Twitch was my cult leader. I was his whore. And I liked his lessons, the ones where he taught me that uncomfortable could be a wondrous thing. I was his fearless student, so eager to learn. So eager to please.

Looking me in the eye, he searched my face a second before he reclined marginally, and ordered, “Get to work.”

I shuffled forward until the most desperate parts of us met, and although my panties were an inconvenience, they didn’t stop me from feeling his throbbing heat. As I ground against him with my bound hands in front of me, obediently, I watched his face change. He fought himself, and every time he did, the power I felt inside me grew a notch.

Without meaning to, with every harsh breath, with every mar of his brow, he made me a dangerous woman.

I worked him slowly but firmly, rocking against him until I thought I might come. My face bunched, and when I accidentally released a small whine, my eyes snapped open and I bit my lip.

His hard eyes on me, he put his hand to my collarbone, resting his hand uncomfortably close to my neck. “I must’ve been hearing things.” He watched me, his gaze unwavering. “You say something?”

I shook my head and, taking in a shuddering breath, licked my lips.

The hand at my collarbone loosened and he stroked the side of my neck with his thumb. “I thought not.”

Without warning, he reached under me and tugged my panties to the side. Holding his cock in his hands, he ran the head of him across my slit, gliding through the silky wetness there, and my breathing quickened. He spread my ass cheeks, the head of him slipping inside me easily.

My breath caught, and I wanted to moan so badly that I bit my tongue hard enough to bleed. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe he’d give me a second chance. He was being extremely generous by letting the first one slide. Another fuck up and I wouldn’t come. And that would be tragic.

Twitch closed his eyes, looking pained, then groaned out quietly, “Fuck.”

Suddenly high on the feeling of our sex, Twitch lifted my bound hands up over his head, lowering them onto his shoulders, and as he gripped my hip with his free hand, he growled, “Eyes on me.”

The hand at my neck tightened. My eyes widened only momentarily before he thrust into me, pulling me down into him as he drove into me mercilessly. And when my eyes began to droop, a light slap to my jaw had me focusing on him. He shook his head, gritting his teeth as I bounced on him. “I said eyes on me.”

He fucked me ruthlessly, the hand at my neck beginning to constrict my breathing. Not enough to choke me, but just enough to make me uncomfortable. And when I felt myself losing the battle for composure, the hand at my neck came up to grip my chin. Leaning in, he pressed his face to my cheek and talked dirty.

The filthy whispered words were all I could bear. “That pretty pussy got me close, baby. She’s beggin’ for it,” he panted lightly, holding my hips down as he drove into me over and over again. “She’s hungry. Wants to be fed. And when I finally feed the cunt, she’s gonna suck it all up like she’s dying of hunger and I’m the only thing she can stomach.” His black gaze met mine, gripping my chin tightly before pressing his firm lips to my lax ones, stealing a kiss. “Because I am.”

The confidence in his tone indicated he spoke no lies.

And with those words, I was shot.

He pulled my trigger. And I tipped my head back, my mouth rounding, and expired.

My body constricted so severely I shook from head to toe, and when the first spasm took me, I gasped out loud, no longer able to keep my promise of silence. My arms tightened around his neck, and as I rode out my orgasm, Twitch rode me. Hard. His hands on my hips, he pulled me down on his cock repeatedly, the wet squelching sounding too loud in the otherwise silent room. As he used my body as his own personal pleasure device, I watched as the vein in his temple bulged when he brought me down, again and again, my tits firmly pressed into his chest.

Feeling his release nearing, my lips parted, and I whispered, “Give it to me.”

His face screwed up and the hands at my hips dug into my skin so hard I knew my skin was marked.

Leaning in, I spoke against his lips. “Feed her.”

His head fell back a moment before he put his forehead to mine, his eyes raging. “You want it?”

“I want it,” I huffed.

He gritted his teeth, slowing his thrusts. “You need it?”

Was he crazy?

Did I need it?

Fuck, yes, I needed it.

Panting lightly, I responded in the only way I could. My face soft, I breathed the words into him. “I love you.”

And that was that.

Twitch put his hand to the back of my head and pulled me impossibly close, slamming his mouth to mine. I kissed him fanatically as he grunted into my mouth, his cock jerking, and I felt him spill himself inside of me.

Minutes passed and his hard touch gentled, stroking me everywhere he could reach, and when he lifted his heavy gaze from my shoulder, he brought my hands down between us, loosening them from the tight bindings. The moment they were free, he took my wrists in his hands and stroked them tenderly with his thumbs before taking my left hand and bringing it to his mouth.

When he closed his eyes, I put my hand to his chest, feeling the steady thumping of his heart, and the words he spoke made my heart respond in kind. “Far as everyone else is concerned—” He pressed another kiss to my hand. “—there may as well be a ring on this finger.” He watched for my reaction, and when he didn’t get one, he prompted, “You feel me?”

My heart both warmed and ached instantaneously, but I trusted my gut, when I whispered, “I feel you.”

I didn’t realize he was apprehensive until he released a long breath, replying on an exhale, “Good.” His gaze fell to my lips. “Now kiss me, baby.”

So I did. I kissed him long and hard, my tongue sweeping out to meet his, and he held me to him almost as if he was as frightened of losing me as I was him.

Our love was insane. Like smiling into the face of a firing squad.


Why were we like this?

The answer soon revealed itself.

Because living without each other was not a life worth living.

Yes, we were crazy. And that was okay.

He would be my remedy. I would be his therapy.

Because we were crazy in love.




The next morning, when the little monster barged into my room and found his father in my bed, he growled, “You had another sleepover?”

My laughter shook the bed, and when the man at my back snuffled out a laugh into my hair, I snorted.


s child. I couldn’t even deal.

It was too early for this.

I lifted my head and yawned. “Morning, sweetie.”

He stood at the foot of the bed, looking mad as a bag of cats at a greyhound meet, and when he folded his arms across his chest, my eyes widened. He muttered, “It’s not fair. How come Daddy gets to sleep in here? Why can’t he sleep with me?”

To that, his daddy responded a sleep rough, “You wanna sleepover, little dude? All right then.” The arm he had around me tightened as he stretched. “How about you come sleep at my place tonight and we’ll do...” he grumbled, half asleep. “I don’t know. Manly shit.”

A.J.’s face turned shocked then morphed into disbelief before settling on pure excitement. He put his arms up in the air, and yelled out, “Yes!” before hightailing it out of the room, running down the hall, and—if I wasn’t mistaken—he was already in his room packing a bag.

I spoke into the silent room. “What about Mommy? Is she invited to the manly sleepover?”

Twitch reached up under the covers and squeezed my breast. “Nope. Sorry, Mommy. Only boys allowed.”

I feigned upset. “Oh, no, whatever shall I do?”

He moved my hair to the side, pressing a long kiss to my neck. “Keep backin’ that ass up and I’mma fuck you into next week.”


The dirty talk never failed to excite me. And when I accidentally—on purpose—pressed my ass back into his morning wood, he hissed out, “Jesus. You don’t know when to quit, baby.” He made a growling sound deep in his chest, before he warned, “Stop.”

I pouted. “Okay.” Reaching for my robe, I slipped it over my naked body, tying it around my waist before picking up Twitch’s boxers and putting them within arm’s reach. He watched me pick clean underwear, and when I looked through my closet, pulling out a plain black dress, he made a noise.

Twisting back, I blinked. “You don’t like it?”

He made a face that said he did not.

Why did that matter to me?

I put the dress back, and when I pulled out a tan-colored, knee-length dress with a pencil skirt, he pursed his lips in approval.