“All she had to do was let me see my daughter, and I’d have left her alone.”

Jose. Fuck! Since the day he walked away from Lynette and Willow no one has seen or heard from him. He made it damn clear that Willow was not his child. Therefore, he has no business coming back here. That little girl is mine!

“Willow will never know the filth of you. I am her father. The only one she’s ever known.”

I hear footfalls behind me, many of them. I don’t need to turn around because I know who’s behind me, my brothers, my son. They’ll stand there and watch with respect while I deal with this piece of shit, but not before he tells me what I want to know.

I slip my knife from my ankle holster and bring it up to his face. His eyes widen for only a second before he starts laughing. What the fuck does he, have to laugh about?

I remember this smug prick and the way he was, twenty-four years old with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend. Lynette moved in with Celia and me for a while because she had nowhere to go, and Celia basically wanted a babysitter for Tate. This piece of crap? Fuck no. I wouldn’t have this cunt in my house.

I watched him treat Lynette like shit for over two fuckin’ years. I wanted to kill the motherfucker, but Celia told me to stay out of it. Wasn’t ’til he slapped Lynette in front of me that I lost it. I beat the shit out of him, and I warned him what I’d do if he touched her again. Motherfucker upped and left not long after. He left an eighteen-year-old woman raising her two-year-old daughter all alone.

That’s why I was there for her, why I always have been. She needed me, and Willow needed me. Maybe that’s what pushed Celia away, what made her run from me with my little girl. She knew I had feelings for Lynette, even though I tried to hide them. Never did I speak about it, but Celia did nothing but go on about it.

I’ll never really know the truth of why Celia left me, it could have been many things with her. However, I have a feeling it was because I cared for Lynette, for the fact I treated Willow like my own. Celia stole my baby girl as punishment for loving Willow.

Never will I blame what I felt for Lynette or the fact I loved Willow like my own on why Celia took off with Nova. It could be true, seems more logical than the fact she just wanted to leave. Celia was a fucked up bitch and hurt me in the worst way. If I ever see that bitch again, I’ll kill her.

This bloated motherfucker? My god, what the fuck was Lynette thinking? If it weren’t for the fact she got Willow out of being with him, I’d think she was insane. I don’t know if Lynette thought she loved him or not back then, but he put about that he loved her, even though it was very obvious to anyone with eyes that he didn’t. My dad told me enough. He also wanted to kill Jose and bury his body somewhere in the woods or feed him to the pigs. However, my mother had a point, he was Willow’s father, and she deserved to have her dad in her life. It didn’t work out that way though, but things rarely do.

Lynette couldn’t see back then the way Jose treated her. She wasn’t living with her parents when I first met her, and I’ve never known her to see them in all the years, I have known her. Whenever anyone mentioned her parents or family, Lynette would make up some excuse about not having any, which didn’t make sense to me.

Dad always commented on how she must have been a runaway because at sixteen she’d be in foster care or group home until she was eighteen. We even brought it up with Jose once. He just shrugged and told us that Lynette had a hard home life, that she lied to him about her age, making him think she was eighteen when he met her. Then Jose told us that he’d taken her from her home and brought her to Bardsville where her family wouldn’t find her in order to keep her safe from them.

Dad wanted to call the authorities and have her taken into the system because, to him, Jose was a child molester, and he wanted to kill him.

Mom forced us to talk to Lynette and make sure Jose hadn’t forced her to be with him. Lynette cried to my mother, sobbed her heart out. None of us were in the room because mom thought Lynette would find it easier to talk to a woman about what was going on in her life.

When mom came out of the room, red-eyed from crying, she told us Lynette was asleep on the couch, and we were never to bring up her past again. She wanted us to drop the whole thing and leave Lynette and Jose alone. I didn’t understand it, but Apollo told me if mom wanted us to leave it, then we were to leave it.

I know she told him everything after I’d gone home, but he never said anything to me about it. He did make sure we dropped the subject of Lynette’s past and calling the authorities though. However, he never stopped keeping an eye on Jose until the day he took off.

Lynette was such a happy, strong girl, even then. I watched her belly grow with the child she loved before it was even born. Lynette had more love for that baby than most women twice her age. I think, deep down, it was clear to us all the reason she loved her baby so much. Lynette had no one, and no one had ever given a damn about her. Her baby was hers, one person who would never let her down. The one person she could make proud and be proud of.

