Page 15 of Man and Master

She bought the clothes on impulse and was out the shop’s door, swinging the carry bag contentedly in her hand, before a sudden realization struck her still.

She had bought the expensive lingerie to please Joshua.

Anticipating Randall’s response to the lingerie had never once entered her mind.

The recognition gave her an unsettled sense of disquiet, and her mind clouded over in confusion as she strolled past the shop fronts searching for a new outfit.

It was the sight of the red dress in a window that finally brought her thoughts back into sharp focus. She stood on the busy sidewalk and peered through the glass. The dress was fitted to a mannequin; a vibrant shade of color that was cut high on the thigh and figure-hugging. The neckline was scooped and the sleeves of the dress were lace, reaching down to the elbow. Gabriele knew instantly that it would be perfect. Her credit card took another painful hit.

As she rode the subway back to her apartment, rocking and swaying on her seat to the motion of each stop along the route, Gabriele decided that the idea of winning Randall back must be a long-term objective that she was not yet ready to expend energy on. Right now she had to focus on completing her training. Nothing could happen until she was prepared.

Not once did she consider abandoning the course with Joshua. Not now. Not after Joshua had lashed her with the painful truths of her resistance the night before.

No. Now Gabriele was filled with grim resolve and determination to prove that she could be the perfect submissive. She felt the change in her mind and in her attitude, like she had been liberated from shackles. At last, she sensed that both her mind and body were in harmony, working together with the same sense of purpose.

For the first time since commencing her training, Gabriele had the luxury of an entire afternoon to prepare. She spent the hours showering and perfecting her make-up, then went down onto the sidewalk to hail a cab, puffed up with feminine confidence by the head-turning glances of admiration she caught from men on the street.

The cab arrived on Joshua’s street twenty minutes early. The night beyond the interior of the vehicle was already cloaked in darkness. Gabriele gave the driver an address that was two doors away from Joshua’s. When the cab finally pulled away into the night, she kicked off her heels and walked to Joshua’s door, creeping like a stealthy thief. There was a coarse foot mat on the landing. Gabriele got down on her knees and waited…

Joshua checked the time on his watch and saw that it was almost 8 pm. He pushed himself away from the desk and went down the corridor, frowning. He was unable to hide his disappointment. Gabriele should have arrived before now, and he felt the oppressive silence of the big empty house like a leaden weight. He had just begun to feel a connection – the first tenuous links that were the beginnings of a bond. And he had thought the girl was made of sterner stuff. When he had told her to think carefully about her suitability for submission, he had expected her to return tonight with defiant resolve.

Now…? Well now it seemed as though he had miscalculated badly, and the side-effect of his ultimatum was a hollow feeling in the pit of his guts at the realization that he would never see her again.

And he had wanted to see her again…

Joshua stood at the window by the door and peered through a chink in the drapes at the empty night. There were no vehicle lights, no sound of an arriving cab pulling up at the curb. His frown deepened, and so did his quiet despair. The frown became a grimace.

He went back down the long corridor to his desk, but his thoughts were suddenly jittering and inconsequential. The figures and graphs on the laptop’s screen made no sense and no longer seemed to matter. He went back to the front door one final time. Through the window he could see a garage door opening, and one of the neighbors backing their car out on the opposite side of the road. The red glow of the taillights lit up the street. On an impulse, Joshua unlocked the front door and cracked it open.

Gabriele was kneeling on the landing, her face a picture of stunning submissive beauty, her pose a sensual vision that snatched the breath from him.

“How long have you been waiting there?” Joshua’s voice was gravelly.

Gabriele looked up into his face, and her features were serene and softly adoring. “For about twenty minutes, Master,” she said in a whisper.

Joshua held the door wide open. “Come inside,” he could not quite hide the wash of relief from his eyes. “Go upstairs to the training room and wait for me there.”

Gabriele came to her feet and stepped through the door, and Joshua was entranced by the beauty of her; the poise as she moved, and the way the new red dress highlighted the exquisite perfection of her figure. He watched her until she disappeared through a doorway and she did not look back or falter once. There was a calm assurance about her, he noted. It was in the way she held herself - even in the provocative sway of her hips as he watched her walk away. The secret spell of her newfound sense of place was unmistakable and powerfully alluring.

When Joshua pushed open the internal bedroom door and stood in the threshold of the training room, he saw Gabriele standing against the far wall, waiting for him. She was wearing exotic new lingerie, her hands clasped demurely in front of her hips, her head lowered with just the right hint of respect and servility. Joshua’s eyes roamed, hungry with appreciation, over her body. He knew she was watching, peeking anxiously up at him through the hanging fringe of her hair, but despite that – or maybe because of it – he took a long time drinking in every inch of her flesh, noting the way her breasts were presented by the lift of her new bra, and the accentuated flare of her hip when she shifted her weight onto one leg.

“You look beautiful,” Joshua said with a gruff nod of approval. “And I appreciate that you are stripped and ready to present yourself to me.”

Gabriele nodded. The fiery flare of Joshua’s arousal that flickered in his gaze thrilled her in a way that was ample reward for every cent she had paid for the clothes and every minute she had spent in front of the mirror preparing.

Joshua beckoned Gabriele to him with a crook of his finger, and she came across the room immediately. She stopped before him, still with her eyes downcast so that she was staring at the crisp whorls of his chest hair that curled above the first button of his shirt.

Joshua ran his hand across Gabriele’s naked shoulder, then let his fingers drift down onto the laced bulge of her bra. Her breasts were like pale perfect pillows of flesh. He teased her nipple through the gauzy fabric, and she gave a little open-mouthed gasp of warm breath as her body responded to his touch.

She felt her body begin to sway towards Joshua, like she was drawn towards the warmth and the powerful commanding presence of him. T

he earth seemed to tilt beneath her and a roaring rush of blood sang in her ears.

“Good girl,” Joshua whispered.

Gabriele felt her heart lift with insane pleasure that was out of all sensible proportion. Joshua’s uttered praise literally made her swoon with satisfaction. It gave her a new soaring hope, and seemed to compel her emotionally towards him. Some profound feeling of devotion squeezed her heart and the sensation was so overpowering that it made her teeter for balance on her heels. She clutched for him to keep her feet and her hand pressed against the hard muscles of his chest. Through the crisp white linen of his shirt, she could feel the beat of his heart, racing at the same frantic pace of her own.

She gasped a whispered apology, but Joshua seized Gabriele’s wrist and held her hand to him. The heat through her fingers sizzled. She looked up into his eyes; they were dark and enigmatic. Then he drew her hand down over the ripples of his abs, and let it rest on the leather strap of his belt. Gabriele held her breath. She swallowed hard. Joshua’s cock was just an inch or two from her reach and suddenly she was desperate to hold it, to taste it… even merely to see it. The realization that she had not once been asked to give him any pleasurable sexual relief struck her like a hammer blow. So far, everything about her training had been for her benefit. Joshua hadn’t asked for, nor taken anything.

Would tonight be the night?

The thought made Gabriele giddy with hopeful anticipation.

She rested her hand on his belt, fighting the instinctive urge to reach inside his pants and try to please him. Suddenly she wanted that more than anything else – to please him.

All the while, Joshua was looking down at her, imagining how her mouth would feel to kiss, fighting his own terrible battle between desire and discipline. Finally, after a mighty struggle, he shrugged her hand away.

Gabriele let her arms fall empty by her side. She sensed how close and fraught with tension the moment had been.