“Can they do that?” she asked.

“Certainly. They would lose membership in the Council if they resisted the pre-assigns, but it seems they are willing to do this. In light of these machinations, the Chief Justices have ordered the ambassador to five years guarded incarceration.”

“No.” Star shook her head adamantly, her stomach knotted. “I’d rather kill him than send him to a penal colony.”

“I haven’t finished,” the clerk said in a chastising tone. “The ambassador is to be placed on house arrest, and since you obviously deal well with him…” He paused. “You did partner him through his heat, did you not?”




Roark’s arms came around her waist in a gentle embrace that offered needed comfort. He looked over her shoulder at the comm link.

The clerk smiled. “Greetings, Ambassador.”


“So, Judge Star,” the clerk continued. “You are assigned to five years house arrest guard duty in addition to your regular bench assignments.”

Star’s eyes widened. As her knees went weak with relief, she was grateful for Roark’s steady embrace. “Five years.”

“That’s a lot of judicial credits, right?” Roark asked.

“Yes, it is, Ambassador. Upon your return, Judge Star, you are to meet with the Chief Justices to discuss your advancement.

Congratulations. We’ll have a drink when you get back.” He smiled again. “See you then. Out.”

The screen went blank.

“Oh, man…” she breathed, turning in Roark’s embrace. “Oh wow.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But you’re still a selfish bastard.”

He laughed that warm laugh that made her shiver, and kissed her nose. “I know. I’ll make it up to you, Chief Justice Star.”

“Damn, that sounds good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does.” He released a deep breath and his mouth curved in a wry smile. “I guess I wasn’t as good at hiding my attraction to you as I thought.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious someone knew you had the hots for me.”

Star brushed the silky skeins of Roark’s hair over his broad shoulders.

“And they set us up.”

“My personal assistant, I bet. I’ll have to reward him when I see him next.”

“What’s my reward for seeing you through your sex-a-thon? That was insane, you know.” She shook her head. “Insane.”

“For the next five years I’ll be your sex slave. You can do whatever 22


you want with me. If you can handle being with me that long.”

“Slave. Yeah, right.” She snorted. “You’re too arrogant for that.

And too used to getting your own way. You argue about what vid shows to watch!”

“But you like me,” he pointed out softly, pulling her closer. “And maybe, if I’m really good and really lucky, I can make you more than like me.”

Star stared up into those beautiful blue eyes, and smiled. “Wanna start being really good right now?”

Stepping backward, she tugged him toward the bed. Her spines flared outward, and his gaze heated at the sight.

His smile was wicked. “Looks like I just got lucky.”