Page 79 of Sweet Nothing

“I haven’t seen her all night,” Michaels assured me. I muttered a thank-you and hung up my phone, my mind reeling with worry.

I quickly dialed Quinn, pacing the floor as it rang three excruciatingly long times.

“Are you guys fighting again?”

“Quinn, Christ, Avery left for a drive to clear her head and she hasn’t come back. It’s been four hours and she won’t answer her phone.”

“Calm down. I’m sure she’s just driving around and lost track of time.”

“You saw how she was. What if she got a flat tire and her cell is dead? What if she got in an accident?”

“Did you call the hospital?”

“Yeah.” I chewed on my thumb, continuing to pace. “Michaels took her shift, and she would have told me if Avery got brought in.”

“What about the police?” His voice was more cautious.

“And tell them I got in a fight with my wife and now she won’t come back to me? They’ll laugh in my face.”

“Tell them …” His voice lowered. “Tell them about her mental state. Tell them you have reason to be concerned for her safety.”

I sank down on the couch, my head resting in my palm. “She’s not that bad,” I lied to myself.

“You can’t protect her if you continue lying for her, Josh. It may upset her, but it is what’s best.”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me, and swallowed against the lump in my throat.

“You have to do this, Josh. It’s what’s best for Penny.”

“I know,” I whispered. I lowered the phone from my ear, hitting the END button with tears in my eyes. Everything was falling apart so quickly.

Avery would never forgive me for this, but I had to choose between her safety and our marriage, and her safety had to come first.

My fingers shook as I dialed the emergency number, pacing the floor once more. Explaining the situation to the operator, I prayed I was overreacting and Avery would walk through the door. As we spoke, my phone beeped, and I pulled it from my ear to see Avery’s name and a picture of her face splash across the screen.

“I have to go. It’s my wife,” I huffed out in a panic and switched the call. Avery’s voice sounded distant and muffled as if she’d called me by accident, and I couldn’t make out what she was saying.

“Avery? Can you hear me? Where are you?”

“What happened?” she asked.

Another voice responded but faded in and out. “You pulled out into the intersection in front of a semi.” The call broke up. “The cars were a mangled mess.”

“Avery? Baby? I’m coming. I’ll be right there.” My body was on autopilot while I hurried around the apartment, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on before hurrying down the stairs and out the front door.

“You have to tell them. I’m not crazy!” Her voice was panicked and I felt helpless not being by her side.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m on my way. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I reassured her, pressing the start button on the Durango.

“What happened to Penny?”

“Who’s Penny?” the other voice asked.

“Our baby. Josh’s and mine. I was thirty-one weeks pregnant, Deb. Did I lose her? Did they take her away?”

“Avery? Answer me. Did you say Penny?” I mumbled, tears now blurring the road ahead.

“Avery? Can you hear me? I’m coming!” My stomach twisted again. She was with Deb, but where? I slammed on the brakes as the light on the desolate road turned red. My fingers readjusted their grip on the steering wheel while I waited for it to switch back to green. She had to be at the hospital.

“Stop it!” she said. Her voice was panicked, and I was praying I’d get to hold her in my arms soon. “You’re lying!”

When the light changed, I stepped on the gas. Rain began to fall in a fine mist. With little traffic on the road, I was able to speed through the hills.

“Tell them. I’m so afraid,” she cried.

“Don’t be scared, baby,” I yelled out as I pushed down the gas pedal. “I’m coming. I swear I am coming to get you!”

“Josh! Josh!”

The line went dead, and I clutched the phone in my palm, praying she would call me back.

Just a few minutes later, I was pulling into the emergency room, parking my SUV near the ambulance bay. I rushed through the doors, barely able to catch my breath.

The lobby was filled with old men and sick children, but I didn’t see my wife. “Avery?” I choked out.

The receptionist waved to me from behind her desk. “Josh? Everything okay?”

“Angie,” I said, relieved to see a familiar face. “Avery called me. I think she’s here. I think she’s hurt. Is she here?”

“Take a breath, Josh,” Angie said. Her voice was too calm, only making me more afraid.

“Josh!” I spun around to see Ashton holding a clipboard in her hand. “I was just about to call you. Avery’s here.”

“Is she all right? What happened?”

“She took a turn too fast and rolled her car. She was wearing a seat belt, but …”

I only waited a couple of seconds for her to find the words. I didn’t care about tact; I wanted to know if my wife was okay. “But what? Ashton, fucking tell me!”

“She’s stable. Dr. Weaver just left, but she’ll be back. Dr. Rosenberg has ordered her something for the pain.

“What about Penny?”