“My God… What did you do?”
“I don’t think I did anything. I honestly don’t remember. The woman on her knees before me looked up and introduced the waitress to me as Mandy.”
Leticia shook her head in wonder. “It sounds as though you weren’t the first man they managed to lure back to their apartment,” she said seriously.
I shrugged. “Probably not,” I agreed. “But at the time that was the last thing on my mind. I was confronted with the opportunity to enjoy two women in a threesome with the added incestual fantasy that they were like a mother and daughter. Quite frankly I didn’t care to ponder their methods… all I cared about at the time was erect and hard below my waist.”
Leticia smiled her understanding.
I grinned wryly.
“So tell me what happened next?”
I sighed. “We never made it to the bedroom,” I confessed. “We got as far as the couch and then everything became a tangle of arms and legs and breasts.” I closed my eyes for a moment, and I could vividly recall that scene in my memory. The women’s bodies, the sounds, the textures of their skin, and the erotic combinations came back to me clear as the crystal of my whisky tumbler.
“For a guy in his mid-twenties, it was an erotic fantasy that I could not ever have imagined, brought to life. Leticia, there are flashback snapshots in my mind of that night that are still a source of arousal until this very day,” I conceded.
“I remember the two women on their knees before me, both of their mouths hunting my cock. I remember staring down at them both and watching them kiss. Mandy’s body was firm and very slim. She had the toned, healthy glow of a girl who spent long hours by the surf and the sand. The contrast between the women was as much a turn on for me as anything else. The older woman – I can’t remember her name – had creamy, pale skin, with just the first hint of heaviness in her breasts and hips. Watching the women enjoying each other’s bodies on the sofa, and watching the ease with which they were able to arouse each other was a lesson for a young man like me in sensual erotica… until I made a fatal mistake…”
Leticia was still on the edge of the sofa, still perched and listening intently. She was watching me with complete concentration. “What was the mistake?”
“I forgot how jealous a woman can be of another woman,” I said slowly. “I made the mistake of not giving both women equal amounts of my attention.” I felt the sudden need to defend myself. I made a gesture of guilt with my hands and shrugged. “I wasn’t sensitive enough,” I said. “I saw this gorgeous young teenage girl with a sensational figure, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I made the mistake of neglecting the older woman – of not giving enough attention to her so that she felt neglected – and ultimately jealous of Mandy.”
Leticia sat back slowly and gave a long, drawn out sight. “And that ended the night?”
I nodded. “It ended the evening much sooner than I had wanted,” I admitted, “…but not before I had seared every erotic moment into my memory. Afterwards – much later – I realized that the older woman wasn’t so starved for sex that she attacked me the moment we were inside the apartment. She must have sensed that I would be more attracted to Mandy once she joined in. The woman simply wanted to make the most of our time together before the younger girl came home from the bar.” I shrugged and glanced across the room at Leticia so that she got the significance of my next words. “I was stupid,” I admitted. “Leticia, if I knew then what I know now, I would have understood the older woman’s motivation, and been able to make her feel more included. It was a mistake I have never repeated since.”
With the conclusion of the story, everything fell silent. It was like the end of a movie, and for a long time I simply gazed at Leticia as she re-read her notes and then tucked the notepad into her handbag. I sensed the atmosphere in the room become somber and reflective, and it took an effort of my will to shake off those memories of past mistakes and drag myself back into the present – back into the moment. I drained the last of the whisky from my glass and screwed the lid tight onto the bottle on the side table. The interviews were finished.
The hard work was done.
Now it was time for pleasure.
Chapter 14.
I took Leticia’s hand and led her from the study. She came willingly, following me to the bedroom with the detached and dazed air of someone sleepwalking. She stood in the middle of the floor, and I flicked on a lamp so that soft light spread across the big bed but seemed to cast the rest of the room around us into deeper darkness.
I went to Leticia with my hand outstretched as though calming a nervous filly. She was standing rigid and unsure. I felt her trembling.
I caressed her cheek and then traced the arches of her eyebrows with my fingertips. “You are very beautiful,” I whispered. I rested my hands gently on her hips and leaned towards her. Leticia’s eyes were huge dark pools glittering in the lamplight. She seemed very small and fragile as I drew her towards me, and she came unresisting. My lips opened over hers and her mouth quickly responded. Her lips were hot and smooth and my tongue fluttered around the inside of her mouth. Leticia began to change slowly. She seemed to go soft within my embrace and her body began to melt and shape itself to my own. I kissed her more fiercely and sensed the heat of her begin to soak through her thin clothing.
My hands twitched the tails of her blouse loose from the waistband of her tiny skirt and then hunted up the length of her spine. I found the shape of her shoulder blades and stroked the soft skin stretched tight over resilient flesh, then swept my hands around her body until I cupped the shape of her breasts and she shuddered and clung to me.
Leticia had her fingers entwined around my neck. Her back arched slightly so that my hands were free to roam over her breasts. I took one nipple between my fingertips and pinched, goading her almost – but not quite – to the point of pain. Leticia sucked in a sharp hiss of breath and then suddenly pulled my face down onto hers in a kiss filled with passionate urgency. Her nipple turned hard as a pebble and I rolled it between my thumb and forefinger. Leticia’s tongue thrust within my mouth, and at the same instant I felt the sudden desperate press of her pelvis against my hardness.
When I broke the kiss Leticia was gasping and panting, her body quivering with tiny trembles of desire. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, moist and shiny. There was a flush of color on her cheeks and beneath the palm of my hand I could feel the racing thump of her heartbeat. My free hand slid down between the smolder of our bodies and pressed against her thigh. With my fingertips I felt for the hem of her short skirt. Leticia shifted her body, transferring her weight s
o that her hip was pressed against me and her legs slightly parted. Her eyes flickered open for an instant and there was an awed, overwhelmed look in her eyes, as though her physical need to be touched had swept away the last tendrils of her uncertainty.
With a sudden possessive hand, I tore at the hem of her skirt, forcing it higher up the silky smooth flesh of her thigh until its edge was bunched at her hip and the soft simmering heat of her naked sex was exposed. Leticia’s eyes flashed wide, becoming enormous with helpless surprise and shock. She shuffled her feet wider apart like willing prey to my fingers and then closed her eyes and buried her face against my chest, hooking her nails into the back of my neck and clinging to me fiercely as she surrendered herself.
“You will do exactly what I tell you to do,” I said.
I felt Leticia nod her head against me.
“You will obey every command instantly.”
Again Leticia nodded mutely. She was breathing heavily, her nails pricking at my neck like the claws of a cat as the urgent need within her drew her body taut.
My fingers brushed the inside of her thigh, drawn towards the damp heat of her sex. I slid my hand over the soft mound of her pussy and Leticia suddenly stiffened within my arms, seized and paralyzed by the ache of her need. Instinctively my fingers strummed gently across the jutting nub of her clit and I felt a rush of moist heat coat my fingertips as the desire within Leticia spilled like a flood.
Her breath hitched in the back of her throat and jangling nerves made her arms twitch and her thighs begin to tremble. She made a sound like a frantic sob as I pressed one of my fingers deep within her and she pushed herself down hungrily against the palm of my hand. Her hips began to rock and her whole body began to writhe and undulate.
With slow deliberate strokes I teased Leticia until she was shaking as if in the grips of a fever. She lost control of her breathing so that it was ragged and uncertain and I felt her lift herself up onto her toes, every muscle in her body gradually drawn to tension until she was straining on the precipice and clinging to me in a weak desperation.