Leticia shuffled her feet apart, and then came up onto her toes so that the fine lines of her legs took on new definition, and her poise changed. Her lips parted slightly into a pout and her eyes almost became hidden behind heavy lids. The mounds of her breasts thrust out, and she sucke

d in her breath so that her waist looked tiny and I could see the toned undulations of her abdomen muscles.

“Now touch yourself,” I said. “I want to watch you play with your pussy.”

Leticia balked. She lowered her eyes but her hands stayed loose at her side.

“May I ask why?” she whispered.

“For four reasons,” I said patiently. “First, because it pleases me. Secondly, because if I watch you pleasure yourself I begin to get some understanding of how you make yourself come – that will help me when I choose to pleasure you. Thirdly, because it helps you to overcome your awkwardness about displaying your body to me. Leticia, you are simply gorgeous. You have no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed, and I want you to become comfortable with me watching you.”

Leticia slid her hand slowly until it was gliding lightly between her legs. “You said there were four reasons,” she whispered. “What’s the fourth reason?”

“Because I insist all my submissives pleasure themselves at the beginning of every training session,” I explained. “Sometimes a session such as this one will be purely for my pleasure. But if you bring yourself to orgasm before the session starts, you will never leave the room unsatisfied. A lot of Masters use their submissive for their own sexual release, and leave the woman frustrated. I don’t work that way.”

Leticia nodded her head jerkily, then she closed her eyes and began to press her fingers between her legs. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched with keen interest, my gaze flicking from the changing expressions on her face to the way she used her fingers to gradually heighten her arousal.

The room was silent. I could hear Leticia’s soft breathing, and the hum of distant traffic from the city down below.

Leticia’s face became furrowed in concentration. She trapped her bottom lip between her teeth and her hand between her legs began to move in a quick, circular motion across the sensitive flesh of her clit. Her shoulders were hunched and with her free hand, she reached up and began to press and squeeze at her breast.

Leticia’s hips began to sway and the movement of her hand became more frantic. Her breathing became harsh and then finally, the hand over her pussy fell away and she seemed to slump forward with a loud sigh of frustration. She opened her eyes and her face was bleak and resigned. “I can’t do it,” she said. “I can’t seem to relax enough to make myself come knowing you are watching…” as she spoke, she turned her head to find me and her voice fell away suddenly when she saw me beside the bed.

I went to her. I was hard. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “That’s okay,’ I said. “I didn’t expect you to be able to make yourself come the first time. Let me help you…”

I turned Leticia around so that I was standing close behind her and pulled her back against my body. The hardness of me pressed against her, and she seemed to mold herself around me. “Spread your legs again for me,” I whispered in her ear. I wrapped one hand around Leticia’s throat as the other one drifted down between her parted thighs. My fingers stopped just an inch away from the pouting lips of her pussy. “Touch yourself again,” I said, “and listen to the sound of my voice as you do.”

Leticia’s hand went quickly to her pussy and I felt the heat between our bodies begin to rise. I could smell the scent of her perfume and the shampoo in her hair, as I stood close behind her. My fingers around her throat became firm. “Imagine me taking you on the bed,” I whispered. “Imagine you on your hands and knees and me behind you. Imagine your back arched, and your head lowered as I slowly slide myself into you…” As I played the vision out in my mind, I slid my hand from around Leticia’s throat until I was cupping one of her breasts. My other hand lightly covered hers between her legs so that I could sense how she manipulated her fingers, and the increased urgency as her touch became more desperate.

“Imagine me deep inside you, and our bodies rocking together, Leticia,” I went on softly. “Imagine me with my hands tight around your hips, holding you in place as we grind our bodies together faster and faster until we’re both on the brink of exploding.”

Leticia groaned aloud, and I felt her weight suddenly drop away, as her knees went from beneath her and her whole body began to thrill in the grips of an orgasm. I wrapped my arm tight around her waist to hold her as the tremors of her release rippled outwards and her whole body began to undulate. Leticia gasped and then seemed to collapse in my embrace. I held her to me for long moments until she gradually drifted back from the far away place her orgasm had carried her. She was breathing quickly, as though she had been running. I turned her around in my arms and there were bright, hectic spots of color on her cheeks and a crimson flush across her chest.

“That was intense…” she said. Her voice was a rasping croak and her eyes still glazed. She licked her lips and sighed contentedly.

I nodded, giving her time to recover her breathing, and time to let the lingering afterglow fade from her body. Then I put my hands gently on her shoulders.

