“I’ll walk you out,” Willow offers, moving to the bar and setting her glass down next to mine.

“Don’t bother.” Nora waves her off as Tacker puts his arm around her shoulder. “We’ll see ourselves out. You two stay out here and enjoy this gorgeous night.”

That’s all I need to hear. I reach out, nab Willow by the elbow, and pull her into my side. When I put an arm around her back, she reciprocates. We stand side by side as our guests—yes, our guests—disappear through the patio door and into the house as they call out farewells.

When the door closes, we silently watch the gang through the large windows along the patio. They meander through the house and right out the door. I file away a reminder to engage the lock before we go to bed.

I pick up my scotch, lean an elbow on the bar, and tip my head toward Willow. “Thank you.”

She takes her glass of wine, shifts her body to face me, and also puts an elbow on the bar. “What for?”

“For just being you,” I say, touching the tip of my glass to hers. “And for being more.”

Willow smiles, eyes dropping to her wine before raising the glass to her lips. She takes a small sip. “I’m glad you liked the more.”

She knows exactly what I’m talking about. That I’ve noticed she’s taken the next step to moving our relationship forward.

I also know she wouldn’t want me making a huge deal about it. Willow’s working through her trust issues. She’s slowly learning I’m not going to hurt her, and she’s taking tentative baby steps to meet me halfway.

Still, I do need her to know one thing. I learned a hard lesson as a child, that nothing is ever guaranteed and the people we love can be taken from us without any warning or reason. It taught me never to hold back on how I feel.

Setting my glass down, I take Willow’s from her hand and place it on the bar. Framing her face with my palms, I bend to put my face near hers. She blinks, waiting patiently and without fear to hear what I have to say that’s so important I need to hold her attention like this.

“I’m crazy about you, Willow,” I say softly, bending so I can brush my lips against hers. Pulling back just enough so I can see her again, I continue. “You need to know when all this started, I was on the same exact page you were. It was supposed to be temporary. A fun fling. We’d have a good time, and then we’d move on. But it turned into more. We both know it and I think tonight has made it clear we’ve both accepted it, too. I’m glad for that. I just need you to know what we have between us is beautiful, and it’s more than I’d ever dreamed of having in my life.”

Willow’s eyes move back and forth between mine as she considers what I’ve said. Her lips curve upward, clearly happy with my words. She answers me with a kiss, her hands locking behind my neck to pull me to her.

I know it’s hard for her to take this step. The words are probably locked in her throat and releasing them would make it even more real.

It’s okay that I don’t hear them, though, because fuck if I don’t feel her emotions in the very kiss she bestows on me. I feel the very core of her feelings for me from just the touch of her lips and the glide of her tongue.

My heart responds, but so does my body. I drop my hands to her ass, then pull her in so she can feel my response.

Willow moans when my erection presses into her, then she’s in my arms, legs wrapped around my waist.

I turn, heading toward the doors, but Willow pulls her mouth from mine. “Out here.”

Pausing, I consider the patio furniture options. There’s a heavy rattan couch with thick, wide cushions. It will work.

Clearly, our sexual relationship has been an important component in the level of our intimacy. Willow’s adventurous, eager to explore, and isn’t afraid of anything. Most of the time, I lead.





And she bends beautifully. I’ve learned well enough that’s what Willow loves. I truly think it’s the only time in her life she is empowered by giving up control. By not making decisions and allowing someone else to tell her what to do.

But tonight, I want her to show me more of herself. She may not be able to return the words—simple dialogue to let me know just how she feels—but she’s great with touch.

I drop to the couch, lying back, and settle Willow on top to straddle me. Her hands come to my chest and she stares down, head tilted in question.