This cunt in front of me, stinkin’ of sweat and piss was no kind of man. He worked, sure, but he gave Lynette hardly any money to take care of her child. How was she supposed to keep a house running on no income? Sixteen years old, pregnant, and working two jobs to keep a roof over her head. How is that even normal?

I wouldn’t allow Lynette to pay for anything while she was living with Celia and me. I even tried to talk her out of working two jobs. I told her that she could go back to school to get her degree, a degree in anything she wanted, maybe work at the weekend. Lynette refused. She said she needed to save as much money as she could for her own place.

I never wanted Lynette to move out, to be honest, but I knew she had to. That’s why I bought the house next door and handed her the keys. I made sure she knew I didn’t want rent, all she needed to do was pay the bills and buy food. She worked so hard to make that place a home. Okay, the MC filled the house with any and all furniture she’d need. We even decorated the smaller bedroom for the baby, the baby who would want for nothing thanks to my parents and the women of the MC.

As I said, when Willow came along, I was the one there for her. I was the first man to hold that little girl. The first man to kiss her little head, the first man to tell her he loved her. I was the one who celebrated her first word, first steps, first birthday, first lost tooth.

Hell, I was the man who taught her to ride a bike, the man she ran to as a little girl when she’d hurt herself, or when she had a bad dream. I’m the man she calls Daddy. Ain’t nobody taking her away from me. I am her father, and I would die for her, not this piece of shit in front of me. The piece of shit who would slap her mother around whenever she so much as asked him something he didn't like.

The cunt even beat Lynette for asking why he wouldn’t want to be named on his own daughter’s birth certificate. Neither Celia or I saw Lynette for weeks. She kept herself locked inside her house with her daughter. She didn’t want anyone to see what Jose had done to her.

It wasn't ’til he took off that I found out what he’d really been putting her through the whole time they were together. Celia knew, she fuckin’ knew the whole damn time and kept it to herself. If I hadn’t beat the motherfucker before he left, I would have killed the bastard for the things he’d done!

It doesn’t matter now, though, Celia is gone, and any minute now, so will this cunt be.

“Tell me where she is!” I press the tip of the knife into his throat. Everyo

ne is silent all around me, but my ears are open to every sound of the woods, every breath my men take.

“I don’t know where she is. Stupid bitch stabbed me!” That’s my girl. “With a fuckin’ piece of wood! I hope she’s fuckin’ bleeding out as we speak!”

“What the fuck did you do to her!”

“Calm down, Jett.” He has every right to be pissed; he loves his mother. But this is my moment; no one’s taking this from me. I’ll show everyone what happens to those who touch what’s mine.

“Keep your dog on a leash!”

I push the tip of my knife into his eye socket. He screams as I dig out his fuckin’ eyeball. Blood and gunk gush from the socket. Ain’t no one ever said this was clean. Like I told you before, this shit is nothing like you see in the movies.

“Oh, god,”

I get a sick sense of satisfaction hearing his cries and pleas. I wonder if my Lynette cried and pleaded with him to stop whatever he was doing to her. There’s a rage inside of me that is burning and boiling like a goddamn volcano about to erupt!

“You have three seconds to tell me what the fuck you did to my wife, or I’ll tear you limb from limb. I’ll keep you alive long enough to feel every damn slice of your skin, every break in your bones, every damn thing I’ll do to you.”

“You fuckin’ stupid cunt! I don’t know where the bitch is. She took off after she stabbed me.” He’s lying, I can see it in his eye!


“I ain’t in the mood for your bullshit, Jose!”

“I may have... cut the bitch before she ran.”

Ever felt true anger? Real hate? That’s what I feel right now. All the men I have killed in my life couldn’t amount to the hatred I have for this man.

There’s a gurgling, gasping, clicking sound. I can hear it all around me. It's a ghostly, tormented sound, the sound of some poor creature slowly dying. There’s a warmth on my face like water. It’s on my hands and my throat. It’s only when I feel a hand on my shoulder do I realize its blood that’s all over me. Blood from Jose’s now mangled, misshapen, dead body.