Page 28 of Man and Master

Joshua felt like fire in her hand; the flesh of his cock so hot that it seemed to burn her fingers. Gabriele licked her lips. Her eyes were huge and hectic.

Joshua clamped his grip around her wrist and lifted it away from his cock. Gabriele groaned a pained whimper of frustration.

“Go back to the training room,” Joshua’s own voice had become thick, the look on his face acutely strained. “I’ll deal with your disobedience when I have finished showering.”

Despite the impending cloud of retribution that hung over her like a guillotine blade poised to fall, Gabriele knelt on the training room floor replaying in minute fascinated detail every brief moment she had spent caressing Joshua’s hard cock in the bathroom.

She remembered how hard he had been, and it gave her a swelling uplift of hope. His hardness had been a measure of his desire for her, and that reassured her. The heat of him had shocked her – but not so much as the sheer size and thickness of his cock. She could see it clearly in her mind, and she obsessed over it as though it were something to be adored.

She licked her lips and imagined Joshua sliding himself into her mouth; the battering ram of him forcing and stretching her as he pushed himself across her tongue and against the back of her throat. Her mouth filled with saliva, just as her pussy swam with wetness at the fantasy of him fucking her. She could only guess at the thrill of those sensations as she opened herself wide to him, and his insistent demand that she give him even more. She tried to capture the sensations of having him deep between her spread legs, and the wonder of feeling gloriously stretched around his shaft as the first tremors of orgasm gripped her. The fantasy made Gabriele tremble and shudder with voluptuous anticipation.

Joshua toweled himself dry and stood for long moments naked and uncertain while the steam in the bathroom slowly began to dissipate. He thought about Gabriele waiting for him in the training room, and he thought too about the softness of her fleeting touch along the length of his cock. Her fingers had been a salve to the fire of his desire; not enough to take away the ache for her, but enough to cool his ardor – for the moment.

But what should he do now?

Joshua had planned a session of dull-but-necessary instructional lectures; a way to gradually overcome the lingering brittle tension of the previous night, and ease them back towards being comfortable and trusting in each other’s presence. Gabriele’s impulsive entry into the bathroom had derailed his plans entirely.

He was still conflicted about what had happened. He had admonished himself in the shower for exposing himself… but he was man enough, and realistic enough, to know that it had been inevitable. He had concealed that certainty from himself for days, but now it was upon him, there seemed no alternative but to move Gabriele’s training to a sexual level. That realization troubled Joshua deeply. His resolve was melting like wax against the flame of his sexual attraction to her.

Joshua’s thoughts lost all coherence as his mind veered off into fantasy. He wanted Gabriele with a fierce hunger that was growing impossible to reject or conceal. He was sure it blazed in his eyes every time she met his gaze. He was sure too, that his lust was primal and selfish – yet it was undeniable. To resist it was counter to every virile fiber of his being. He was a man; she was a woman. The attraction between them was mutual.

His conflicted emotions and moral code were the only barriers, and oh, how Gabriele had shaken the foundations of every defense he had buttressed himself behind!

She seemed to sense his weaknesses and his desires, subverting every one of his elaborate emotional defenses with her innocence, her earnestness, and her guileless childlike honesty. She was so lacking in cunning, so devoid of sexual art that Joshua found her fascinatingly irresistible.

She was his for the taking, and yet still he fought the trapping snares as though to surrender without a greater fight would somehow betray Jan’s memory, and diminish all that they once had.

Gabriele went rigid with tension when Joshua came into the training room. She had been fantasizing still about the thrill of seeing him naked. His sudden appearance in the door chased those visions away and brought her attention slamming back to the consequences of her actions.

Joshua had changed into clean jeans and a pale blue shirt. “Spread your knees wider,” Joshua’s tone was brusque and no-nonsense.

Gabriele scurried to obey.

“And straighten your back.”

Gabriele blocked out everything she had been thinking, and forced her mind into empty space. She closed her eyes, pulled back her shoulders and opened her mouth. After a moment – recalling the size and thickness of Joshua’s cock with an unbidden interrupted flash across her mind – she widened her mouth until her jaw ached.

“Better,” Joshua gruffed.

He walked a slow circle around her and finally crouched down on his haunches beside where she knelt. Gabriele opened her eyes but didn’t dare turn her head. She stared fixedly in front of her. Joshua was close. With absolute authority he reached between Gabriele’s legs and swiped the palm of his hand across the mound of her sex through the fabric of her panties.

“Your tight little pussy is going to get you into trouble,” Joshua warned her. “First, because you can’t control your urges, and second because you don’t know how to use it properly.” In the silence after he spoke, he began to tease the lips of her sex. Gabriele’s panties were damp and warm with her juices. His fingers slid across the slippery folds, pressing the wet fabric into the natural deep creases of her body. Gabriele gave a little gasp. Her eyes fluttered. She clamped her lips tight together to stifle a moan.

“Do you understand what I am saying?” Joshua’s question sounded like a taunt.

“Yes, Master,” Gabriele whispered.

“Until you know how to fuck properly… why you’re fucking… and when you should be ready to fuck – you know nothing at all,” Joshua’s voice was rising as he let a little of his anger bubble to the surface. “Just spreading your legs and laying on a bed like a dead body isn’t going to please any Master, let alone any man,” Joshua went on. “You’ve got to learn the skills of giving pleasure, and everything that goes on in a man’s mind. It’s the only way you’re going to be worthwhile in the bedroom.”

“I understand, Master,” Gabriele responded.

Joshua got to his feet. “I hope your little bathroom stunt was worth it…” his tone turned ominous, “…because it’s going to cost you a full month without an orgasm.”

Despite herself, Gabriele’s head shot around, and her eyes went wide at the dreadful severity of the punishment. “A month?”

“Yes,” Joshua growled. “Another thirty days without coming, and while I have you here, I’m going to ensure that every minute is such a sexual torture that you’ll be climbing the walls with frustration.”

“But Master!” Gabriele was truly fearful. She couldn’t last much longer without the relief of an orgasm. It had only been a few days, but already she was irritable and frustrated. The punishment was crueler than she had ever expected. She sulked.

“Can you whip me instead, Master? I’ll take lashes from a riding crop, or even a length of rope. Please, Sir,” she begged. “I can’t endure a month without an orgasm. I honestly can’t.”

Joshua arched an eyebrow, then waved away her offer dismissively. “I have told you repeatedly that discipline and obedience are the cornerstones of a successful Master-submissive relationship. And yet you choose to defy me time and time again. You ignore my wishes and my instructions, and you take it upon yourself to act as if you know best. You don’t – and you need to learn that fact – quickly.”

Gabriele was distraught. A month without coming, driven to sexual distraction by Joshua throughout every night of their training, would break her.

“Master,” she made her eyes sorrowful and pleading. “Is there anything I can do to have the punishment commuted?”


Gabriele nodded her head vehemently.


sp; Joshua frowned and looked thoughtful. “I’ll always reward exemplary behavior. I told you this also on a previous occasion.” Then he waggled a threatening finger at her. “But you get nothing for being obedient or performing your tasks in a satisfactory manner,” he laid down his law. “That’s not exemplary… it’s expected.”

The air was still brittle with tension when Joshua took Gabriele from the training room and led her – frowning with puzzlement – down into the kitchen.