But I wanted more than just time with her at the game. Because of that, I had Mrs. Osborne plan a party at my new house for tonight, then sent an email that I expected the team and their families to be there so we can all celebrate the start of the playoffs together.

It was total bullshit. I only wanted to get Willow into my house this evening. Once I got her there, I didn’t intend to let her leave. But a party is always a fun time and Mrs. Osborne went all out with the catering. It also helps we trounced the Seattle Storm tonight—7-1—which has everyone in a jubilant mood.

Me more so than anyone else because not only did my team win, but Dax also showed up with his parents and—more importantly—his sister in tow.

So far, I’ve ignored her. Some of the players are aware of my interest in her as I’ve point blank made no secret of it when I’m around her brother, having repetitively hounded him for help in getting through to her when she wouldn’t respond. I’m sure that’s filtered through the locker room, juicy gossip and all. Plus, anyone with half a brain who’d been at the rookie party where I first met Willow saw my interest in her, and I like to think my players are pretty damn smart.

Now, I have no clue what her parents think. I’m sure the actions I took to sit beside Willow at the game probably spoke volumes. Unfortunately, they probably have romantic notions. They see a man trying to court their daughter when what I actually want to do is control and fuck her.

Of course, maybe they are aware their daughter isn’t the type to do relationships, and they have no expectations.

Regardless, I can’t worry about their feelings. In this respect, I’m selfish and looking out for myself.

Someone taps my shoulder and I twist to see Rafe standing there. As of this morning, he is technically off the Vengeance roster and on our minor league team in Rapid City, South Dakota. He won’t make the trip there, though. His waivers will go through tomorrow, and Gray Brannon will snap him up. Our team will be grabbing Kane Bellan.

Obviously, Rafe did not play tonight since he was released to the minors, but he cheered his former team on from the stands. He’s flying out tomorrow to his hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina to join his new team, the Carolina Cold Fury.

When he extends his arm, I take his hand in mine for a shake. “I just wanted to thank you again for everything you’ve done for me,” Rafe says, his voice a little clogged with emotion. “You didn’t have to, and I realize this put the team at risk.”

“I was glad to help you out,” I reply humbly.

“Yeah…” he says, seeming almost awed. “You are glad to help out. That makes you different. So while I’m grateful to be able to have this time with my dad, I’m extremely upset about leaving the Vengeance. I always felt like it was family, and what you did validated that feeling.”

And shit… his words cause an unpleasant feeling in my chest. Pain-in-the-ass emotions.

Clearing my throat, I change the subject to something a bit easier to discuss. “You ready to go tomorrow?”

Rafe nods. “Spent most of the day packing. Movers will be coming later in the week to get my stuff, but it’s going right into storage. I’ll be staying at my parents’ house until—”

He cuts the sentence off cold. It’s obvious what would have come next had the thought not been too horrible to finish.

Until his father dies.

“Was he happy you’re coming home?” I ask.

Rafe laughs, ruefully shaking his head. “No. He wanted me to stay here and see it through. He’s always been that way when it came to my hockey career. But he also understands why I’m not, and he’s as grateful as I am that you managed to get me on the Cold Fury. Now, I’ll at least have my job, which will help me keep my sanity.”

I give him a mischievous smile. “Well, you won’t be winning the Cup with that team, so you are sacrificing quite a bit.”

Chuckling, Rafe leans in after surreptitiously glancing around. “Listen… tomorrow, I’ll be an official member of the Cold Fury, which means my support and die-hard loyalty will be with them. But, for tonight, let me just tell you… I think this team is going to go all the way.”

I give his shoulder a squeeze. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. We’re going to miss you.”

“Going to miss y’all, too,” he replies gruffly, scanning the room. “This party is great. Gives me a chance to say my goodbyes to everyone.”

“If you ever want to come back…” I say, letting the notion hang in the air. “Just give Christian a call, okay? We’ll see what we can work out.”