It’s glorious when his hot seed floods my mouth. I swallow over and over again as he releases into me. The feeling that I’m giving him something special—something almost holy between us—overwhelms me. Tears prick at my eyes. It’s a feeling I memorize, because I know something monumental has changed between us once again. I now own a piece of him, the way he already owns a part of me.

Aaron gently pulls me off his spent dick, his hands going under my armpits. I feel slightly woozy from my efforts, but I’m satisfied in a way that also has me feeling mellow. Aaron easily lifts me from the floor, pulling me up his body until he settles me on his lap. He shifts so I don’t crush his well-used cock, then cuddles me against his chest. Wrapping his arms around me, he presses his face into my neck and murmurs, “You are amazing, Clarke.”

Simple words, but the force of emotion behind them hits me in all the feels. I don’t feel the need to say anything back, but I do wonder if this is what love feels like…

I wonder if Aaron is thinking along the same lines?

Maybe we’ll talk about it soon.

One day.CHAPTER 23WyldeI walk into Baden’s room, gritting my teeth at the horror of seeing him in the bed with tubes swirling all around him. He’s been heavily medicated since his surgeries, and I still don’t understand everything that has happened to him. I’ve heard everything from lacerated spleen to spinal concussion to brain hemorrhage to… my head spins from it all.

If that isn’t bad enough, one of his attackers sliced into his face, cutting him from temple to jaw. There’s a jagged line of black stitches running down his face, reminding me of Frankenstein.

Giving him a quick glance, noting he’s still sleeping so deeply he doesn’t stir, I move past his bed and hand coffees to his parents where they sit on the other side.

“Thanks, Aaron,” his mom says with a tired smile. I’d like to say I understand some of their fears right now, but I don’t. If I were laying in that bed instead of Baden, I’m not sure my mom would be by my side.

My dad, well… too late for that, but had he been living… he most certainly would not be here.

I move back to the other side of the room with my own coffee, content to sit and just visit quietly for a few more minutes. We’re trying not to overwhelm the Oulett’s, but everyone is concerned. When I managed to sneak in about ten minutes ago, I’d immediately volunteered to get them some coffee.

A slight tap on the doorframe has me twisting that way, and I see Dominik. He has a teddy bear in his hand, which seems odd. His gaze locks on Baden’s mom, and he glides quietly into the room straight to her.

He hands her the bear, bending to kiss her on the cheek. “Figured you could use something soft to hug once in a while.”

To my surprise, she laughs and pats Dominik on the cheek. “That’s very sweet.”

Dominik shakes Baden’s dad’s hand before nodding toward the bed. “How is he this morning?”

“He’s not woken up yet, but the doctors aren’t concerned. They’d rather have him resting. His brain function looks good, though.”

“Excellent news,” Dominik murmurs, then looks at me. “You good?”

“Good, boss,” I reply in a low voice as I push out of the seat I’d just taken. There are officially too many people in the room now, so I’m going to cede my spot to Dominik. I hold a hand up to his parents. “I’m going to head out to let Dominik visit a bit. You both have my number… call me if you need anything.”

“Thanks for coming, Aaron,” Baden’s dad replies.

I move my gaze to Dominik. “You got a minute before I leave?”

“Sure,” he replies easily and follows me out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I move a few doors down, then lean against the wall. Pushing my hands into the front pockets of my jeans, I ask, “What’s the latest word on Baden?”

I didn’t want to ask his parents, but I know Dominik is being kept in the medical loop since Baden is his player and employee.

Dominik gives a morose shrug. “There’s just no telling. Seems like he’ll heal fine from the stab wounds while the brain bleed seems to be under control. But the doc said it could go either way on the spinal injury. We just won’t know until he’s awake and able to undergo some functioning tests.”

“Fuck,” I mutter, scanning the hallway. “I just can’t believe this happened.”

“Good reminder that life can change on a dime, right?” he replies.

“Makes you want to grab those you care about and keep ’em close,” I concur.