Slowly I slid more deeply inside her – drawing out each new movement so that it was an erotic tease. Cameron’s mouth fell open and she let out a long contented sigh. I stared across the bed to where Leticia sat, wide eyed, her mouth hanging open and slack, her face flushed with the sweltering heat of deep desire.

She was watching Cameron’s face, her gaze intense and smoldering. I kissed Cameron’s shoulder and then reached across her to clamp my hand firmly around her throat.

“Leticia is watching us,” I whispered in her ear. “Can you see the look in her eyes – can you see how turned on she is to watch us together like this?”

“Yes!” Cameron hissed. I said the words loudly enough for Leticia to hear because they were, in fact, for her benefit. Cameron was rocking her hips back to meet each long slow thrust of my cock so that we moved together in the rhythm of an exotic dance. Leticia’s gaze drifted down our joined bodies and she watched the thrust of me with mesmerized fascination.

“Tell her how much you enjoy her watching,” I said softly to Cameron. “Tell her how it turns you on.”

“It does,” Cameron said in breathless confession. “It turns me on to know that your girlfriend is looking at us.”

“Don’t tell me,” I admonished her. I kept the grip of my fingers around her throat firm as a collar. “Tell Leticia. Talk to her.”

I thrust hard with my hips –a single last lunge of my cock that filled Cameron completely. There was a sharp gripping spasm as her body responded and then she gasped aloud and held a deep ragged breath.

“I love you watching us!” Cameron said to Leticia. “His cock feels so good and I want you to see the pleasure on my face. I want you to know how amazing it feels right now.”

It was all she could manage coherently. The next sound from Cameron was a deep guttural moan of primal satisfaction as I increased the tempo of each thrust until her body seemed to ripple and shake from each lunge. She made a high squealing sound that was torn raw from her throat. I slid my hand down and locked it around her waist – pinning us together as I flashed a burning glance at Leticia.

She was watching the erotic contortions of Cameron’s face, reacting and responding with her own facial expressions as though she could somehow feel the exact same physical sensations that Cameron was experiencing. I saw Leticia’s legs fall open and I knew that she was aching to touch herself.

“Does this turn you on?” I called to Leticia, and then groaned as Cameron’s pussy began to pulse and grip at me like a fist. “Are your panties wet from watching us?”

Leticia lifted her eyes to mine, her gaze almost blank and hypnotized. She nodded her head and then swallowed. “Yes!” she hissed, her jaw clenched. “God, yes!”

I thrust again and again inside Cameron, the bed sheets twisting and tangling around us, the temperature in the room seeming to rise until the heat was stifling. Cameron’s hair was matted damp against her forehead and her breathing had become the hoarse sound of sawing across her throat. My fingers dug into the flesh of her hips, binding us together as we raced towards the moment of climax.

“I want you to come!” I grunted. I could tell Cameron was achingly close to her release. I too was rushing towards an orgasm that I had promised not to share. I set my jaw grimly and concentrated only on Cameron.

“I want you to come all over my cock!”

Leticia was holding her breath. She squirmed on the edge of the seat, her eyes seeming to roam everywhere at once as though to burn each instant into her memory and imagination forever.

I took my hand from Cameron’s hip and brushed it across her clit. Her legs were splayed wide open, driven apart by the force of each thrust. I drew soft circles across the jutting nub and it was like touching a match to a fuse. Cameron exploded in orgasm – thrashing against me on the bed, her entire body given over to wild undulations as wave after powerful wave crashed over her. She sobbed, she groaned, she tossed her head from side to side and then lapsed into coma-like silence, breathing hard, her body still twitching from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

I withdrew myself from the warm wetness of her pussy and rolled onto my back. There were dazzling pinwheels of light bursting behind my eyes. I took a dozen slow deep breaths and then reached across the bed for Cameron.

