But again… God help me… I’m secretly drawn to this controlling side of him.

Actually, it’s not even a side.

It’s the entirety of Dominik Carlson. He has to be in control and the one calling the shots.

Right now, it’s just dinner. But I know, without a doubt, I’d do pretty much whatever he told me to do in the bedroom.

But I also have a reputation to maintain. I need Dominik to still think I’m a challenge, so I lift my chin just a bit and scan the ingredients. “What are you making?”

“Carbonara,” he replies, snagging the carton of eggs. “Sound okay?”

“Sounds delicious. Can I help?”

He smiles wickedly. “Absolutely. But if you come on this side of the island with me, I can’t guarantee I won’t touch you while we’re cooking.”

Well, there you have it. His hands on me sooner rather than later? That sounds like a winning proposition, and he’ll still think he’s calling the shots.

“Tell me what to do,” I say with an impish smile as I slide off the stool. “I’m yours to command.”

And I truly mean that.

Dominik’s eyes flash, and I can tell those words of submission actually mean something more than me lending a hand with dinner.

He sets the pan on the counter. With his hot eyes pinned on me, he steps around the island and comes toe to toe with me. Placing one hand behind my neck, he bends to put his mouth near mine.

“I think dinner can wait a little bit,” he murmurs.

“Why would we do that?” I sound breathy and way too eager. I don’t like it, yet I can’t help it because this man makes me feel like something else altogether.

“Because you said the magic words,” he replies gruffly.

I’m yours to command.

Dominik leans forward at the waist. My world flips as his shoulder goes to my stomach and he lifts me in a fireman’s carry. His large hand settles on my ass to hold me in place, then he’s striding through the great room to the opposite wing of the house.

It takes only moments before I’m spinning again, landing on a plush mattress covered with a pristine white cotton comforter. I take a moment to look around at his bedroom, marveling over its light and airy feel, which matches the rest of his home.

Dominik slips off my sandals, dropping them to the floor.

“Get naked, Willow,” he says as he starts to unbutton his shirt.

Mesmerized, I don’t move as his chest is revealed.

“Naked, Willow,” he repeats, but then his expression muddles a little. “Unless you don’t want this. Would rather have some romance? Go a little slower tonight?”

That gets me out of my daze. Pushing up from the mattress, I go to my knees. “Oh, I want this,” I assure him, fisting the hem of my dress. “This is exactly how I want it.”

Dominik smiles. A triumphant tip upward at the corners of his mouth.

“I don’t need the romance,” I continue as I pull the dress up and over my head, tossing it carelessly to the floor. What’s left is a strapless bra and matching panties in cream-colored lace, which I happen to know complements my skin tone.

Dominik’s expression turns hungry.


“Get on your hands and knees.” Dominik quickly divests himself of his clothing, standing gloriously naked for me to behold. Moving to the edge of the bed, he gives me one more order. “And come here.”

There’s no mistaking what he wants as he takes himself in hand.

No mistaking I want the same as I drop forward, my palms sinking into the comforter. I crawl toward him, feeling every bit like a sleek panther hunting her prey. Dominik watches intently, his jaw locked.

I gaze at every long, thick inch of him. He’s just as magnificent as I remember. My mouth waters slightly because I can remember what he tastes like. I have not one ounce of shame. I had him in my mouth before, and I want him there again.

Mostly because he wants me there and he hasn’t asked.

He’s ordered it.

Dominik’s knees press against the side of the bed for leverage, his hips jutting forward. Crawling right up to him, I open my mouth.

The warmth of his skin slides along my tongue as I take him in deep and a shudder runs up my spine over the deep growl of pleasure that rumbles from him.CHAPTER 6DominikMy head spins as Willow’s mouth closes over my cock. She’s a goddamn sex goddess, and I can’t figure out if she’s playing a game with me or not.

Here she is—a beautiful, talented, smart, and independent creature who put me off for weeks. And on the drop of a dime, she’s on her hands and knees in my bed, deep throating me.

I can’t figure out what she really wants, but I’m not sure the answer matters in this moment. We both seem to be engaging in something we very much crave.