“Thank you, Dominik.” We shake hands again, then Rafe melts into the crowd for what I’m sure is going to be a lot of emotional farewells.

I decide to make the rounds, ensuring I talk to every single player and the family they dragged along. I want to be known as the team owner who is always available for anything they might need.

I manage to avoid Willow for almost an hour. It’s not done with any ill intent. I just spent the better part of three hours with her and her family at the game, and I don’t want to spook her. While Willow puts up with some of my domineering ways because I amuse her, I have a feeling if she ever feels too cornered, she’ll bolt on me.

I’m not ready to lose when I haven’t even fully gotten into the race.

But when I notice people starting to pack it in for the night, I decide I better up my game and make my demand she spend the night. Glancing around the great room, I don’t see her. For a moment, I panic that she slipped out while I wasn’t paying attention, but then I notice her parents, Dax, and Regan inching toward the front door.

I make my way there, weaving in and out of people and avoiding eye contact so I’m not waylaid. I reach them just as they enter the foyer.

“Are you leaving?” I call to get their attention.

Willow’s parents smile graciously. I’ve enjoyed my time around Linda and Calvin Monahan, particularly watching their excitement as they watched Dax play tonight.

“It’s getting a little late for us old-timers,” Calvin says as he sticks his hand out. “But thank you for inviting us.”

“And we’re heading out, too,” Regan adds. “I have an early shift.”

Dax doesn’t say a word, but at least his trademark glare is absent.

But I like needling him, so I force conversation. “Where’s your sister? She already head out?”

Irritation flashes across his face, but then his lips curve up in what I’d deem a sinister smile. “Actually… she wanted to stay out for a bit. Said she’ll get an Uber home. Last I saw her, Wylde was doing a good job of keeping her entertained.”

That gives me pause. In fact, I whip around to see if I can locate them. While Willow promised me exclusivity last night, it doesn’t mean I like the thought of Wylde hitting on her. There’s a reason he’s considered the playboy of the team.

When I return my gaze to Dax, he’s smirking.


But I don’t play his game, instead turning back to his parents. “You two are welcome in the owner’s box for any game you come to in the playoffs, whether it’s home or away. Okay?”

“You’re way too kind,” Linda Monahan exclaims.

“Safe travels back to Michigan,” I say before bending to kiss Regan’s cheek, which I’m sure Dax will hate. “Great hanging with you at the game.”

“Thanks, Dominik,” she replies.

I lift my gaze to Dax where he stands behind Regan. I’m not teasing or trying to get a rise out of him now. “Great game, Dax. You’re a true leader on this team, and we’re lucky to have you.”

He’s taken aback, which I get a little satisfaction from. But he gives me a slow nod of acknowledgment, “Thank you.”

With a final nod at the Monahans, my intention is to find Willow and stop whatever mojo Wylde might be throwing her way. In addition to being controlling, I’m also very proprietary.

I stroll through my house, not stopping to make conversation but not ignoring anyone who addresses me. Therefore, it takes me a good fifteen minutes before I find Willow on the back patio in the midst of an intimate conversation with Wylde.

Chairs angled toward one another, heads bent in close, Willow sips on a glass of wine as Wylde palms a beer.

My hackles rise instantly.

Far more aggressively than they should.

Willow has promised herself to me and nowhere in my world does conversation mean anything more than conversation.

Except I think what’s bothering me is she seems enthralled in their conversation.

We don’t have that—Willow and me.

We have sex, which is what we agreed on and for some reason, those grapes taste really sour right now.

When they notice my approach, they go silent. Wylde lifts his chin. “Great party, Dominik. Perfect way to start the playoffs, but you could have invited some puck bunnies.” He waggles his eyebrows.

That Wylde is making a flat-out lewd reference to hooking up with other women right in front of Willow should appease me. But I’d never felt threatened he’d take her from me sexually.

What I am threatened about is he seems interested in her mind, and, moreover, that she’s chosen to share it with him.

Willow only smiles passively, not appearing offended at the interruption. I study her, wondering if she’d put up a fight if I yanked her out of the patio chair and tossed her over my shoulder. Ignored all my guests to haul her off to bed.