“How did you get in?”
“Your doctor,” she said softly.
“He let you into the house?”
Leticia nodded. “I have his cell number.”
I frowned. “You have my doctor’s phone number?”
Leticia shrugged. “I’m a journalist.”
I nodded my head and then muttered, “I will have to have words with him in the morning.”
Leticia’s smile ghosted out of the night. “I wouldn’t bother if I were you, Jonah. He seems to think that I am exactly what the doctor ordered.”
There was a moment of silence between us, and then I asked carefully, “Why are you here? Why are you waiting for me in my bedroom?”
Leticia came closer – close enough for me to wrap my arms around her, close enough for me to kiss, close enough for me to undress.
“When I finished writing the articles I went back into the editor’s office and left my work on his desk, and a sudden question came to me.”
Leticia nodded her head.
“What question?”
Leticia smiled. “I asked myself if I was willing to offer my throat to the wolf with the red roses.”
Oh, clever girl!
She had clearly picked up on my reference in the editor’s office to the lyrics of a song by 70’s rock legend, Meatloaf. I nodded my head, conceding that I had been outwitted, and outplayed. I had thrust, and Leticia had parried.
“And you decided that you would?”
I paused for a moment – just long enough to inflect my voice with a broader accent, and then said winningly, “I bet you say that to all the boys.”
Counter-thrust… because I hate being outwitted.
We both grinned at each other, a spontaneous moment that changed the atmosphere between us. Leticia fell into my arms smiling and lifted her chin to look into my eyes. “I couldn’t stay away from you, Jonah. Not just because of how you left me at the office – not just because of the anticipation,” Leticia’s voice was filled with sudden emotion. “I couldn’t stay away from you because I feel so much better when I’m near you. When I’m by your side or in your arms the world just seems to make more sense to me. I feel a peace and happiness that… that makes my heart sing.”
I kissed her, the atmosphere changing again, becoming romantic. I held Leticia in my arms and tenderly covered her lips with mine. The scent of her perfume enveloped me, the press of her body against mine seemed like a perfect physical fit: she melted against me and her arms tangled themselves around my neck. Her lips were soft and cool, our tongues flicked and brushed together. I could feel the thrust of her breasts against me and sensed the fluttering beat of her heart. I stooped to hook one of my arms behind the back of her knees and lifted her so that she was in my arms, against my chest. She clung to me, burying her face against my shoulder as I carried her to the big bed.
“Jonah… I know I agreed to be your submissive,” Leticia’s eyes were huge and her voice impassioned. “I know that I agreed to submit to you as a lover, but this night – this first night we are together – can it be as man and woman?” she clung to me fiercely, gazing up into my eyes. “I’m willing to obey you, and I’m willing to give myself to you whenever you demand, but please let’s just make this time for you and me, not for a Master and his woman.”
I took Leticia carefully into my arms, holding her as though she was something fragile and very precious. Her body softened and her breathing became shallow. She trembled, and then a small quivering sob shook her shoulders. She was weeping and emotional. I kissed her again and her lips tasted salty with her tears. I felt a surprised choke of emotion deep in my throat.
“Lady, you talk too much,” I said softly and kissed her again, this time more deeply.
Our clothes seem to fall away from us and under the soft starlight our bodies twisted together in a blend of sensual kisses, and caresses of rising need and desire. Leticia’s legs fell open to me and I covered her body with mine, bracing my weight on my hands and staring down into her eyes as our hips moved in an erotic sway until I felt the hardness of me press against the damp heat of her.
The folds of Leticia’s body opened like the spreading petals of a flower and I felt myself slide deep within her. Leticia’s eyes closed and her mouth fell open in a silent moan. I stared down at the beauty of her face, the soft planes of her cheeks made pale by the moonlight, and the gorgeous tangle of her hair glinting on the pillow, as I began to rock my hips and she began to lift her body to meet my every thrust.
“Look at me,” I whispered, and there was a strain of passion in my voice. “Open your eyes.”
Leticia’s eyes flickered open, swimming with some soulful expression as deep and as fathomless as the ocean. I felt her hands cling around my waist and the tensing desperation in her fingertips as she clawed to draw me more deeply into her.
