We need a unifying event. A moment where we can settle down, remember our dreams are within reach, and fortify ourselves for the upcoming battle.

I thought a chance for us to gather and just “be together” in a relaxed setting could be of immense benefit. Seeing as how we are getting ready to go into game seven and have gone further than any other expansion team ever has is enough to put nerves and tension at an all-time high.

I need my guys to relax, regroup, and shore up their resolve.

Need them to walk into that arena tomorrow with winning attitudes.

There’s no way I could have pulled this together without Willow. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and it’s no easy feat to host almost fifty people on that sort of notice.

But Willow reached into our “significant other” community, deciding to have a potluck. She asked each couple to bring their favorite dish. Didn’t matter if it was sweet or savory, just bring their favorite. For all I know, we could end up with twenty-five desserts, which is not typically a bad thing, but my guys do have a game to play tomorrow. Can’t have upset stomachs and all that.

The point being is the core nucleus of the Vengeance organization is in my house. There’s good food spread out all over the kitchen counters and tables. People are grouped in small pockets, eating off paper plates with plastic forks while connecting personally with their fellow players. It’s a rarity we have events where the entire team is present and have their ride-or-die person with them. There are no kids to distract, and there isn’t even a party atmosphere because we have a critical game tomorrow.

It’s quiet conversation and fellowship, which is exactly what this team needs tonight.

To my surprise, Willow makes herself busy as presiding hostess. It’s a bit of a shock since her helping me host a party at my house makes a bold statement to everyone that we’re a couple. While it’s no secret we’ve been seeing each other, only the tight inner circle of the first line knows it’s getting serious. I suppose after tonight, the rest of the team will understand that, too.

I’m okay with that.

Ecstatic, actually.

It means Willow is opening herself up more and more to the possibility of something deep and meaningful with me. I’m more than ready for it.

I follow her lead tonight, weaving in and out of the small groups of conversing people, making sure I spend quality time with each member of my team. If I didn’t know their significant other before, I make sure I do by the time I leave them to move to the next group.

Coach Perron and I share time over glasses of scotch, and I let him talk out any concerns he might have. Turns out, he doesn’t have any because, like me, he has confidence in this team. I like that a lot.

The food gets eaten, conversations wind up, and folks start packing it in for what we all hope is a good night of rest. Willow and I end up spending a good half hour at my front door, wishing each of the guys and their partners good night. There aren’t any handshakes because by the time everything wound down, I’d felt closer to each one of these people. I kiss the cheeks of the women and give half hugs with hearty back slaps to the guys. Willow stands by my side, also bestowing farewell hugs.

It’s when we close the door on Coach Perron, most everyone else having left, and return to the living room that I realize the core group is still here. My first line.

Bishop, Erik, Legend, Dax, Wylde, and Tacker.

I glance through the open living space into the kitchen, spotting Brooke, Blue, Pepper, Regan, and Nora in the kitchen cleaning up.

Willow slips her arm around my waist, leaning into me with a slight squeeze. “I’ll go help get the kitchen cleaned up. You go hang with the boys.”

I could stare at her for days when she’s like this. Gazing up with a softness on her face that’s moving. It’s a clear acceptance of me and what I mean to her. She’s taken on the mantle of my significant other, and I’m so proud of her because I know how hard it’s been for her to get to this place.

This new role she’s stepped into moves me in a way I haven’t felt yet with Willow. It feels like I’ve reached a summit after a long, arduous climb and the sunrise at the top is too overwhelming to even describe.

I can do nothing but give her an acknowledging smile because if I tried to respond in any other way, I might make a fool of myself.

Willow walks away from me and I gesture to the men to follow before heading through the living room to the sliding glass patio doors. The men follow me out so we can enjoy the cool evening air.