“There are a number of advantages to this position,” I explained. “First, if a man is crouched between your spread legs then his tongue and mouth are in a position to comfortably reach your pussy but not your clit – and for a woman receiving oral pleasure, the clitoris is the most important point to stimul

ate. In the dismounted sixty-nine position, with my mouth hovering over you, it is your clitoris that is closest to my mouth and easiest for me to stimulate. Make sense?”

Leticia nodded. “I… I guess…”

I went on. “Also, in this position it’s easier for the man to get comfortable long enough to commit himself to giving pleasure. Oral sex for a woman takes an investment of time, and some dedication. No man can make a woman orgasm with his mouth and tongue in just a few minutes – it takes at least fifteen minutes, and often longer, before the woman is able to relax enough to enjoy the sensations she’s experiencing.”

Leticia nodded again, this time more meaningfully. “I could never relax…”

I nodded. “Many women are the same,” I agreed. “For a woman, receiving oral sex is something they are often reluctant to experiment with. A lot of women are uncomfortable, and self-conscious about their bodies, and being in a position so open and exposed can often leave them feeling awkward. An experienced man knows how to put a woman at ease in the way that inexperienced boys don’t understand, nor ever try to understand.”

I moved myself on the bed so that my knees were beside Leticia’s head and my mouth was hovering just inches above the shaved smooth folds of her sex.

“Now here is the trick,” I explained, looking back over my shoulder at Leticia. “You need to let me know what feels good as my mouth and tongue are pleasuring you.”

Again there was sudden alarm in Leticia’s eyes. I saw the panic flare in her expression. “Jonah! I just can’t do that! I would feel embarrassed trying to tell you what I like.”

“I know,” I said. “But you don’t have to say a word, Leticia.” I shifted my weight so that I was sitting on the bed beside her for a moment. I wanted her to understand the importance of what I was about to say. “Leticia, most women are exactly like you – they are too self-conscious and feel too awkward to share and explain what feels good to them. But you know what feels good to you when you’re pleasuring yourself, right?”

Leticia nodded her head. “Yes…”

“Then imagine my mouth doing what you would do with your fingers. Can you imagine that?”

“Yes, I can imagine it, Jonah… But I just can’t come out and tell you.”

I smiled. “You don’t have to,” I said. “That’s the other trick to this position, Leticia. When I kneel between your legs and my mouth sinks down to your pussy, all I want you to do is to put one of your hands on my back or my shoulder – wherever it feels comfortable.”

Leticia looked blank. “You just want me to rest one of my hands on your back?”

I nodded. “And then, I want you to move your hand in the same way you would like me to move my mouth on your pussy.”

I took her hand in mine to emphasize the point. “Imagine we are in position right now – I am kneeling beside you and my mouth is between your legs. Imagine you have your hand on my shoulder. Every time you move your hand in slow gentle circles, think of it as a remote control to my mouth. I will mirror the movement of your hand with my tongue and lips. Now imagine you are getting closer to orgasm. If you are pleasuring yourself, you might move your hand more frantically across your clit, or maybe press more firmly with your fingers. Simply do the same with your hand on my back. The more rapidly I feel the movement of your hand, then the more rapidly and more firmly I will move my mouth across your clit. Does that make sense?”

For a long moment Leticia gazed at me with a fathomless expression – maybe one of shock or wonder. She was looking at me intently like I was some remarkable mystery. Finally she nodded her head slowly.

“It… It makes perfect sense,” she said with slow dawning appreciation. “Does it actually work?”

I stared her hard in the eyes. “You are about to find out just how well it works,” and there was a wolfish hunger in my voice and in my expression.

I got back onto my hands and knees, kneeling close beside Leticia and began to trace a line of soft wet tender kisses across the insides of her thighs and along the shaven mound above the cleft of her sex. I was taking my time – deliberately drawing out Leticia’s sense of anticipation. I felt her hand come to rest on my shoulder and then I directed all of my focus onto giving her pleasure.

As each kiss came closer to the aching need of her sex I felt Leticia’s fingers begin to flex and tense until her hand was a tiny fist and I knew that she was ready for my mouth. I breathed hard, blowing warm air across the tingling bud of her clit and then gently lowered my mouth and captured the throbbing flesh gently between my lips. I inhaled the scent of her body, mingled with a faint hint of perfume that smelled vaguely like baby powder. I pressed my lips softly together and then hummed, making a deep resonate sound in the back of my throat and knowing that the vibrations would send tremors to the sensitive core of her. Leticia seemed suddenly to melt: her legs fell wider open and I felt her body undulate like a wave of arousal had washed through her. She pressed the flat of her palm against my back and I felt it begin to move in a gentle lingering circular motion.

