“You better,” I warn sternly. “The regular season starts this week. There’s no room for errors.”

“Understood, Coach,” he barks out like a solider responding to his sergeant.

We both laugh. I lean against the headrest, wondering how my life had changed so radically in such a short period.

There was definitely a catalyst.

“In some ways, we should thank Matthew,” I ponder aloud.

“What?” Kane snarls. “Thank that fucker for what?”

“Had he not attacked me I’d have never been scared enough to run to you. If I hadn’t run to you, I wouldn’t have met Jett, he wouldn’t have asked me on a date, you wouldn’t have been jealous, and we wouldn’t have kissed.”

Kane’s trying not to smile, but I see it in the corners of his eyes. He grouses out, “I’ll admit he set things rolling, but I’d never thank that douchebag.”

I snicker, gazing out the windshield again. “I predict, one day far from now, when we’re married with kids and a white picket fence, you’ll look back on Matthew fondly and be glad of what he did.”

“Never,” he mutters, but then he whips his head my way. “You think we’ll get married?”

I blink in surprise. Until he just asked that, I hadn’t even realized I’d mentioned marriage.

And kids.

It just sort of came out naturally, like I assumed it would happen.

I give a tiny shrug. “I guess. I mean… I love you. You love me. You’re my best friend. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I’d be happy spending my entire life with you. So… isn’t marriage sort of what people in our situation do?”

Kane chuckles, pulling my hand up so he can kiss my knuckles. “Yes, that’s traditionally what happens. But everything about us has been unconventional so far. I mean, look at us right now… discussing marriage as if it were the weather. We can do whatever we want. We don’t even have to have a wedding—we could just call ourselves life partners.”

“Oh no,” I say, waving my other hand. “My mother would have a fit if she couldn’t see me married in a dream wedding.”

This time, I get a narrow-eyed, searching stare from Kane… long enough I’m worried he’ll run off the road. When his attention turns front and center again, he says, “Got it. Marriage it is then.”

Odd how just weeks ago, the notion would have been foreign to me. I would have rolled my eyes if someone told me I’d soon be in love, committed, and looking to be with a man for the long haul.

Yet here I am, and it doesn’t feel strange at all.CHAPTER 21KaneNot going to lie.

It was hard as hell to get my head in the game tonight, but I think I managed it. Knowing Mollie was in the stands while we took on the New York Phantoms—safe and secure—helped the most.

It’s been a bit nerve-wracking since Mollie sent that email to Matthew. It had been carefully worded with the help of Dr. Corinne Ellery. She felt the best way to get his attention, and a response, was to be upfront about her anger over what he did, but to express clear confusion and a need to understand his actions. After the requisite request they meet in public—because she knew he was in Phoenix since she saw him that day—her last line was supposedly what would hook him.

She had written, “I can’t move on from this until I have some closure from you.”

According to Dr. Ellery, this would make him furious enough—how dare she think she could move on?—that he would most likely take the bait.

We sent the email yesterday before we boarded the flight to New York, but we haven’t heard anything back. It’s been torture waiting for a response, and even more frustrating that he hadn’t responded right away.

Still, Mollie is safe here with me, and we have a game plan. So, with those two things in mind, I was one hundred percent in my head as a hockey player determined to win.

The Phantoms played fierce, as they made some excellent off-season moves. I have a feeling they are going to be a strong contender down the road. We managed to pull out a 2-1 victory with the goals going to Bishop and Jett, and the assists to Dax and Jim. Still, our second line put on a good show. Despite not being able to make a personal connection with Riggs off the ice, we are getting along fabulously with our skates on. In the brief time we’ve been practicing and having pre-season games, he’s been able to integrate himself seamlessly into our style of play.

Since the team plane won’t head to Pittsburgh until morning, most players disperse for a few hours out in the Big Apple.

Mollie and I head out to a bar close to the hotel for a few beers. The group includes me, Mollie, and my second-line teammates, excluding Riggs, who declined our invitation. Erik and Blue also joined us, though Blue has another three months until their baby is born and can’t drink.