It’s a good thing she doesn’t want me to say anything because I’m not sure I can. The air had been sucked out of my lungs, my throat drying up like the desert, when she told me she loved me. My head swam, and my heart threatened to explode from my chest.

It was the most exciting thing that has ever happened in my entire life. Of course, I love her back in the same way. And she knows it. It’s why she’s not expecting it from me in the same way. She doesn’t want it to be trite or overly dramatic. Tonight was her right time.

She wants mine to be the right one for me.

I squeeze her hand, shooting a smile her way. Then I pull my hand back, changing the subject as she requested. “So… Jim has this crazy idea about following his wife to find out more about the man she’s dating, and he’s asked me to help.”

Mollie grins, happy I’ve followed her request. “That’s kind of cute, I suppose.”

“I think he’s a husband who loves his wife and wants to make his marriage work, but he doesn’t quite know what to do.”

“Then you should help him,” she replies with a firm nod.CHAPTER 18MollieIt’s not my first professional sporting event.

Not my first professional hockey game.

Definitely not the first time I’ve watched Kane skate onto the ice.

But tonight, it’s all so different.

The atmosphere inside the arena is hair-raising. As the team warmed up, the music blasted so loudly I could feel the concrete flooring beneath my feet vibrate. There wasn’t an empty seat when the game started, which is impressive considering this is still just the pre-season, but the fact the Vengeance are now defending Cup champions has fueled the excitement over the season starting.

Kane had previously arranged a season ticket for me in the section meant for the family members of Vengeance players. With some more rearranging once I arrived, orchestrated mainly by Brooke and Blue, I was able to sit in the row directly behind them. Even luckier was that I was flanked by Nora, Pepper, and Clarke. Willow was up in the owner’s box with Dominik. Regan, being Willow’s sister-in-law, chose to sit up there, too.

While I’m not sure it will be like this every game—having the opportunity to sit with these women—I feel like I’ve made lifelong friendships in this short amount of time. It’s a definite sisterhood, so to speak, and they’ve welcomed me into their ranks with open arms. Of course, they all think Kane and I have the most incredibly romantic story. They practically swoon when they talk about us.

But while hanging out with these girls at various times over the last few weeks, I’ve realized they each had their own incredible journey to find love that began roughly a year ago when Brooke—who just happens to be Coach Perron’s daughter—had a one-night stand with Bishop, our team’s captain. Neither one knew or recognized the other. Yet, when they realized, they somehow fell into a crazy fake engagement to appease the prickly coach. It had all ended well, and they are happily married now.

Blue and Erik are quite the story, too. She’s one of the team’s flight attendants. Together, she and Erik care for her brother, Billy, who has cerebral palsy.

Pepper and Legend were feuding neighbors turned lovers, then a secret baby left on his doorstep had been thrown into the mix. Talk about crazy.

Regan’s story is inspiring. When she was struck with a life-threatening and incredibly rare blood disease, Dax married her to give her health insurance. Oh, then they fell in love, too, of course.

The team’s tragically struck hero, Tacker, lost his fiancée in a plane crash he was piloting. The story tugged at my heartstrings already, but add falling in love with his therapist, and it’s the perfect plot for a made-for-TV movie meant to make women cry their eyeballs out.

In my mind, I can picture them all falling like dominos throughout the season.

Oh, and there’s Clarke and Aaron, who have only been dating for a few months, but it’s easy to tell they’re going to go the distance. And I can’t forget to mention the team’s owner, Dominik, who fell for the sassy, defiant Willow.

Maybe there’s something in the water here in Phoenix, but it appears Kane was next up to tumble. I’m just glad it was in my direction. I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be at this point in my life.

“This isn’t your first time watching Kane play, is it?” Nora asks, nudging my arm to get my attention.

I shake my head rapidly. “I’ve seen him play tons. In college, I hardly missed a home game. Even made it to some of his away games. Once he turned pro and I started traveling full time, I was able to catch maybe two or three a year.”