Ceren froze. He was so close I could hear him breathing, remarkably slow and steady. Whatever was happening, he wasn’t frightened. But I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming when something pale and slimy dragged itself out of the water. Ceren pounced on it so suddenly I jumped.

“Quick!” he called to one of his servants. “Bring me a knife. This one’s fat enough to serve for dinner.”

The creature wriggled in his grip. It was nearly half Ceren’s size, with a long tail and tiny eyes.

“What is it?” the boy asked as the other man handed Ceren his knife.

“Have you never seen an Ilarean cave salamander, boy?” Ceren asked. “They’re considered a delicacy. Sadly, most of the giant ones have been killed off by now. But it’s entirely possible they’ve been swimming just inches from you, and you never even knew it. Lucky for you, they’re blind.”

He took the knife and sawed off the salamander’s head without bothering to kill it first. I’d killed and gutted more than my share of fish, but there was something about the way Ceren hacked away at the body, with no skill or regard to providing a clean, quick death, that made my stomach roil.

When he’d finished, Ceren dropped the knife and told the servants to deal with the body. He crouched down at the water’s edge not three feet from where I stood behind the stalagmite. I was holding my breath, but with my heart racing and fear coursing through me, I wouldn’t last more than a couple of minutes. Ceren calmly rinsed his hands in the light of the lantern. There was an obscene amount of blood, and he was taking his time.

Finally, when I thought my lungs would burst, I exhaled as quietly as I could. Slowly, Ceren’s head began to turn. I ducked farther back into the shadows, cursing myself for following him down here. You’re going to die in this stupid cave! The salamanders will have your bones for breakfast!

My eyes were shut tight as I waited to be discovered. But several moments later, I heard the scritch-scritch of Ceren’s robes again. When I opened my eyes, he was moving away from me, back toward the entrance of the cave. I was about to collapse with relief when he began to sing in a quiet, surprisingly lovely voice.

“Beware the lionfish, my dear. Beware the fish that’s made of stone. Beware sweet nothings in your ear...” His voice trailed off as he left the cave.

When enough time had passed, I fumbled my way back through the dark. What a fool I’d been to think I could come to Ilara and spy on anyone. Ceren was too intelligent, and I was far too naive. He’d probably seen me when the moth flew into my hair and let me follow just to toy with me. I wondered if killing the salamander had also been for my benefit. The memory of the blood on his white skin and the fear of being caught overwhelmed me, and I stopped to vomit up the remains of my dinner in an alcove.

It was brighter here, at least, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I passed a guard. I wasn’t alone anymore. I finally reached a familiar hallway and hurried back to my bedroom, where I found Ebb asleep on the little settee in the corner.

I roused her gently. “I’m sorry, Ebb. I got lost,” I said as she blinked and sat up.

“Milady!” she gasped, her expression filled with relief. “I came back to check on you, and you were gone. I was so worried. Are you all right?”

I wanted to shake my head and collapse into her arms, but I forced a smile. “I’m fine. The mountain can be very confusing in the dark.”

“I understand. I’ll draw you a map later. I don’t like walking alone down below, and I’ve been living here for years. I know the rumors about Mount Ayris are just fairy stories, but sometimes they get in my head and I scare myself silly.”

“What rumors?” I asked as she helped me into bed.

She glanced at me from the corner of her eye, her mouth twisted in a grin. “It’s silly, milady. But they say that thousands of years ago, there were giants, great big men and women who shook the ground when they walked. The god Theale was angry that the giants were destroying his creations, so one night, when they lay down to sleep, he turned them all to stone. They say the giants’ blood froze in their veins and became the bloodstones that used to be mined from the mountain.”

“Bloodstones?” I asked. Now that the adrenaline had drained out of me, I realized how exhausted I was. My eyelids were growing heavy under the soothing tones of Ebb’s voice.

“Beautiful red jewels with magical properties. They were said to make the wearer so powerful, she could command armies to certain death if she chose. But over the years, people grew greedy and stripped the mines bare. Countless wars were fought over the remaining jewels. Here, in Mount Ayris, the mines were flooded by the Bloody Queen Ebbeela to end the fighting once and for all. I’m named after her, you know. Well, I’m named after Saint Ebbeela, as she came to be known after her death.”

“The Bloody Queen?” I asked incredulously. “How could she possibly earn a sainthood?”

“She was actually a very wise, fair ruler. After the mines were destroyed, she paid off the kingdom’s debts and Ilara prospered during her reign. She earned the ‘bloody’ part of her title after she had her son killed. But history hasn’t been kind to him—they say he was unwell in the head, milady, and she didn’t trust him to rule.”

Her words sounded far away, like I was halfway in a dream already. “Where are all the bloodstones now?”

“Gone, milady. Scattered to the edges of the world. They say there was once power in the blood of men, but we abused that power, and the gods took it back.”

In my semiconscious state, the words bloodstone and blood coral began to muddle. The idea that they were in some way the same was the last thought that struck me before I fell asleep.


I was sure Ceren had seen me in the cave, and I waited for him to acknowledge it at dinner the following night, but he greeted me with the same cursory bow as usual. He wore a loose burgundy tunic, unbuttoned at the throat to reveal several inches of his pale, smooth chest, and a black leather belt at his waist with a knife tucked into it.

“I believe I mentioned a possible excursion outside the mountain,” he said as he forked a wobbly bite of reddish-brown meat into his mouth. “Beef liver,” he said, noticing my expression. “It’s said to improve one’s health.”

I’d never much cared for meat, but the way it was served raw and bloody here in New Castle had put me off it completely. Particularly now that I’d seen Ceren’s butchering skills. For all I knew, he was eating salamander liver. “Are you unwell?” I asked.

His gray eyes flashed to mine. “Do I look unwell to you?”

“No, of course not. Just a little pale perhaps.”