Kane and Riggs against one defender.

Classic hockey.

They were streaking down the ice, passing the puck back and forth, while the defender skated backward, trying to cut off any potential shot. The goalie weaved from side to side in an effort to see around the defender.

Kane, Riggs, and back to Kane, who then faked a pass to Riggs, but gave a sharp wrist shot to the left of the defender. It ended up going over the goalie’s shoulder into the net so fast he barely had time to react.

I start jumping up and down, shouting Kane’s name. The girls all give me high fives and hugs. I’ll have to confess my sin to Kane later that I was gabbing with the girls and not watching when he scored.

I’m watching now, though, and my skin tingles when he skates out of the crowd toward the bench, his face angling up toward where we sit. I don’t know if he can see me exactly, but I start waving like a maniac. He holds his stick up and smiles, then he’s at the bench accepting backslaps from all his teammates.

“That was an amazing play,” Brooke says, turning back. “Your guy is looking hot out there.”

“So is Riggs,” Blue says constructively. “Word is that his addition to the second line might give the first line a run for their money.”

“What’s his story?” Nora asks. “Tacker says he’s even more prickly than he was even at his prickliest.”

“I find that hard to believe.” Blue snorts, and I find myself lost during these intimate friendship details. I don’t feel left out… just a bit in the dark. But I figure I’ll catch up soon.

“Kane invited Riggs to dinner,” I inform the ladies. “But he hasn’t committed to anything.”

“I know he’s raising a younger sister on his own,” Brooke says as we all take our seats again.

“Really?” Nora asks, leaning forward when Brooke turns in her seat to face us on the row behind. “How old is she?”

“Seventeen, I think my dad said. Starting her senior year of high school.”

“Wow,” Nora murmurs. “That’s a lot of responsibility for a single man to take on, particularly one with such a hectic travel schedule.”

“He should talk to Regan,” Blue suggests. “She’d have some great advice.”

“Why’s that?” I query.

Brooke leans farther over the seat. “Regan’s brother was a professional hockey player, too. He was best friends with Dax growing up. He raised Regan while still playing hockey after their parents died.”

Oh my God… so tragic. But yes, Regan would probably have great advice for Riggs. Still, I can’t help but wonder why he’s so standoffish. A team is a family. The bonds that are formed directly mesh with the skills and talent, making for even better performances. I’m sure of it.

Maybe he just needs someone to talk straight about it, but I’m not sure Kane is the guy. That’s probably best left for Bishop perhaps, since he’s the captain.

It’s amazing how complicated this team is, yet also wonderful. Such rich stories, diverse backgrounds, and a whole lot of care, loyalty, and respect.

I never thought this would be a gift I’d receive just by being with Kane. I never saw it as his best friend, but I wasn’t around a lot then.

I’m simply grateful to be here now, feeling secure in this new sisterhood and brotherhood I’ve become a part of. I wonder if these are relationships I can maintain, especially if I start traveling again. Friendships are like gardens, needing care and maintenance. Will I continue to be welcomed into this tight circle if I’m not here to continually forge these bonds?

More importantly, the same could be said for my relationship with Kane. Yes, we already have an incredibly secure connection. We have a deep history, and our bond is rock solid.

And yet… I know distance can weaken those things.

It’s something to think about, but not any time soon.

For now, I’m incredibly happy right where I am.CHAPTER 19KaneThis plan seemed not only brilliant when we concocted it, but it also sounded fun. Like we were back in high school, doing something both foolish and thrilling, with the prospect of getting caught making it even more exciting.

But now I’m thinking this might have been the dumbest plan we could have come up with.

It all started with Ella calling Jim to inform him that she had plans on Friday night, and, as per their custody agreement, Jim got the first crack at spending time with Lucy if he wanted. Jim, of course, would have wanted it, but Lucy had been invited to a friend’s house for a sleepover, and she wanted to do that.

While I know it hurt Jim’s feelings just a bit—to be passed over by his daughter—he also knew if his wife had plans to go out with that guy, it would be the perfect opportunity to do some sleuthing to see what he was up against.