Page 28 of The Moneychangers

"Expressed another way, I am convinced that First Mercantile American Bank has, at present, an insufficient proportion of its funds available for large loans to industry, and we should embark immediately on a program of increasing such lending

It was a familiar script which Roscoe Heyward, Alex Vandervoort, and Ben Rosselli had debated often in the past. The arguments which Heyward now advanced were not new, though he presented them convincingly, using figures and charts. Alex sensed the directors were impressed.

Heyward talked for another thirty minutes on his theme of expanded industrial lending against a contraction in community commitments. He ended with as he put it "an appeal to reason."

"What is needed most today in banking is pragmatic leadership. The kind of leadership which will not be swayed by emotion or pressured into 'soft' uses of money because of public clamor. As bankers, we must insist on saying 'no' when our fiscal view is negative, 'yes' when we foresee a profit. We must never buy easy popularity at stockholders' expense. Instead we should lend our own and our depositors' money solely on the basis of the best return and if, as a result of such policies, we are described as 'hard-nosed bankers,' So be it. I am one who will be glad to be counted among that number." Heyward sat down amid applause.

"Mr. Chairmanl" The steel-man, Leonard Kingswood, leaned forward with a hand raised. "I've several questions and some disagreement."

From lower down the table the Honorable Harold Austin riposted, "For the record, Mr. Chairman, I have no questions and total agreement with everything presented so far."

Laughter erupted and a fresh voice that of Philip Johannsen, president of MidContinent Rubber added, "I'm with you, Harold. I agree it's time we took a harder line." Someone else injected, "Me, too."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen." Jerome Patterton rapped lightly with his gavel. "Only part of our business is concluded. I'll allow time for questions later; as for disagreement, I suggest we save that until our discussion when Roscoe and Alex have withdrawn. First, though, let's hear Alex."

"Most of you know me well, as a man and as a banker," Alex began. He stood at the boardroom table casually, shoulders slightly hunched as usual, leaning forward momentarily to catch sight of those directors on his right and left as well as others facing him. He let his tone stay conversational.

"You also know, or should, that as a banker I am tough hard-nosed, if anyone prefers that word. Proof -of this exists in financing I've conducted for FMA, all of it profitable, none involving loss. Obviously in banking like any other business, when you deal from profitability you deal from strength. That applies to people in banking, too.

"I'm glad, though, that Roscoe brought up this subject because it gives me an opportunity to declare my own belief in profitability. Ditto for freedom, democracy, love, and motherhood."

Someone chuckled. Alex responded with an easy smile. He pushed the chair behind him farther back to give himself a few paces of free movement.

"Something else about our profitability here at FMA is that it should be drastically improved. More about that later. "For the moment I'd like to stay with beliefs.

"A belief of my own is that civilization in this decade is changing more meaningfully and quickly than at any other time since the Industrial Revolution. What we are seeing and sharing is a social revolution of conscience and behavior. "A few don't like this revolution; personally I do. But like it or not, it's here; it exists; it will not reverse itself or go away.

"For the driving force behind what's happening is the determination of a majority of people to improve the quality of life, to stop spoliation of our environment and to preserve what's left of resources of all kinds. Because of this, new standards are being demanded of industry and business so that the name of the game is 'corporate social responsibility.' What's more, higher standards of responsibility are being achieved and without significant loss of profits."

Alex moved restlessly in the limited space behind the boardroom table. He wondered if he should meet another of Heyward's challenges head on, then decided, yes.

"In the matter of responsibility and involvement, Roscoe introduced the subject of his church. He told us that those who have as he puts it 'regained control' are opting out and favoring a policy of non-involvement. Well, in my opinion, Roscoe and his churchmen are marching resolutely backwards. Their attitude is neither good for Christianity nor banking."

Heyward shot up straight. He protested, 'That's unpleasantly personal and a misinterpretation." Alex said calmly, "I don't believe it's either."

Harold Austin rapped sharply with his knuckles. "Mr. Chairman, I object to Alex's descent to personalities."

"Roscoe dragged in his church," Alex argued. "I'm Simply commenting."

"Maybe you'd better not." The voice of Philip Johannsen cut sharply, unpleasantly, across the table. "Otherwise we might judge the two of you by the company you keep, which would put Roscoe and his church way out ahead." Alex flushed. "May I ask exactly what that means?"

Johannsen shrugged. "The way I hear it, your closest lady friend, in your wife's absence, is a left-wing activist. Maybe that's why you like involvement."

Jerome Patterton pounded with his gavel, this time forcefully. "That's sufficient, gentlemen. The Chair instructs there will be no more references of this kind, either way."

Johannsen was smiling. Despite the ruling, he had made his point.

Alex Vandervoort, seething, considered a firm statement that his private life was his own affair, then he rejected the idea. Some other time it might be necessary. Not now. He realized he had made a bad mistake by returning to Heyward's church analogy.

"I'd like to get back," he said, "to my original contention: How, as bankers, can we afford to ignore this changing scene? To attempt to do so is like standing in a gale, pretending the wind does not exist.

"On pragmatic, financial grounds alone we cannot opt out. As those around this table know from personal experience, business success is never achieved by ignoring change, but by anticipating and adapting to it. Thus, as custodians of money, sensitive to the changing climates of investment, we shall profit most by listening, heeding, and adapting now."

He sensed that, apart from his lapse of judgment moments earlier, his opening gambit, with its practical emphasis, had captured attention. Almost every outside board member had had experience with legislation affecting pollution control, consumer protection, truth in advertising, minority hiring, or equal rights for women. Often, such laws were enacted over angry opposition from companies which these bank directors headed. But once the laws were passed, the same companies learned to live with new standards and proudly touted their contributions to the public weal. Some, like Leonard Kingswood, concluded that corporate responsibility was good for business and espoused it strongly.

'Where are fourteen thousand banks in the United States," Alex reminded the FMA directors, "with enormous fiscal power in extending loans. Surely, when the loans are to industry and business, that power should involve responsibility on our part, too! Surely among criteria for lending should be the standards of public conduct of our borrowers! If a factory is to be financed, will it pollute? When a new product is to be developed, is it safe? How truthful is a company's advertising? As between companies A and B. to one of which we have funds to lend, which has the better record of non-discrimination?"

He leaned forward, glancing around the elliptical table to meet, in turn, the eyes of each board member.

"It is true these questions are not alway asked, or acted on, at present. But they are beginning to be asked by major banks as matters of sound business an example which FMA will be wise to emulate. For just as leadership in any enterprise can produce strong dividends, so leadership in banking will prove rewarding, too.

"Equally important: It is better to do this freely now than have it forced on us by regulation later."

Alex paused, took a pace from the table, then swung back. Now he asked, "In which other areas should this bank accept corporate responsibility?

"I believe, with Ben Rosselli, that we should share in improving the life of this city and state. An immediate means is through financing of low-rental housing, a commitment this board has already accepted with the early stages of Forum East. As time goes on I believe our contribution should be greater."