But the way she just said it makes me think she’s seriously considering having a fling with Jett while she’s visiting me.

And, deep within my gut, I know that is absolutely something I can’t ever abide.

I’m just going to have to take another tact. “I’m going to have to forbid that.”

Mollie laughs, thinking I’m joking. When my expression remains hardened like stone, her chuckles die down. She cocks her head. “Are you serious? You’re trying to forbid me from having a fling with Jett?”

Standing straighter, I cross my arms over my chest. “You’re damn right I am. He’s my teammate, and you’re my best friend. I’m forbidding it.”

Mollie gives a bark of disbelieving laughter as she sets the water bottle on the counter. Drawing up to her full height of five foot seven, she crosses her arms over her chest. “You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Kane.

She’s right about that. I have no control over her. And later, I’m sure I’ll wonder if I have a brain tumor that’s causing me to do impulsively ridiculous things, but, for the moment, I don’t do a damn thing to prevent the next words that come out of my mouth.

Opening my arms wide, I say, “If you need that type of itch scratched, Molls, you’ve got me right here to take advantage of.”

Mollie’s eyes practically bug out of her head as she gapes in silent shock.

Nodding, I take a step toward her, arms still spread wide. “That’s right… If that’s what you need, Mollie, I’m offering it right now.”

In all the years I’ve known my best friend, I’ve never once been able to render her speechless. We have fought and argued a lot, and she’s usually the one who gets the last word. But now, I just wish she would fucking say something.

Mainly because I can’t tell if I’ve offended or intrigued her. I can’t glean anything off her expression other than the fact she is completely and utterly stunned.

Holding my ground, barely two feet from her, I don’t say a word.

Contemplatively, Mollie tips her head back. “So assuming I have an itch that needs to be scratched—we’re talking about sex, just to be clear—you’re offering your body as a way for me to achieve said scratching?”

I take one tiny step closer, which forces her head to tip back farther to maintain eye contact. “Well, since I have effectively laid down the law that you cannot scratch that itch with my teammate, yes, consider me your scratching post.”

Once again, she cocks an eyebrow. “I do feel the need to ask if you’re drunk right now?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t had a drop to drink. Are you drunk?”

She shakes her head. “One glass of wine at dinner.”

I take a step closer until there’s barely a few inches between our bodies, then dip my head. “Did Jett kiss you tonight?”

She shakes her head, and I’m embarrassed by the breath of relief that gushes out of me.

“Are there going to be regrets tomorrow?” she murmurs. “Assuming we give in to the need to scratch itches, we’re not going to have alcohol to blame this on like we did in college.”

My smile is soft, relieved she no longer thinks this is a joke. I keep my voice light and teasing. “I believe we can try to rationalize things—but tomorrow. I do like the idea of being your scratching post, though.”

“We’re seriously going to do this?” she asks hesitantly.

“Only if you want,” I assure her.

After giving me no answer for a painful moment, she then leaps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and plastering her mouth to mine.CHAPTER 7MollieI ignore the voice in my head that tells me I’m on the verge of ruining everything good between Kane and me.

Instead, I choose to listen to two extremely vocal parts of my body that are clamoring for attention. That space between my legs that started throbbing the minute our mouths touched, and the cavern beneath my breastbone that holds my beating heart, which loves Kane like no other man before.

It’s never been a romantic love, but one of trust, commitment, and loyalty. He’s been my rock, steady and without limits. For those things alone—that he’s given to me time and time again—I love him deeply.

So it’s no wonder my heart chooses to agree with that female sex part of my body that wants something from him that he gave me only once in our friendship.

As Kane walks us back to his bedroom, our mouths hungrily devouring each other, I admit to myself there have been many times I’ve wondered if we’d ever go down this path again. I face the truth down deep in my bones—I have fantasized about Kane in very sexual ways over the years. Now, I marvel that it hasn’t come to this long before now.