“I’m satisfied...” Leticia began, but I cut her off with a shake of my head, brushing aside the protest as it leaped to her lips.
“Fine,” I said. “But what happens if you join Cameron and I and discover that the pleasure of a threesome is something even more arousing to you? How can you let this chance just drift by without feeling the need to discover that for yourself?”
I shook my head, confused and bewildered by Leticia’s stubbornness. I thrust my hands into my pockets and hunched my shoulders as though concentrating the full force of my mind to the reasons behind her reluctance. I came up with nothing – nothing logical, nothing that made sense. Leticia was being emotional and I realized there was no way I could reason with her.
“I don’t want to die not knowing…” I said softly. “I’m the kind of man that wants every experience, wants to know every answer. I just don’t know how anyone can live their life any other way.”
Leticia said nothing.
* * *
I arrived at the bungalow the following evening with a sinking sense that Leticia would not show up – would not come to watch and observe Cameron’s submission.
Leticia had been gone for the afternoon, and I had not heard from her. By the time night had fallen I was resigned to the fact that I had a duty to train Cameron… but that the experience without Leticia present would be hollow.
At least for me it would be.
* * *
Cameron was on her knees, naked at the foot of the bed when I stepped into the room. Her eyes were fixed on the floor ahead of her, and she had her hands clasped behind her back. Without a word, I went to the bedside chest of drawers and withdrew the riding crop and a small vibrator. I swished the soft leather pad of the crop against my thigh and the crack of the whip made Cameron inhale a sharp breath that sounded like exhilaration.
“Straighten your back,” I said softly, the words an elusive caress after the sharp retort of the riding crop’s wicked sound. “Posture is important, as are the basic submissive positions. These are things you must learn and practice.”
Cameron shifted her weight and came up a little straighter. She caught my movement from out of the corner of her eye and followed me as I circled around behind her. I sensed her tense a little.
I had to be mindful of the fact that Cameron was here for only an introduction to the BDSM lifestyle. There could be no serious training, no determined attempt to begin a proper training process. This week was to merely give her a sample of what elements the lifestyle offered. For that reason I had modified my plans, working more on merely instilling a sense of discipline, surrender and obedience in her. I slowly unzipped my pants and made sure she heard the sound.
“Open your mouth wide,” I said from where I stood behind her. Cameron obeyed immediately. I lifted her to her feet and then slid the vibrator into her mouth. “Don’t drop it,” I warned. Cameron clamped her lips around the toy and nodded her head vigorously. I set the riding crop down on the end of the bed and then ran my hands possessively down over her body, feeling the exquisite contours of her perfect breasts and the smoothness of her skin as if I was conducting a body search. I could feel Cameron trembling. I pinched out her nipples until they were stiff, and then wrapped one hand around her waist. My free hand slid down over her abdomen and she sucked in a sharp inhalation of breath as my fingertips finally brushed the soft flesh of her sex. I heard Cameron give a throaty moan of rising desire, the sound distorted by the obstruction of the vibrator. Her body went a little soft and I slapped her bottom hard.
“Stand up straight!” I put an edge of warning into the tone of my voice. Cameron stiffened her legs like they were braces. She buckled at the hips for an instant and started to tremble. I slid two of my fingers across the soft moist lips of her pussy and held them there, pressed between her thighs.
“You are here for my pleasure,” I repeated the mantra I had used so many times in the past to so many other women. “You are an object to be used when and how I wish. You understand that, don’t you,” I whispered in Cameron’s ear.
She nodded her head. I heard the soft sound of her lips sucking to hold the vibrator in her mouth.
“You will fuck when I command you to. You will suck until I order you to stop. You will give me your body whenever I want it, and you will surrender your mind and body and soul to me. You want that, don’t you?”
This time Cameron made a sound like a hum in the back of her throat. She was breathing through her nose, the sound of each inhalation becoming more urgent as the pressure of my fingers finally found the wet depths of her pussy and slowly slid inside her.
“You will be a good girl for me,” my voice softened. The instructions were delivered. Now it was necessary to encourage her and to ensure she understood the rewards of good behavior. “You will please me willingly and selflessly. Your greatest thrill will be knowing that you bring me joy, won’t it?”
She made a sound of affirmation, still sucking on the length of the vibrator. I smiled to myself knowingly and eased my fingers a little deeper into the wet tight folds of her pussy. Cameron’s hips flexed, and I felt the pressure of her body bearing down on me, hungry to feel filled.
“Your rewards will be in the knowledge that you have satisfied your Master, and in the many orgasms I allow you. Your pleasure will be my pleasure, your desire will be to fulfill my every desire. Your orgasms will mirror mine, made all the more powerful because they will have been earned by your obedience and your passion. You understand that, don’t you?”