“Leticia, the first thing a submissive must learn is how to please her Master with her mouth. Being able to give pleasure in that way is the very first lesson all submissives should be instructed in. Now that you have come, the lesson can begin.”

There was a tiny flash of panic in Leticia’s eyes. “I don’t know how to act… I don’t know what to do, Jonah. But I want to please you. I really do!”

I stared down into her eyes, and could hear the ragged little pants of her breath. “You don’t have to act at all, Leticia,” I said. “You just need to be yourself. BDSM should be natural and instinctive. Even if the moves aren’t automatic, the feelings should be there, deep within you. So tell me, how do you feel?”

She smiled self-consciously. “Now I’m nervous again. Like I can’t breathe. And my knees still feel weak from my orgasm.”

I nodded. “Then maybe that’s the place to start,” I said. “On your knees.”

Leticia’s eyes flashed with something like understanding, and there was a sudden smolder of arousal in the way her features changed. The nervousness vanished and instead she became serious. She understood instinctively what I wanted her to do. Beneath the insistent press of my hands on her shoulders she sank to the floor. She lowered herself slowly to her knees and looked up into my eyes. Her hands were by her side. She licked her lips, but still she seemed uncertain.

“Unbuckle my belt,” I said. My voice was soft, but the tone was carefully controlled. I made the words sound like an instruction, not an order. I reached down and gently cupped Leticia’s chin in my hand to lift her face to mine. “I want you to use your mouth to pleasure me,” I said.

I felt Leticia’s fingers at my belt buckle and I closed my eyes and drew a deep breath. My hand slid down and reached for the swell of her breast. She seemed to sense my need and moved herself until I could feel her, and then a touch of the warm skin at her throat. My hands slid lower and brushed across the hardened shape of her nipple. She groaned, and I felt her sudden desperate need to please in the way she tugged at the belt and unfastened the zip of my trousers. She gave a little gasp, and then I felt the soft touch of a single finger trace itself along the burning hot length of my hardness.

I closed my eyes and felt the grip of Leticia’s fingers around my shaft as she explored me with her touch. I felt myself pulse and leap within her grasp. Leticia’s fingertips fluttered across my shaft, and then I felt the softness of her wet lips as she began to engulf me. I concentrated on the sensations as Leticia began tentatively to move her mouth back and forth in a slow, uncertain rhythm. She made small noises in the back of her throat and then I felt her wrap one of her hands around the base of my cock and begin to gently squeeze.

After just a couple of minutes, I knew enough. I opened my eyes and looked down at Leticia kneeling before me. Her eyes were closed, her expression one of intense concentration as she bobbed her head mechanically. I pulled away from her, and she looked up with sudden dismay and confusion.

“Am I doin

g this wrong for you?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yes,” I said bluntly. “You’re doing it entirely wrong.”

I sat on the edge of the bed and drew Leticia close beside me. She looked crestfallen. Tears of humiliation welled in her eyes. She hung her head miserably and sniffed.

“Open your mouth,” I said softly.

Leticia obediently opened her mouth wide into the shape of an ‘O’. I touched the tip of my finger on her bottom lip, and then with slow voluptuous purpose, I slid my finger between her lips and across her tongue. Leticia’s mouth wrapped around my finger as I slid it back and forth in an erotic parody of penetration. The inside of her mouth was moist, and I stared into her eyes as my touch probed deeper, became more insistent. Leticia made a soft moaning sound in the back of her throat, and I felt the vibration of the whimper on my fingertips. Slowly I withdrew my finger and then traced a soft wet line around her trembling lips. Leticia’s eyes were glazed and clouded. I stroked the soft skin of her cheek and then tenderly cupped her chin in my hand. She closed her mouth.

“Pleasing a man with your mouth is an essential trait that every submissive must learn, Leticia,” I said kindly. “It is a fundamental skill- but more than that – understanding how to give such pleasure is intrinsic to your success as a submissive.”

Leticia’s expression became clouded with confusion. I took her hand in mine.

“You will never please a man with your mouth by simply going through the motions,” I explained. “That’s not giving pleasure. Merely bobbing your head back and forth is impersonal – mechanical. If that is how you try to please a man, then you cannot hope to succeed. Giving pleasure needs to be instinctive. You need to be aware and alert. You need to understand the messages of the man’s body, the subtle sounds he makes, and the way he responds. Oral sex should never be mechanical, and nor should love-making. Each time you decide to pleasure a man, you need to make that moment unique – because the man will respond differently each time. It is an art, and a skill, Leticia. Not a routine.”