Where does the time go?

“I’m sorry to hear about Apollo. I’ll miss him.” We all will.

“How long you here for?” I don’t mean to be sharp with her, but I’m not myself right now. It makes me wonder how Lynette has been putting up with me.

“Depends. Mom and Dad stayed in Cali with Cindy, but I wanted to come home for a while. I’m staying with an old school friend while I’m here.”

I nod slightly. Its good to know she’s got something sorted

“So, I heard you married Lynette. I always knew you were destined to be together.” She giggles to herself. I don’t say anything, ain’t like it’s a secret in this town that Lynette’s my wife. “Haven’t you missed me at all, Number two?”

I chuckle and climb off my bike. It has been eight years, and Coral is still calling me Number two. Number two because she always said that I was like a father to her. She told me if there was ever anyone who could love her as much as her own father it was me.

She was right, I’ve always loved her as my own. Coral left around the time I lost my Nova. It honestly felt like I lost two daughters that day, and I’ve mourned them both since. Coral grew up in the house across the street with her parents and little sister. She was best friends with Jett and Tank, and they loved her as much as I did. They missed her when she went away. She’s Tank's age, a few months older than Jett, who’s still twenty.

“I’ve missed you as much as I’ve missed Nova all these years, Sunflower.” She smiles at the name. I used to call her Sunflower because she was always smiling, always brightening up a bad day or any room she entered.

“I’m sorry you haven’t been able to find her. I heard how you’d had no joy.”

“I’ll find her one day, Sunflower, don’t you worry about that.” She nods slightly. “How’ve you been since...?” I tip my head, she knows what I mean, and from the look on her face, it still hurts her.

I did what I thought was right for Coral. She gave birth at thirteen years of age. Her parents didn’t want the child in their lives because all it did was remind them of the horrors their little girl suffered, and she really did suffer. My brother did unspeakable things to that little girl.

I will never believe what I did for Coral and the little girl I forced her to give up to be wrong. They both needed taking care of, and I made damn sure that baby went to a good family, one who would give her everything she needed in life. Until she's of age to find her birth mother that is. Doesn’t stop me feeling guilty, in any case.

BlackJack and I were there the day Coral’s mother forced her to hand the baby over. She’d been so happy to tell me all about the little girl she adored. Broke my heart to watch her hand that child over to me. There were tears, but even at that tender age, she knew it was for the best.

I have sworn to make sure Coral is safe for the rest of her life. I will kill any man who dares hurt her, and that includes my men. I will rip them limb from limb if they come near her, just as I would if she were Nova or Willow.

“Since I handed my little girl over to strangers?” I lean my ass back against my bike, one foot over the other, arms crossed over my chest. “I’ve been doing okay.” She tucks her hands into the pockets of her jeans, shrugging her shoulders. “I miss her every day, but I know she’s better off with them.

“I did well in school. Passed every exam I ever took. I graduated top of my class and got into a good college. It seems I have a knack for numbers. I graduated early with my master’s degree.”

I’m stunned. I always knew Coral was smart but damn... “I’m proud of you, Sunflower. You didn’t let it break you.”

“Nothing could break me, Shepard. I’m strong.”

“That you are. Now get the hell over here and hug me.” She laughs and runs at me. I catch her and hug her tightly. Holding Coral feels like I'm embracing my daughter somehow.

“Daddy, who is this?”

I let go of Coral and lift VJ in my arms. Coral’s eyes are shining with laughter. I haven’t seen that look in her eyes since she was a little girl. The little girl who once sat astride my bike and refused to get down, while telling me not to be such a grump. It’s nice to see.

“Who’s this handsome young man?” She asks.

“I’m VJ. I just had my sixth birthday. This is my daddy.” With his arms around my neck, he presses his cheek against mine. You might be able to tell that VJ is a Daddy's boy. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Coral. It’s so very nice to meet you, VJ.” He giggles. “I had no idea you had another son.”

“I’ve got two. Max is inside somewhere.”

“VJ and Max.” Coral mumbles more to herself than anything. “He looks just like you.”

“That’s what my mommy says. Jett and Maxy look like Daddy too, huh, Daddy?”

I smile and kiss his cheek. “That’s right,” The truth is, all three of my boys do look just like me. Max even got confused for Jett’s kid last week. It had us all laughing. Apart from Max, who promptly told everyone that Jett was his brother, Shepard is his daddy.

“She’s sexy, Daddy,” Yeah, VJ loves the ladies. God help us when he’s older. He’ll be leaving broken hearts all over the damn place.

“Oh, my god! He’s such a charmer. He is so Jett’s brother!” Coral is laughing so hard, I can’t help laughing with her.

“Someone mention my name?”

Coral spins on the spot, eyes wide, smile on her face as she watches Jett jogging towards us. She runs toward him, jumping into his arms, kissing his cheek, talking a mile a minute. Then she spots Tank, and its bedlam between them.

I chuckle to myself. It’s nice to see the three of them together again after all these years. Just as long as they keep their hands off of Coral, I won’t have to cut them off.

Chapter Fourteen


Mamma? You have been sick.” That’s twice Max has seen me throw up today. I’m starting to think I have food poisoning. I’ve got a fever, and I’m shaking all over. I think I may have gotten sick at the club party the other night. I had a lot to drink, and I’ve been feeling off ever since.

I’ve managed to keep on going over the days following, but I have to admit, I’m struggling a little today. All I want to do is sleep, but I can’t do that with two little boys to take care of. Plus, I have Willow’s high school graduation today. I wouldn’t miss that for anything.

I’m just hoping Shepard, and his boys don’t turn up looking like thugs. They all love Willow and want to be there for her big day, but I’m hoping they don’t stand out like a sore thumb. If they’ve listened to me, they’ll be in suits. Okay, they’ll never look like businessmen, but at least they won’t look like biker criminals. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ashamed of them, and they shouldn’t have to change for anyone. However, this is a big day for Willow, and I want everything to be perfect for her.

“I’m okay, Maxy. You look so handsome, little man.” He really does in that little suit and tie. I want the boys to look good for their big sister, just as I want everyone else to look good. Max giggles when I kiss his little head, and he clutches his teddy bear harder. Never lets that thing out of his sight. Where VJ seems more grown up, wanting to be like his father, doesn’t want to cuddle with Mommy for long, Max is still very much a little boy in every way. I love that he is. Max will sit on the couch with me, cuddling while watching Disney. He’ll still crawl into bed with me just because he needs his mommy.

When VJ crawls into my bed, which isn’t often these days, it’s to cuddle with his Dad. I’m not petty, don’t get me wrong, but I miss those moments when VJ needed his mommy the most.

Sounds stupid, right? I guess I hate that he’s growing up so quickly.

Watching my daughter standing on that stage as she graduates has me in tears. I can’t believe how quickly she’s grown. Eighteen years old, graduating, and starting college to become a teacher. I am so proud of her.

As soon as the speeches are over, Willow comes

running over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and laughing excitedly. She looks beautiful in her tight white dress under her gown. Shepard wasn’t too pleased to see Willow dressed this way, he said Willow would draw the eye of every man here. He was right, but I won’t let even him dictate what she wears. My daughter is beyond beautiful, and she’s not stupid, I’ve raised her to respect herself and her body. I want Willow to let her beauty shine, and never be ashamed of it. She’s curvy in all the right places, stunningly beautiful, and yes, I am biased, but it’s the truth. I want Willow to know that she has the right to be proud of her femininity. She’s a smart girl and won’t just go jumping into bed with any man that smiles at her.

“I’m so proud of you,” I whisper in Willow’s ear, hoping she feels the conviction of my words. “Thank you, Mom.”