Suddenly Leticia’s quizzical expression became concerned and self-conscious. “You can really tell that?”
I nodded. “But I won’t tell you how,” my smile was tantalizing. “It’s a secret I intend to keep.”
Chapter 13.
The fire was burning in the study, and I walked into the room and felt its musty comfort wrap around me. I loved this room – I loved what is represented, the sense of timelessness I felt when I was here… and I loved the memories. I loved that this room still carried lingering traces of Leticia. It wasn’t her perfume in the air nor was it anything tangible. It was in my memories. She had spent so much time in this room with me that to be here was to remember her.
I held the door open and Leticia came into the room. She swept passed me and I saw the same fond trace of a smile on her lips that reflected my own feelings. She went to the sofa and curled herself comfortably up in the corner like a graceful cat.
Another snapshot: another image of Leticia that would be burned into my mind forever. The firelight cast leaping dark shadows across the walls and painted the soft skin of her cheeks with a golden glow.
I took a deep breath and thrust my hands deep inside the pockets of my pants. I leaned against the cold wall and looked across the room at Leticia. She looked up into my face and her lips were slightly parted.
“Jonah, do you have an agenda – do you have a plan?”
I smiled. “Leticia, I have a plan for everything. What exactly do you mean?”
Leticia reached into her handbag for a notebook and pen. “I mean do you have a plan for us – for today?”
I nodded. “Of course¸” I said. “As I understand it, you need two more interview articles – one about BDSM in the bedroom, and another where you want me to talk directly to men, and try and reach them in their own terms about how to make love to women. Correct?”
Leticia nodded. “The editor wants the first article to be about the advantages of BDSM in the bedroom.”
I inclined my head. “Very well, then my plan is to spend the afternoon completing the articles that you require and then the evening showing you the delights a woman can experience when a man is committed to pleasing her with his mouth.”
There was a doubtful smile on Leticia’s lips – a suggestion that perhaps my plans for the evening were overly ambitious based on Leticia’s previous experiences.
I smiled back – confidently.
I started to pace around the room, organizing my thoughts while Leticia sat patiently waiting. I crossed back and forth in front of where she sat, and there was the pleasant distraction of the way she sat, for I could see the hard little points of her nipples through her blouse and the dark, mysterious triangle beneath her skirt between the fold of her legs.
“For many couples, moving to BDSM roles inside the bedroom can be a way to spark new energy into sex lives that are drifting into boredom,” I began. I glanced at Leticia. She was staring back at me.
“Aren’t you going to write this down?”
Leticia gave a little start and fluttered her hands. “Sorry! I didn’t realize you were just going to launch into the article. I thought you were talking to me…” She scrambled quick notes and then looked up again, ready to continue.
“But it is important that I make some things clear.” I stopped pacing to emphasize the next point. “BDSM in the bedroom will not work for every couple, and nor do I think it matters which person in the relationship assumes the dominant role – it can be the man, or the woman.”
Leticia made notes and I saw her underline several words.
“You will emphasize that point?”
Leticia nodded.
“Very well.” I started pacing the room again and then began to carefully explain my reasoning behind advocating the lifestyle for bored couples.
“Once a sexual relationship has become boring for couples, they often drift further apart. If neither partner accepts responsibility for adding spice to the sexual relationship, then there can never be a solution to the monotony of the few things they share in the bedroom. In other words, bored couples will settle into a routine, and then that routine will become less frequent, sometimes to the point where a sexual relationship barely still exists.
“In such cases, BDSM may – and I stress the word may – help drag those couples out of the quagmire of their boredom, and spark new excitement into their bedroom activities. But it is important, if couples choose to try BDSM activities, that one of them must completely hand over responsibility for their sexual activities and the other must willingly accept the role. There is no point in a woman approaching her husband and offering to submit to him, if the man is not truly committed to accepting the responsibility and continuing to explore and learn. If the man is not completely committed, then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.”
I waited for a moment, watching Leticia write furious notes, and when she had finished she looked up at me with a question. “But the man can give responsibility to the woman, right?”
I nodded. “I have said that. I have said that it doesn’t matter which person hands responsibility over to the other – it only matters that the person who accepts the responsibility be committed and willing to continue to learn.”
Leticia fell silent, and looked slightly chastened. Then she asked another question suddenly. “Jonah, you make it sound like every married couple is destined to become bored with their sex lives. Surely you don’t think that?”
“Not every couple, Leticia,” I said. “But certainly most couples.”
Leticia did not look convinced. “How can you possibly believe that?”
I sighed. “Because men and women marry for the wrong reasons,” I explained. “Men marry a woman in the hope that she will never change. When they are courting, the girl is hot and passionate – she is full of sexual desire, and she can’t get enough of her man. But as soon as they marry – much to the man’s disappointment – the woman does change. Her focus drifts away from the man and onto homemaking. Similarly, women marry a man mistakenly thinking their love will be the thing that changes him. But apart from some pulp romance books, the reality is that a man will never change. That’s the contradiction of relationships. Men marry the woman hoping she will never change, and women marry a man hoping he will.”
Leticia frowned. “You’re very cynical.”
“I’m right.”
Leticia shook her head like she didn’t want to believe me. I didn’t have the time or the inclination to argue the point further.
I went on.
“Once the roles have been established, suddenly the potential for creating excitement in a couple’s bedroom returns. For many women who feel their husband has lost interest in them sexually, this can be a liberating experience, because it can often serve to reawaken the man’s interest. Once BDSM is introduced to the bedroom, it is no longer possible for previous routines to continue. Suddenly the man is confronted with the reality that he needs to create encounters that are interesting, yet still consistent with the roles of the dominant and submissive.”
Leticia threw down her pen suddenly.
I glanced at her. “Did you miss something?”
Leticia shook her head. “No. I’ve written it all down, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.”
I stopped pacing. I had the sudden sense that I was going to need a drink. I went to the side table and poured half a glass of whisky. I glanced at Leticia again. She was frowning over her notes, shaking her head slowly as if trying to understand.
I filled the rest of the glass.
“Let me give you an example,” I said.