“Lick me clean,” I said. My fingers tangled lightly in her hair and I pulled her mouth over my cock. I was rigid and vaulting, still highly aroused. I felt the tentative flicker of Cameron’s tongue as she lapped at her juices, and then her tongue and mouth became more deliberate, almost adoring.

I turned my head and glanced across to the far side of the bed. Leticia was sitting slumped back in the chair. The scent of sex was thick in the room. Her face was still flushed. She licked her lips as though they were cracked and parched. She realized I was looking at her, and our gaze met.

Leticia said nothing. Her eyes drifted down my chest and then focused on Cameron’s bobbing head as her mouth slowly worshipped the length of my cock. It was a long time before Leticia’s gaze locked back onto mine.

“Go back to the house,” I told Leticia. “I’ll shower here and then join you in ten minutes.”

She stood slowly, her legs unsteady as though she was overcome by a wave of giddiness. She clutched at the wall and dazedly left the room.

* * *

I came quietly back into the house, bare-chested after the shower, with my shirt and jacket draped over my arm. I climbed the staircase slowly towards the bedroom, following a trail of soft breathless sounds that became louder as I drew near.

Leticia lay on her back amidst the tangle of the bed sheets with her panties stretched wide across her spread thighs and her fingers swirling frantically between the slick wet folds of her pussy. She was undulating – her body seeming to writhe and contort to each new sensation. She arched her back until she was drawn tense like a bow, and then she gasped aloud with a groan of erotic pleasure.

Her eyes were screwed tightly shut. I could see the heaving swell of her breasts as they pressed against the confines of her bra. She was oblivious to me and to the world – lost in an erotic fantasy as she teased and touched herself to the very brink of an orgasm.

I stood quietly on the threshold of the bedroom, watching her with rapt fascination. She slid two of her fingers deep within herself and her mouth fell wide open. Her breathing became a series of ragged pants, and then her body began to turn rigid – as if she was gradually freezing. It started with the clenched muscles of her neck and crept down her abdomen until her legs were splayed stiffly before her and the only movement was the thrust of her wrist. She was going to come… and I crept a little closer to watch the expression on her face at the precious moment of her release.

Leticia came in a long low throaty moan of pent-up desire, twisting herself and kicking out with her legs as the tension burst from her body in a white-hot instant of erotic release. I stood over her, still wet from the shower, still hard and aroused. Her eyes fluttered open and it seemed that she was returning from a place far, far away. She saw me by the bed and her gaze came into focus.

“Fuck me!” she said. “Don’t talk – don’t ask anything, Jonah. Just fuck me please!”

* * *

I had expected the following morning to be fraught with brittle tension, but I was wrong. Leticia was bright and chirping as a bird. She cooked breakfast and chatted openly about the night before and the powerful arousing impact of watching Cameron and me in bed together.

“It was just incredible,” she shook her head slowly and gave me a coy little smile. “Awesome, in fact.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Awesome? You’re a highly trained journalist, gifted with words and expressions. You’re intelligent and articulate… and the best description you can come up with is one word that has been denigrated to something similar to slang?”

Leticia waved aside my protest. She was bubbling with a joy I had not seen for many months.

“It was truly erotic,” she clarified for my sake. ?

??I worried that the whole scene might be crude, or somehow fill me with jealous rage… but it wasn’t anything like that! It was sensual, sexy as hell, and… and I want Cameron to stay with us.”

I kept my expression neutral. “You don’t want her to stay at a hotel and just visit for each training session?”

“No,” Leticia shook her head decisively. “I want the relationship to be more intimate than that. I think that’s part of the appeal for me. I didn’t look upon last night as you cheating on me with another woman – nothing like that. Somehow the personal nature of what we were sharing made everything okay.”

I shrugged. Leticia went to the refrigerator and brought a glass of orange juice to the kitchen table. She set it down in front of me, leaning provocatively close as she did so. Her hand slid across the edge of the table and fell deliberately into my lap.

“I’m still very, very aroused,” she whispered hoarsely. “I keep playing every detail of last night over and over in my mind.”