But money is power… and power means connections. I took an Uber to the airport while Mrs. Osborne worked her magic. Before I even boarded my plane, I had a US Senator on the line while I tried to figure out where the fuck Willow was.

We were somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean when I found out the details of what happened. She was embedded with some forces that were making a hostage rescue attempt. It wasn’t her original assignment, but one she jumped on when it came available. I wanted to hate her for that decision, but I promised myself if she were still alive, I’d forgive her anything.

We were an hour from landing in Istanbul when I got word Willow was safe and sound, which was a God-given miracle considering some of the people she was with had been killed. I didn’t know whether to hug her or shake her when I saw her, but Istanbul wasn’t my final destination. It appeared Willow and some of the crew she was with had been rescued and extracted to the Incirlik Air Base in Adana, Turkey, where she was currently being debriefed by U.S. officials. Reports said she was in good shape but definitely shaken up.

Yeah… I’d forgive her for everything.

My plane touched down in Istanbul. It took roughly thirty minutes to refuel, but there were no further delays to get back in the air as my senator friend had already gotten my plane clearance to land at Incirlik.

I’m now in a military Jeep being chauffeured to some building on the large airbase that’s shared by both U.S. and Turkish air forces. As I’m led down a hallway toward a closed door at the end, I know Willow is on the other side.

I can feel her.

The airman opens the door for me, and I step through. Willow is at a window with her back to me. She turns, eyes widening in disbelief as she takes me in. My gaze sweeps down her. She has on a white tank top and khaki shorts with a bandage wrapped around her knee, but she looks healthy and whole.

I stop when I see that beautiful fucking face, and we just stare at each other for several long moments.

And then she’s flying toward me, gimpy knee and all, and, at last, she’s in my arms where I swear I’m never going to let go of her ever again.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, her voice muffled since I’ve lifted her off the floor and her face is buried in my neck.

My hand goes to the back of her head. “You seriously didn’t think I wouldn’t come get you after that voice mail you left, did you? Seriously, Willow… I can think of better ways to get my attention.”

She barks out a choking laugh, pressing closer to me. Weaving my fingers into her hair, I grip a handful to pull her head back so I can see her face. “So you love me, huh?”

“God… do I ever,” she says with a groan, then plasters her mouth to mine.

It’s a kiss that represents long days of repression and loss, all coming out to cleanse both of our souls. It’s soft and gentle and then it’s gone, her face buried in the crook of my neck once more.

“I was so scared, Dominik,” she whispers against my skin. “I was so afraid—not that I’d die, but I’d die without you knowing how I felt.”

“It’s okay,” I reassure her.

She rears back slightly, shaking her head. “No, it’s not okay. Jimmy and Sal died out there. Malik is missing, and—”

I hold my fingers over her mouth. “I want you to tell me all about it. First, though, I want to get you out of here. I’ve got a doctor on standby to look you over, then we’re going to fly to Paris so you can take a few days—”

“No,” she practically screeches, her eyes going incredibly wide and filling with angst. “I just realized… you are really here.”

“Of course I’m here.”

“No, no, no. Dominik… game seven is going to be starting in less than eighteen hours. What the hell are you doing here?”

And then it dawns on me. I haven’t thought about the Vengeance once since I’d left, yet Willow is wigging out over that?

“Relax,” I soothe, trying to reassure her.

“No, no, no,” she repeats frantically. “You have to get on a plane and go back. Maybe you can make it before—”

“Willow, just stop,” I say sternly as I set her down on the floor. I put my hands firmly on her shoulders, making sure she’s looking at me. “The game doesn’t mean anything. You’re the only thing that matters.”

Her eyes get wet and her voice lowers. “But… Dominik, it’s your dream.”

“You’re my dream,” I clarify. “And it doesn’t matter if I’m there or not. The Vengeance will win it.”