We made love with slow tender touches, our faces close so that we shared the same breath and I could see every detail of her perfect features, and the play of every emotion across her eyes. The rhythm of our bodies undulating together became urgent – became overwhelmed – until at last we slipped the bonds of restraint and let loose our primal passions.
Suddenly the thrust of my hips was more demanding, and the groans of Leticia’s want swelled to a crescendo. I felt the knot of lust tighten within me. I covered Leticia’s lips with mine and she moaned into my mouth as the strain of our passion suddenly unraveled and I felt myself exploding.
“Yes!” Leticia cried out.
I felt her heels seize around my legs and her hands clawed desperately at my back. The muscles in her neck pulled taut and then she erupted with me in a deep sensual moan of pure satisfaction. The swirling rapture of our release swept us away like leaves on the gusting wind.
For a long time we lay wrapped within each other’s arms, gasping for breath, fighting to control the ragged race of our heartbeats until every emotion was spent and exhausted. We drifted slowly back from the far frontiers we had been swept away to. Our eyes met, changed by the shattering experience we had shared – that we had made sacred and special, and could never be forgotten.
Chapter 18.
Sunlight seeping through the big window above the bed woke me. I lay perfectly still for a moment, overcome by an unfamiliar sense of contentment until, not understanding why, I opened my eyes and turned my head, drawn somehow towards the radiant warmth of the woman lying beside me.
Leticia had kicked the sheet aside during the night and was curled up with her knees tucked close to her chest. She was laying facing away from me. The soft filtered light through the glass painted the highlights of her skin with a gentle pale glow and cast the shadows on her body to the color of caramel. I could see the gentle curve of her spine, and the shape of her shoulder blades. I could see the dip of her narrow waist and then the curved flare of her hips. Her hair was a luster of soft curls, cascading across her pillow in glinting highlights the color of gold, and rippling gently with each slow steady breath she took.
I rolled onto my side, pressing my body against the curve of hers, and wrapped an arm around her. My hand cupped one of her breasts, filling my palm. Leticia sighed softly, moved her body, and then I felt her stir gently awake.
Leticia made a sleepy, purring sound in the back of her throat, and then pushed back provocatively with her hips against the swelling hardness of my length.
“This is a nice way to wake up,” she said softly. She rolled onto her back, still within my embrace so that my cock was like an iron rod against her thigh. With my fingers, I kneaded the flesh of her breast, feeling the nipple there begin to firm. Leticia’s eyes fluttered open and she stared up into my face. She ran a caressing hand across my cheek, feeling the stubble of new beard on my jaw. “This is a very nice way to wake up,” she repeated, and the sigh of her breath was one of pure satisfaction – like someone who had at last reached the end of a road that had been long travelled.
I said nothing. I stared down into Leticia’s face. She reached around the back of my neck and drew my mouth down onto her breast. I felt her fingers tangle in my hair, and a soft low moan of her desire. Her nipple hardened between my lips. My free hand meandered lazily down to her waist and I felt her midriff concave as she sucked in a hissed breath of anticipation. Her legs relaxed, fell open, and she tilted her pelvis up to meet my touch.
I felt Leticia’s hands cup my chin. Tenderly, she lifted my mouth from her nipple and guided me to the other breast. There was a soft mewling sound in the back of her throat as I hunted the hard little button there and sucked it between my lips.
My fingers became more determined. I slid my hand over the mound of her sex and brushed my palm lightly across her clit. Leticia groaned. The heat of her was like the warm embers of a burned out fire – still smoldering. I knew that it would only take a spark for her desire to be re-ignited.
I sensed her arousal, welling up within her like a spring. I touched at the soft folds of her sex, like I was carefully unwrapping a precious gift. Leticia’s fingers clenched at the nape of my neck, and her whole body became taut.
And then there was the urgent sound of a phone ringing.
“Damn!” Leticia cursed. She sat upright in the bed and scraped the fingers of both hands through her hair, the sunlight glowing on her skin, and her breasts changed shape with the movement of her arms. She turned herself away for me and thrust a hand urgently into her bag at the side of the bed. She pressed the phone to her ear.
Leticia sat with her knees drawn up to her chin, her feet tangled in the twist of sheets. I rolled onto my back, slid one arm beneath my head, and stared silently at the ceiling.