CHAPTER 15KaneThe high of winning our first game of the pre-season lasts all the way to the hotel the team is staying at in downtown Denver. The mood on our bus is jubilant. As we disembark, groups of players take off down the streets in search of a few beers and a lot of fun. The team plane won’t be returning us to Phoenix until morning.

When I step off, I head into the hotel, Jim Steele on my heels. I glance over my shoulder. “Not going out for beers?”

“Nah,” he says with a chuckle. “I’m too old to hang with those young pups.”

“Too old, my ass,” I reply with a bark of laughter. “You ran circles around everyone out on the ice tonight.”

Jim may be one of the older players—not that thirty-three is old by any means—but he’s probably in better shape than ninety percent of our team. He’s an amazingly hard worker.

As it stands, we routed Denver, winning 6-1. I had an assist myself, and I’m pleased with my performance. But pre-season is all about working out the kinks. Letting our lines come together to gel even more in the heat of battle.

I do have to say, Riggs played exceptionally well. Regardless if he’s a standoffish dick away from the game, he had a goal and an assist tonight. Our second line seems to be flowing well.

“How come you’re not going out?” Jim asks as we reach the elevator. He actually happens to be my road roommate. When the doors open, he precedes me, but as the doors close, he adds with a sly grin. “Oh, wait… never mind. I get it. You’re a kept man now, so no going out to party.”

Rolling my eyes, I jab the button to floor three. “Just because Mollie and I are in a relationship now, it doesn’t mean I can’t go out with the boys.”

At least, I don’t think it means that. We haven’t talked about it, but I’m fairly sure I know Mollie well enough to be safe thinking she would have told me to go out if I felt like it.

Truth is… I just don’t feel like it. I’m tired from the game. I’d like to chill with maybe a beer from the mini bar, a call with Mollie, and a movie to fall asleep to. Luckily, Jim is a chilled, laid-back dude so he makes a great roommate. He’ll be up for the same thing; except he won’t have a call with his estranged wife.

We get into the room, taking turns in the bathroom to complete our nightly routines. We’d showered at the arena after the game, but there are still teeth to be brushed and clothes to be discarded. Jim and I roomed together last season as well, so we are comfortable around each other in only our underwear. Hell, it’s not like we haven’t seen every member of our team naked at some point between the showers and locker room.

Beer in hand, I settle onto my bed while Jim’s in the bathroom, shooting Mollie a text. It’s nearing eleven at her parents’ home in California, so I’m not sure if she’s still awake.

She texts back immediately. I’m finishing up a rousing game of Scrabble with my dad. Call you when we’re done. You played great tonight, by the way.

I smile as I reply. No rush. If I don’t answer, it either means I’m asleep or Jim’s asleep and I don’t want to disturb him. Such is life on the road.

Learn something new every day, she replies.

I set my phone on the bed, then take a sip of my beer. As much as Mollie and I know about each other, there is still so much to learn. This is a prime example. I’d love to talk to her tonight, but if Jim falls asleep before she calls, we’ll just have to resort to texting. And if I happen to fall asleep, I’ll just have to settle with seeing her tomorrow when we return.

As my girlfriend, these are the things she’ll have to learn about dating a professional hockey player.

Not that Mollie will be bent out of shape at all. She’s too laid back to worry about such things. Just as I’m too laid back to care she can’t talk right now because she and her dad are dorks and playing Scrabble.

That makes me chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Jim asks as he comes out of the bathroom. He moves to the fridge, peeks in, and pulls out a beer.

“Mollie’s playing Scrabble with her dad and said she’ll call later, and it reminded me of when Aaron and Clarke started dating. The first time she invited him into her house after a date, Clarke had suggested he come in to play Scrabble. He had thought it was code for “let’s have sex,” but it turned out… she just wanted to play Scrabble.”