Cameron nodded her head again.
“Don’t make me punish you,” I said. I wanted her to understand that punishing her would give me displeasure, but also that any punishment would not be random, but only because she had failed me. Cameron shook her head as though the thought of disappointing me was horrifying to her.
I smiled again and then took my fingers from her pussy and licked the wet tangy juice of her from my hand. I stroked her hair, almost as if she were a plaything. “Good girl,” I soothed. “You’re a very good girl for me.”
I put my hand in the middle of Cameron’s back and she folded forward like a life-size doll. I moved her until she was bent over the end of the bed, her legs spread wide, her hands braced on the edge of the mattress. I ran my fingers soothingly over the softness of her bottom and then cupped her sex in the palm of my hand.
Cameron flinched and then relaxed. I waited until her breathing had settled again and then swiped the end of my cock across the swollen lips of her pussy. I was hard. Cameron arched her back and lowered her head a little. I teased her for long seconds, coating the swollen length of my shaft in her juices and then, finally, I pressed myself against her and felt the welcome embrace of her body as it wrapped itself tight and hot around me.
I took a deep breath. Cameron’s pussy spasmed into a series of clenching pulses that felt like mini tremors along the full length of my cock. I held myself perfectly still for long seconds and then clenched the muscles low in my body. My cock thickened and leaped against the inner walls of her pussy. Cameron let out a long impulsive moan of desire… and the vibrator slipped from between her lips and fell heavily onto the mattress.
I froze. Cameron realized her error. She started to shake.
I slowly withdrew my cock from inside her and came around the side of the bed to stare as if I was horror-struck at the evidence of her disobedience.
I snatched at a handful of her hair and lifted her face until I could see the torture of her anguish and trepidation. My eyes were blazing, my face rigid. Cameron’s lips were parted and she was breathing in short, sharp gulps.
“I… I’m sorry,” she flustered. Her eyes were huge in her face.
“You’re going to be,” I frowned an ominous warning.
I snatched up the vibrator and set it between her lips again. Cameron clamped down with her teeth. There was a plea for forgiveness in her eyes. I ignored it and seized the riding crop.
“You know that you wi
ll be punished for your disobedience,” I said as I went around behind her. “And you know that discipline and obedience are the cornerstones of the lifestyle.” I traced a torturous line down the arch of her back with the soft leather pad and then gave her bottom a stinging tap with the whip. Cameron flinched as if she had been electrocuted. I heard a soft sob in the back of her throat that might have been a reaction to the pain… or perhaps a reaction to a flare of arousal. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously and tapped her bottom again with the crop. This time Cameron did not move. A red mark flushed on the soft skin, and I knew that right now her flesh would feel like it was on fire.
I threw the riding crop down and plunged my cock deep into Cameron’s pussy. I felt her entire body tense tight as a spring, seized by the urgent need to remain focused on keeping the vibrator clamped between her lips. I dug my fingers into her hips and began to fuck her with long pounding strokes, my jaw clenched and my attitude dispassionate. This was not sex fueled by lust – this was about possession and dominance.
For a long time Cameron was tense and strained, giving her pussy to me, yet distracted by the need to remain in position, unmoving and focused on the vibrator. I heard my breath begin to saw in the back of my throat. Each lunge of my cock sent tremors through her flesh, and the slapping sound of our bodies colliding together was as loud as the retort crack of the crop.
Cameron’s arms began to tremble. I felt her slowly falling forward and I bunched the muscles in my arms to hold her in place. Slowly the tension went from her body and she became like melted wax; pliant and unresisting to my use of her. The minutes ticked past and the tempo of each thrust increased until I felt myself reaching the point of physical exhaustion… and release.
My cock felt like it was on fire. Cameron’s pussy was wet and willing. The feel of her was like the grip of fingers wrapped within a velvet glove. I watched the errant toss of her hair as it broke across her shoulders like a silken wave until I knew that I was on the very precipice of exploding.
Suddenly the night was very still. I slid my hardness from Cameron’s pussy. I was trembling, as though I had run a great distance. I filled my lungs with air and fought to control my breath.
Cameron remained unmoving, swaying slightly from the strain in her arms and the weakness in her legs. The smell of sex seemed like a heavy perfume that permeated every corner of the bedroom.
“Get on the bed and spread your legs,” I hissed.
Cameron obeyed instantly. She scurried onto the mattress, lying flat on her back, with the flared wet lips of her pussy pouting. There was a rising flush of red color creeping up across her breasts. She lay with her arms across her abdomen as though resisting the natural urge to touch herself.