him. He couldn’t survive that kind of injury in the woods, could he?

What if he did and he came looking for me? He’d kill me this time!

Then I shook my head and told myself that once I told Shepard what I’d done, he’d fix it all. He’d take the car, crush it, burn it. Shepard will get rid of Jose’s body or finish him off, one way or another; he will.

After running for I don’t even know how long, I made it back to my house. I didn’t have my keys with me, but I found the spare under the plant pot. After fumbling with the lock for five minutes because my hands were shaking so much, I managed to get inside the house, slamming the door behind me.

There was no one home, I figured my husband was out looking for me, and my kids were probably with Taylor. That gave me time to strip the hell out of my clothes and take a hot shower. Jose may not have raped me, but he violated my body with his fingers, and I needed to scrub the feel of him off of me.

I’ve been standing under the water for a while. I scrubbed every inch of my body, top to toe, about ten minutes ago, but I can’t seem to force myself out of the cubicle. Everything that’s happened today has come crashing down around me, and I can’t help but crumble to the floor, falling to my knees sobbing. I wrap my arms around myself in sympathy and let my mind wander to what if.

What if he’d killed me?

My poor babies.

My poor husband.

What the hell are they all going through right now?

Do they think I’m dead?

How long will they search for me?

I can’t stay here while they’re all out looking for me. Because I know Shepard will never give up until he finds me. I can’t wallow in what I’ve done, nor what might have been. So I killed a man, he would have done the same to me, if not worse. I’ve saved my d