What isn’t said but is clear is this group is close. They share bonds that traverse the team dynamics, venturing into almost unexplainable depths.

Nora reaches out, and I take her hands. I get a squeeze and a brilliant smile. “I’m so glad you’re here to share this with us.”

“I’m so honored,” I reply, humbled to so easily be accepted into this group. Granted, it’s my association with Aaron that got the invite, but after our pedi date that first day, I know these women will continue to be good friends. I would say even if Aaron and I don’t work out, they’ll still be a part of my life.

Of course, the thought of Aaron and I not working out causes a sharp, stabbing pain in the center of my chest, which tells me I’m in deep with him already. Amazing how quickly life can change.

Eventually, the minister manages to break up the group love and calls for us to gather around him. Rather than the wedding couple facing us, Tacker and Nora choose to stand with us… their friends gathered at their backs and sides, facing the pastor. The morning sun is bright, periodically faded by bright fluffy clouds overhead. A salty sea breeze tickles my face.

It couldn’t be a more beautiful day or setting for a wedding. Even though it’s the same exact spot we were in yesterday for a wedding, this feels so different.

It’s intimate and spiritual. The love passing between Nora and Tacker as they gaze at each other is almost magical. I realize I’m witnessing something so special I may never see it again.

The minister merely welcomes this private gathering, assuring us the paper legalities have all been handled. “So my part is rather limited this morning. My understanding is the couple merely wishes to exchange the vows they’ve written, so… Nora, would you like to begin?”

Nora nods, but she doesn’t take her eyes off Tacker. She’s wearing a simple off-the-shoulder dress in mint green with a subtle cream floral pattern around the hem. It flutters around her tanned legs, her loose hair swirling about her shoulders. The breeze blows a few tendrils into her face. She pushes them behind her ears as she starts her vows.

“Tacker… there was a time in my life where I didn’t believe in love, miracles, God, or humanity. While I managed to stumble out of that dark place long ago, there was still always a bit of shadow hanging over me. Perhaps it was just that my true purpose was unknown, but all I know is from the minute you came into my life, nothing has ever been clearer. You’re what I’ve been waiting for. You’re the reward I get for all the bad I had to go through. You’re my destiny, and you’re well worth any pain I’ve been through to get here. I’m honored to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I don’t know Nora’s back story, but she clearly has one. Within her words, I could feel something terrible must have happened, just as I could feel Tacker has healed up every bit of that. And from what little I know about their situation—the fact that Nora was his counselor—I thought it would have been reversed.

Tacker has a sheen of wetness in his eyes, which he doesn’t even bother trying to blink away. He just smiles at Nora as if she’s the most glorious thing he’s ever beheld, mouthing the words, “I love you,” to her in response.

The minister says, “Tacker… your vows.”

Tacker releases Nora’s hands and gives an apologetic cough as he reaches into his front pant pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper.

When he unfurls it, I see it’s actually several pieces of paper, but they’re small… the size of the stationery on the desk in our room.

Holding it up for all to see, he gives Nora a sheepish grin. “I stayed up last night after you went to sleep to play around with some words. I didn’t feel like I could memorize it all, and I’m not that great at speaking spontaneously the way you are… so I hope you’ll indulge me just reading this.”

No one says a word. While Tacker is making light of the situation, it’s a heavy moment as the man who had been through hell and back with his first love is going to start a new life with his next.

He takes a second, scanning over his words before he takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I am not sure if I understand what true love is or if it’s just a made-up ideal. I don’t know if I believe in soul mates or if we’re meant to only be with one certain person. I think it might be different for everyone, so I can only speak to what’s in my heart. I can only tell you, sweet Nora, how I feel about you. The rest of the world will just have to accept it.”