I’m not surprised she’s not here, though. She hasn’t attended a team event since their separation, and this isn’t the ideal place to bring her if he’s trying to forge a reconnection. It would be way too awkward at this point.

No, Jim needs to wine and dine her. Needs to remove all distractions and make it only about them.

I snicker, thinking how ridiculous I am. I’m certainly not an expert on romancing a woman. I didn’t have to be with Mollie to win her, but I guess it doesn’t mean I can’t do it to keep her happy with her choice. I make a mental note to have flowers delivered to her tomorrow after I leave on the team plane for our trip to Los Angeles. Mollie’s going to skip this trip, so she doesn’t have to pawn Samson off. Even though she knows he’s in good hands, he’s her baby and she doesn’t like being away from him much.

It’s a damn good day to hang with my teammates and their family. Mollie has been so readily accepted into our group, and it feels fucking fantastic knowing I have her in every way a man can have a woman, especially as my biggest fan while I’m playing. When she’s in that arena and I know she’s cheering me on, I feel faster on my skates and more focused in my shots.

We eat, drinking a few beers. Nora and her ranch manager, Raul, bring out a couple of horses, then take the kids on slow walks around one of the arenas in front of the barn. We stay until almost sunset when the party starts to break up. Everyone needs to get packed and ready for the road trip to L.A. tomorrow. A handful of us remain to help Nora and Tacker get everything cleaned up, making sure the tables and food are put away, then we head back to the city fully sated on great camaraderie.

The only person missing was Riggs. I had hoped he’d come, maybe bring his little sister. Mollie told me that he was raising her alone, and I wonder if that’s the cause of his attitude. I decide to press him on that dinner invitation some more, maybe hitting him up again on the road trip.

On the way back into Phoenix, Mollie settles into the passenger seat of my truck, humming along with the radio. It’s been a long day, and I can tell she’s tired because she’s quiet. When she’s run out of words, it’s her telltale sign that her brain is shutting down and heading toward relaxed mode, although I’m sure I can get her a bit re-energized when we get home.

“What are your big plans while I’m gone?” I ask, turning down the volume on the radio.

Lazily, she rolls her head my way. I spare her a glance. Even after having every bit of her face memorized, the sight still makes my chest squeeze. Smiling, she takes in a breath. “Let’s see… I’m going to take Samson on long walks around the city while enjoying the fact I don’t have to look over my shoulder. Maybe work a few shifts at Clarke’s store—not that I need the money, mind you—but to alleviate the boredom. And maybe I’ll try to start on that guidebook.”

She says the last statement with some uncertainty, which is strange. Mollie rarely ever sounds uncertain about anything.

“Having second thoughts about writing it?” I ask.

“No,” she replies quickly. “Just… I don’t even know where to start.”

I consider that for a moment, since our intimate relationship didn’t have a conventional start. But when I look back on it, I realize we were on our way to where we are now right from the beginning. We just took a long, windy road to get here, much like the way Mollie’s travel life has been.

“I suggest,” I drawl, reaching out to tug on the end of the long braid she has flipped over one shoulder. “You start at the beginning. That’s where every good story commences.”

It’s certainly where ours did.

She rolls her head my way again.

Her smile is full of such fondness I feel the warmth from my head to my toes.

“You always know the right things to say,” she murmurs.

“Then it’s settled,” I reply with a firm nod. “You’ll also start writing that guidebook while I’m gone.”

“Yes, I will,” she agrees.CHAPTER 25KaneThough I’d much prefer to have Mollie at my away games than not, I have to say there’s something very satisfying about sneaking into my condo late at night and waking her up with my hand between her legs. Samson, thank fuck, has learned to leave the room when things become amorous, so I don’t have to battle the awkwardness of his pointed stare as I make love to his mom.

Case in point, I got back from L.A. late last night, the schedule having us return directly after the game. Mollie has never been a night owl, probably from years on the road rising with the sun and being bone-tired at the end of the day. I knew she’d be asleep when I tiptoed in.