More important, they might realize the missing copper disc was not a case of vandalism but a consequence of investigation. If they suspected that I was more than a mere guest enjoying the pleasures of Roseland, I might learn the secrets of this place suddenly and violently.

A full nine feet above the ground, atop the wall, a missing bit of copper would not readily be noticed. When I set to work with the penknife, digging out the mortar, I soon discovered that the copper would not readily be removed, either. By the time I burrowed down an inch, when the blade of the penknife snapped, I realized that the discs were not as thin as coins but were instead the blunt ends of inch-diameter copper rods. For all I knew, they extended the entire depth of the wall and into its concrete footing.

Copper was far too soft a metal and too expensive to serve as structural reinforcement. Steel rebar would have been used for that purpose. The copper had some other function. Considering the expense of embedding so many rods in a long work of masonry, I could only assume they must be no less essential to the true purpose of the wall than was the web of rebar that maintained the structural integrity.

I threw the pieces of the broken knife into the tall wild grass beyond the estate and crawled forward on hands and knees until I came out from under the overhanging branches of the oaks. I got to my feet and walked the yard-wide wall, as if I were again—or still—a boy adventuring.

The rise in the land hid the distant main house and all other structures from me—and me from them.

Within fifty feet, I came to what appeared to be a foot-wide, shallow black bowl turned upside down in the center of the wall cap. When I knelt again, I saw that this object was supported on four-inch-long steel pins, and that it was a rain deflector set over a six-inch-square ventilation grill.

I thrust one hand under the bowl and felt a faint, warm draft barely fluttering against my fingers. When I bent my head to the deflector, I smelled something that reminded me of new-sprouting spring grass and ripe summer grass and wild strawberries, although the fragrance was not in fact like any of those things, but unique. Abruptly the draft turned cold, and though the scent that came with the change of temperature was also unique, it reminded me of things that it smelled nothing like: dry leaves but also dead leaves wet with a not-unpleasant mold and also the so-faint but stirring scent released by cracking ice.

Cool changed to warm and warm to cool every twenty seconds, for what reason and to what purpose I couldn’t guess. I had no idea why a wall would need to be ventilated or why the flow of air and odor would not be consistent.

I rose and continued perhaps four hundred feet until I came to another rain deflector and vent. Here, I found the same conditions.

Immediately ahead, another hurst of oaks spread branches over the wall, and a few hung low. I considered jumping off the rampart, but I didn’t know what ankle-fracturing hole or rock the long grass might hide, and so I slid backward off the top, hung by my hands, and dropped a little more than three feet.

I backed away from the wall, trying to spot the rain deflector curved over the vent grill. But it was far above my head, had a low profile, and was a nonreflective black that made it difficult to see. When I had backed off far enough to detect the thing, it was a hardly noticeable shape that didn’t seem out of place or intriguing.

Puzzled by my discoveries, I turned away from the wall and found the muzzle of a pistol aligned with my left eye.


THE HAND HOLDING THE PISTOL HAD LONG, BLUNT fingers and bristles of wiry black hair between the knuckles, and the guy to whom the hand belonged had a face to match his fist: hard, clenched features and a beard shadow that would not be shaved away even with a wood-chipper.

Paulie Sempiterno was chief of the Roseland security team, and in neatly pressed gray slacks, white polo shirt, and handsome blue blazer, he still looked as if he spent most of his time in alleyways breaking people’s knees with a baseball bat and decorating their faces with chain patterns.

He said, “I don’t like you, pretty boy,” and his rough voice chilled the whistling nuthatches to silence in the trees behind him.

Although I had met him only once before and had done nothing to offend him, I believed that he was sincere, that he disliked me in fact intensely. Even if he hadn’t said a word, I could read his contempt in the way that his thick purple lips sneered back from teeth that looked formidable enough to crunch up a pork chop, bones and all. The gun in my face was another clue.

He said, “Wolflaw’s a flaming idiot, he’s always been an idiot, but I didn’t expect this, not even from him. Houseguests! And not just overnight. What the hell is he thinking? Why stop there? Why not have a wedding for you and your knocked-up sweetie? Invite a hundred of your inbred moron relatives, hire an orchestra, ask the governor to stop taking bribes long enough to come down from Sacramento and officiate.”

Stocky, barrel-chested, thick-necked, antisocial, Sempiterno would have been a classic strong-and-silent type if he could have shut up for a minute. But he had a mad-on, and he wanted me to know he had a mad-on, and he evidently thought I was so slow-witted that I wouldn’t understand his position until he had used a thousand words to paint a picture of it.

He said, “Anyway, you’re not just some houseguest, pretty boy. Looking here, looking there, snooping around, up to the stables, talking to Shilshom about a horse when there isn’t any horse, haven’t been horses here for a long time, now walking on the wall. Who the hell walks on top of a nine-foot wall? Nobody, that’s who. Except you. Why the hell were you walking on the wall?”

When he paused for longer than one quick inhalation, I figured I was being invited to reply. “Well, sir, the view’s nice from up there. You can see so much farther.”

Thrusting the pistol closer to my left eye, just in case I had forgotten about it, he said, “How’s this view. You like this view? More dramatic than the Grand Canyon. I don’t know what you’re up to, wall-walker, but you’re up to something. I don’t like people who are up to something. You know how much tolerance I have for people who are up to something?”

“None?” I guessed, pretty sure that my answer had won a prize, if there was a prize to be won.

“Less than none. What’re you up to?”

“I’m not up to anything, sir. To be frank, I’m just freeloading off Mr. Wolflaw. He’s charmed by the girl I’m with, and I’m along for the ride. Could you put the gun away? I’m harmless. I really am.”

He glared at me. His glare could melt a polar bear’s testicles.

If he’d had a cold sore on his lip, we would have been friends by now.

“I know you’re going to be major trouble,” he said. “I’d really like to put a bullet in your face.”

“Yes, sir, I know you would. I appreciate that. But you really don’t have a reason to put a bullet in my face.”

“The reason is I don’t like it.”

“Besides, if you kill me, the girl I’m with will be upset, and Mr. Wolflaw is so charmed by her that he’ll be upset, too, and there goes your job. Not to mention prison, gang rape, and the loss of your right to vote.”

Even the prospect of being turned away from the ballot box didn’t seem to faze him. “The girl’s not his type. She’s nobody’s type. The bitch creeps me out.”

“Ah, sir, that’s just mean. She’s not a Victoria’s Secret model, but she’s pretty in her way.”

“I’m not talking about how she looks. With this face, I’m gonna make fun of how other people look?”

“Good point.”

At last lowering the pistol, he said, “It’s how she stared at me the very first time I saw her. Like she’s a speed-reader and my whole story’s no longer than the list of ingredients on a cereal box.”

I nodded. “She seems to look straight into your heart.”

“Wasn’t any damn romance-novel moment,” Sempiterno said. “It was like I went through airport security and in ten seconds flat came out scoped, poked, and naked.”


sp; If you’re open to it, a smile can find you at the most unlikely times. “I like the way you say things, sir.”

Again he favored me with that bruin-emasculating glare. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Just that you have a way of putting things.”

“I say what I say. I don’t care what you think.” He holstered his pistol. “If Noah Wolflaw, the idiot, wants you here, I can’t make you leave. But you better understand, pretty boy, he doesn’t love the girl and he doesn’t like you, he’s all about himself. And whatever he wants from you two—when he takes it, you’re going to wish to hell you’d listened to me and been long gone.”