Page 25 of Man and Master

“Damn you!” Joshua snarled. He had his fists bunched like hammers; the muscles in his chest and forearms swollen and strained. The thickly corded muscles in his neck bulging like rope. His eyes were red with his rage. “Fine! You want training, Gabriele? You want to experience submission tonight? Then that’s what you’re going to get,” he growled with menace and ominous threat. “Get into the training room, right now! I want you bent over the table waiting for me.”

Joshua stormed out of the room in a towering impotent rage, sweeping through the house like a tornado.

Gabriele got to her feet. She was overwrought and trembling, her knees barely able to support her weight. She clutched at the cold tiled wall for support and then walked to the training room like she was on her way to the gallows.

When Joshua came into the training room, Gabriele was folded over the tabletop, with her cheek turned to the cold wood so that she could see him in the doorway. She had her arms stretched out across the table, and her legs spread, feet flat on the floor. Joshua’s eyes were narrowed, his expression terrible. His hands were bunched into fists, clenching and re-clenching with the force of his pent-up frustration. He paused in the threshold for a long moment and the intensity of his gaze made Gabriele quail. There was no kindness in his features; no hint of compassion. Gabriele let out the breath she had been holding. She licked her lips. She could taste the salt of her own dried tears.

Joshua closed the door with a slam that made her flinch.

“Spread your legs wider, damn it!” His first words were an accusing snarl. “You’ve been shown the pose before. How many times does it take for you to learn?”

Gabriele widened her stance. Joshua circled her like a prowling lion. He passed out of her vision and instinctively she felt her whole body clench tight as if anticipating a blow from his hand.

Joshua snatched up a length of rope from the table and carried it in his hand like a whip. The cord was soft nylon, perhaps four feet long. He swished it lightly across Gabriele’s naked back like the flicking restless tail of a big jungle cat. She gasped from the unexpected sensation. Her shoulders were knotted with her tension, and the strain on her straightened legs was beginning to make them ache and tremble.

Joshua drew the length of rope across Gabriele’s back a second time, and then came to stand hard behind her. His hips thrust against her so forcefully that the table was pushed an inch forward. Without a word Joshua seized her hands and clamped them behind her back. He took the rope and quickly bound her wrists. Gabriele closed her eyes. Joshua’s knots were not tight. There was no pain or pinching of her flesh. She was bound and restrained but not too tightly that the flow of blood to her fingers was inhibited. He wanted her helpless… not hurting.

When the knot was secure, Joshua fisted his hand into the hair at the nape of Gabriele’s neck. She grimaced and squeezed her eyes tight. Joshua lifted her face off the table so that her neck was drawn taught. Gabriele’s mouth fell open.

“Listen to me,” Joshua said with menace. “No man is ever going to want you as their submissive until you learn to perform a lot better than you have. No Master needs some fucking stupid little girl for a slave. Any real Master is going to want a woman; a real woman who knows how to fuck and to suck, and to swallow. I don’t think you measure up.”

“I’ll try harder, Master,” Gabriele rasped obediently. The strain of her position made the words hoarse in her throat.

“Trying isn’t good enough,” Joshua sneered. “So you’re either going to have to abandon your submission, or else I’ll make you learn the art of sexual pleasure at the hands of strangers. Maybe I’ll start whoring you out on a street corner. Perhaps that way you can learn how to use your pussy for pleasure and your mouth properly. Maybe I’ll just invite random guys over here each night and let them take turns at fucking you until I think you’ve got enough skill to satisfy a Master,” he lied maliciously, desperate to find some weakness as a lever to frighten Gabriele away.

“Yes, Master,” Gabriele wheezed. “I’ll fuck as many strange men as you want to me to in order to learn how to please a man. I’ll do everything you ask of me to train my pussy and my mouth.”

Joshua let go of Gabriele’s hair and wheeled away, shaking his head with incredulous despair. He believed her.


Joshua had never encountered a woman with such a committed sense of purpose.

He tried again, fashioning another threat even more terrible, and through the lie he came to stand before her so he could watch her face and read her expression for the slightest sign of fear or panic.

“And after you’ve been fucked by a couple of hundred strangers and sucked so many cocks that you’ve lost count, I’ll start to make some money off you. I know there is demand for pretty whores, and I’m sure you could make a fortune for a clever Master by laying on your back at seedy hotel parties.”

“If that’s what I need to do to be properly trained, Master, I will do it willingly,” Gabriele said. Her face was somber, her eyes glistening with the passion of a zealot, her expression devoted and resolute. She knew in her heart that Joshua would never give her body to another man for training. He was simply too proud – too alpha – to ever consider such a notion.

Joshua felt her determination like a solid brick wall he was pounding himself hopelessly against. Her voice hadn’t faltered; her earnestness shone through undaunted.

He drifted out of her vision and wrung his hands in rising panic. Gabriele had enough commitment to carry them both through the rest of her training no matter how reluctant and reticent Joshua was to continue.

“Get on your knees!” Joshua snapped in desperation.

Gabriele slid off the table with her hands still bound and got awkwardly down on the carpet, struggling to keep her balance. Joshua stalked her.

“Knees wider, God damn it!”

Gabriele shuffled her knees apart dutifully.

“And straighten your back!”


ele obeyed.

“Open your mouth wider.”

Gabriele tried.


Gabriele tried harder. Her eyes were beginning to mist with tears. She sniffled bravely and kept her gaze fixed as a statue on the blank wall before her. Joshua stood to one side and reached down to clamp one of her breasts in his hand. He squeezed firmly until her nipple grew erect and pushed between his fingers.

“Tell me what you are,” Joshua barked.

“Your submissive.”

“And will you be a whore for me?”

“Yes. Anything you want.”

“Will you be a tight wet hole for me to fuck?”

“Yes. Gladly, Master. I’m completely yours.”

“But what if I don’t want you?”

“Then I’ll wait, Master. You own me.”

Joshua felt his shoulders slump. Gabriele began to sob. It wasn’t Joshua’s touch that brought her to tears, and it wasn’t that she was bound. It was the tone of his voice; the anger and suppressed rage that trembled his every word.

“I hate you,” Joshua lied. His voice broke.

“I love you, Master,” Gabriele didn’t believe him. The kiss spoke the truth.

“Don’t say that! I don’t want you,” Joshua muttered.

“It’s true. I love you, and you’re all I have.”

“I want you to leave,” the words were a whisper.

“I will be here to serve and obey you always.”

There was a light in Gabriele’s eyes; a look that was deep beyond Joshua’s understanding. She gazed at him in an adoring way that not even Jan had looked at him. He felt a thread in his mind unravel, the fabric of his resentment begin to fray. Gabriele’s face melted like wax and reformed into an image of Jan, then reformed as herself. It all happened in the blink of an eye; the single beat of his heart.

But the effect was profound.

Joshua stepped away and slumped against the nearest wall. He was breathing deeply as though he had run a great distance. He sighed in silent defeat.

“Come back tomorrow night,” he heard the dry rasp of his capitulation in his own ears. “I’ll train you until you are prepared and ready to find your own Master.”