I mirrored the feel of her hand on my back, by moving my mouth around her clit and using just the tip of my tongue to draw lazy circles across the folds of her sex. Leticia’s breathing had become deep and slow and steady and I continued to trace circles with my tongue for several minutes until suddenly I sensed a rising tension between the part of Leticia’s thighs which was reflected in the new way she began to move her hand against my body. The movement of her fingers became steadily faster, no longer tracing circles but sliding up and down in short jerky motions against the flank of my body.

I responded immediately. My tongue hunted her clit and my flickering strokes became firmer and more focused.

Leticia groaned and then suddenly held her breath. The palm of her hand became more insistent, pressing with more need against my back, but also sliding up towards my shoulder. I changed the focus of my attention so that my tongue glided from her clit all the way down to the welling moist folds of her pussy and then travelled back up again. The sound in Leticia’s throat became more ragged and she gave a sudden deep husky sigh. The taste of her arousal was like nectar across my tongue. I lapped it up, savoring the tangy flavor like a man dying of thirst.

I knew from experience that Leticia was nearing the abyss where she would teeter for an instant and then explode in release. My hands were wrapped around her spread thighs and I tightened my grip and then deliberately lowered my upper body against her abdomen so that she would feel the pressure of me, and the restraint.

I had learned that the sensation of being pinned down at the point of orgasm was incredibly arousing to many women, heightening the intensity of their release. I suspected that Leticia would be one of those women.

With the weight of my chest against her, and the sudden tightening of my grip around her thighs, Leticia suddenly rose to a new level of arousal. Her hand on my back was moving in short sharp strokes in a friction of heat. My tongue pressed and flickered against the sensitive nerves of her clitoris and at the same time I gave a throaty groan of pleasure.

Leticia exploded.

Without warning her whole body seemed to convulse in a cascade of spasms so that her hips heaved against me and her tiny heels dug into the mattress as her legs tried to clench and flex. I felt a warm flush of her arousal in my mouth, and I pressed my lips against her clit to prolong the length of her orgasm and magnify the intensity of it.

A sudden deep groan was torn from Leticia’s lips – a sound of primal urge and passion. I felt her fingernails sink into the flesh of my back and the thrash of her head from side to side against the pillow.

When it was all over, Leticia lay like a broken doll on the bed: legs splayed, arms flung wide. She was breathing as though she had run a great distance, and her whole body glistened with a sheen of perspiration. I sat up and waited until her eyes fluttered slowly open before I licked my lips to capture the last traces of her taste.

For a long time Leticia said nothing. I

t was like the words escaped her. She simply lay on the bed, her breathing shaky but gradually coming under control. She sighed and drew a languid arm from her thigh back up her body until it was resting gently under one of her breasts. She shook her head with a sense of astonished wonder. “My God!” she said. Her voice was husky and much deeper than I was accustomed to. “My God…”

I sat on the edge of the bed and my eyes drifted once more over the enchanting perfection of this young woman’s tender body. Even lying flat on the bed, there was still shape and definition and firmness in her breasts and my eyes wandered down passed the concave of her midriff to the slimness of her waist and the perfect curved flare of her hips.

“Jonah… My God,” Leticia said again. “That was like… like… nothing I could ever have imagined. That was the most sexually shattering experience of my life.”

I inclined my head. “You made it very easy for me,” I gave praise. “Moving your hand in the way you did made giving you pleasure even more pleasurable,” I smiled.

Leticia rolled onto her side so that she was facing me, propping her head on a pile of pillows and resting her hand on her hip. “Jonah, I need to know – was that just you? Did that just happen because you were the man doing it, or can any man do this?”

“Any man can do what I just did for you, Leticia. Provided the woman can give silent instruction in the way you just did,” I raised my hand to make a sudden point, “And provided the man is focused entirely on mirroring the woman’s signals and not his own cock.

“Most men are more interested in their erection, and what they will get afterwards to be focused enough to stay in tune with their woman’s needs while pleasuring them,” I explained. “Because women are stimulated so differently, and because their arousal and release begins at a different place than a man’s, the man needs to be totally committed and patient. This is not a miracle solution for millions of frustrated women – it’s just common sense. But with the right attitude a man who knows this technique has within him the ability to sexual enslave a woman. It’s been my experience that once a woman has enjoyed this kind of an orgasm, they become desperate for more of the same.”