I gasp in surprise. “I can do that?”

“Of course you can,” he assures me. “Not on the team plane, but I’ll fly you first class to any game you want. Especially extended road trips if you’re up for it. Jim’s daughter, Lucy, will be more than happy to take care of Samson. You can come to our game Tuesday in Denver if you want.”

“Or maybe,” my mom suggests, tears welling in her eyes just a bit for effect, “you could stay past the weekend to visit with your parents a little longer. It’s been forever since you’ve been home for a good visit.”

My gaze moves to Kane, and he gives me a slight nod. I should give my parents that at least.

“Okay,” I say with a bright smile. “I’ll stay here until at least Wednesday to visit before heading back to Phoenix.”

This pleases my mom to the extent she launches herself at me, nearly strangling me with her tight hold. Still, I smile because I love my parents so much. It’s worth staying a few extra days to make them happy.


Kane moves inside of me slowly, but not because he’s afraid of my bed squeaking. No, we moved to the floor so as not to create any potential noise. Besides that, he’s had his hand clamped over my mouth the entire time because I do tend to get vocal when he makes me feel so good.

With the moonlight bathing us through my window and my soft comforter between us and the carpet, I’m immersed in a lovely cocoon of lovemaking that I don’t want to end.

But it feels so freaking good, it has to end right now. Kane pushes in extra deep, presses his hand harder against my mouth, and absorbs the impact of my orgasm as it rockets through me. He grins down, I’m sure loving the way he has me in captivity and picks up the pace of his thrusts. In moments, with my orgasm still causing tingles up and down my spine, he erupts inside me with a groan he manages to contain deep in his chest.

He holds his weight off me while we pant, regaining our breath. Slowly, he removes his hand from my mouth.

I whisper, “That was so damn good.”

“Told you sex in your bedroom would be amazing,” he says with a smirk.

“Sex with you anywhere is amazing,” I reassure him. And I know deep down in my heart that it’s because of the bond we shared long before we became romantically involved.

Kane’s face softens. “Even though I’ll miss you, I’m glad you’re going to stay a few extra days with your parents. They really need the time with you to assure themselves you’re okay, especially since we’re going to be spending most of tomorrow at my parents’.”

We had decided earlier in the week to pay them a visit as well to break the news of our relationship in person. They’re going to be as thrilled as my parents are.

“Thanks for understanding,” I reply, lifting my hand to brush away a lock of hair hanging over his forehead. “But I’m sad I’ll miss your first game.”

“There will be plenty of games for you to attend,” he assures me. “I’ve already got a season-ticket seat with your name written all over it in the section where the Vengeance families sit.”

Kane rolls slightly, taking me with him. He tugs a corner of the comforter over our bodies as our damp skin starts to chill, then wraps his arms around me.

While the sex is explosive, this is my favorite part. Call me a girl, but I love cuddling with Kane. I’m beyond happy he’s not averse to it. It’s where we have some of our best conversations.

“I need to tell you something,” he says, his somber tone making me stiffen in his arms. I have to lean back a bit so I can see his face. “I know there’s danger out there, that what we have is amazing and we want to spend all our time together, but I also know you love what you do. The traveling and blogging. I just want you to know if you want to hit the road again, I’ll fully support it. I don’t ever want you to quell who you are to be with me.”

I love Kane.

Have for years, through one of the best friendships a person could hope for.

But in this moment, I fall in love with him, deeply and knowing there’s no coming back from it.

Moving my mouth to his, I give him a soft kiss. “Thank you for saying that. I truly don’t know what I want, and I have no immediate plans to do anything in the near future except spend time with you. But… thank you for always wanting the best for me.”

“That will always be my first priority,” he assures me. “Always.”