Aaron rolls off me, balancing on his arm and his hand lazily comes to my stomach to rest there. His expression is somber. “Tacker has come through a lot of painful stuff over the last few years. He was piloting a small aircraft with his fiancée aboard. They crashed, and she died. This was before he came to the Vengeance. And through most of last season, he just spiraled. Was really drowning in grief he couldn’t process.”

I had briefly heard this story before—from Aaron in passing, but Nora had also mentioned it the first day we were here. I hadn’t asked any questions, though, as that was something so personal I didn’t want to pry.

“He was so lost,” Aaron muses. He’s obviously sharing the story with me, but I can tell he’s a million miles away and lost in his memories. He and Tacker are best friends, so I’m sure Aaron witnessed the worst. “I wasn’t sure he’d ever recover, and while I know he loves Nora with all his heart and soul, wouldn’t he still be terrified at the thought of marriage? Wouldn’t he be scared it could happen again?”

“So, you think it’s too soon?” I ask.

He throws it back on me, clearly not sure about anything. “Isn’t it?”

“Not if they love each other and they’re sure about it.” Of this, I’m certain. I believe when something is real, a person knows it deep down inside. And I know this because if I’m honest with myself, the terrible little secret I carry around with me is I wasn’t sure about giving my virginity up to Tripp on that stupid reality show. I’d had doubts, but I felt so pressured to play the game.

I’ll never make that mistake again.

Suddenly, Aaron explodes upward, gazing at me with wonder. “They’re going to get married.”

I grin. He seems certain of it now, and his goofy expression of joy is beautiful. It speaks to how much he loves his friend, Tacker.

“Can’t believe the rat bastard didn’t share this with me, though,” Aaron muses, still grinning with affection in his tone.

“Maybe it was so spontaneous they just decided last night?” I suggest.

Aaron doesn’t respond, but glances past me to the bedside clock. “It’s almost eight.”

I look between the clock and Aaron, whose expression changes drastically in just that second or two it takes my head to swivel one way and then back again. His eyes are dark, glittering, and predatory.

A shiver of excitement runs through me. I decide to be bold, letting my fingers play at the collar of his robe. “I’m going to go pee. Then I think you and I have plenty of time to bang out an orgasm or two before we head to the bluff.”

Aaron’s gaze lights up with an almost feverish glitter as he practically pushes me out of bed. “Hurry. We also have whatever’s in that basket to eat, too.”

Laughing, I’m not even the slightest bit self-conscious as I slip out of bed buck naked and practically prance to the bathroom. I can feel the weight of Aaron’s gaze on me, and it feels good.


As we walk the paths of the resort toward the same bluff Brooke and Bishop got married on just yesterday, we don’t pass anyone else. This seems to indicate if Tacker and Nora are indeed getting married, the invitations that went out were limited.

We traverse up a gentle rise, the bluff at the top. I take in the handful of people. By doing a quick perusal and pairing it with the recent hockey knowledge Aaron’s been teaching me, it appears that only the Vengeance first line was invited, along with the team’s owner.

Aaron and I weren’t sure what to wear, but given the impromptu nature of whatever this is, plus the fact Tacker and Nora are extremely laid-back people, we dressed casually. I chose a floral-print maxi dress in pink, peach, and yellow while Aaron’s in navy shorts and a red and white Hawaiian-print shirt. We totally clash with each other, but we don’t care.

Dressed equally as casually are Dominik and Willow, Erik and Blue, Legend and Pepper, and Dax and Regan. I’m completely astonished to see Brooke and Bishop, since they are technically on their honeymoon and figured they would want to stay in bed.

“Good morning, everyone,” Tacker’s booming voice says just as we near the gathered group. Everyone turns his way. He and Nora are walking hand in hand up the knoll, and they are followed by the same minister who performed yesterday’s ceremony.

“Yup,” Aaron murmurs from the side of his mouth. “They’re getting married.”

Of that, there’s no doubt. The minister totally gives it away.

There are hugs given out as soon as they reach us, both Tacker and Nora taking a few moments with each guest to thank us for coming on such short notice.