“Because what I said to you is true, Regan. I don’t want another woman’s hands on me. I have no interest in that. Why is it so hard for you to believe?”

She gives a tiny growl of frustration. “Because I’m just me. Just Regan Miles. College graduate and former nerd who you’ve never looked at twice while growing up. And on top of that, I’m sick and my future is uncertain.”

Reaching across the table, I take her by the hand to give her a tiny squeeze of reassurance. “You are the most beautiful, sexiest, and intriguing woman I have ever known. I’m not going to lie to you—you weren’t always that way, Regan. You are so much younger than me. At the age I was starting to notice women, you were too young, but I’m looking now. And what I see is what I want.”

I expect her to have some follow-up questions. Perhaps she might need some additional reassurances. At the very least, I kind of expect her to tell me how much she digs me in return. Instead, she changes the subject.

“Willow just texted me a little bit ago. She’s going to come visit next week before heading off to her next assignment in Kosovo.”

Great. Just perfect. Willow is going to come in and take all of Regan’s attention from me. Can’t wait. There will probably even be a side dose of Dominik Carlson drama to go with it.

I don’t use my inside voice, though—because I really do love my sister—and instead, I convey an enthusiasm that is truly there. “That’s awesome. I’ll take any chance I can to see her since she travels so much.”

“Oh, and I had a fantastic job interview this afternoon,” she says, then starts chattering on about a pediatric office she applied to that needs a part-time nurse.

I sit back, listening to my wife tell me all about her day, knowing I could get very, very used to this.CHAPTER 25DaxWe have a home game tonight. On game days, we usually only have a light skate practice. But a team meeting has been called by upper management. Since it is the day after Tacker was supposed to give his answer to the organization about whether he wanted to meet their demands to stay on, I have a fairly good suspicion that’s what the meeting is about. I did not tell any of my teammates about the conversation Regan and I had with Tacker at Billy’s party. This included my best friend on the team, Bishop, who has been acting as team captain since Tacker got suspended. Prior to that, we had shared the co-captain title, but I singularly own that since Bishop has been promoted.

Even though Tacker hadn’t said the information was secret, I chose not to tell anyone what he’d revealed to us at the party. It was such a deeply personal issue, and it’s just not my place to share it. Regan and I sure have talked about it a lot the last two days, wondering what he was going to do.

The team meeting is held in a large room with stadium seating and a podium at the front. All the chairs have flip-top desks used for a surface to write on. There’s a large electronic screen that drops from the ceiling where we can watch video of game footage for analysis and discussion. When I enter, I see I’m one of the last to arrive, with a few guys trickling in behind me. I take a seat next to Bishop in the front row, giving a quick scan around the area. I’m disappointed to see Tacker isn’t here.

While everyone is settling into their seats, I lean over and ask Bishop in a low voice, “Do you know what the meeting is about?”

I figured since he’s the team’s captain if anyone knows it would be him. Unfortunately, he just shrugs while he drums his fingers on the desktop. He has an open notebook turned to a blank page with a pen sitting there ready to jot down whatever pearls of wisdom are going to be handed to us.

If I had wondered who would be talking during this meeting, I need not wonder any further as Dominik Carlson walks into the team meeting room followed by Coach Perron and the rest of the coaching staff. Following up the rear is Christian Rutherford, the team’s general manager.

The minute Dominik steps into the room, though, a respectful hush falls over the players. He’s endeared himself to everyone by coming to the rookie party and being incredibly cool by paying a huge amount of money down on the tab. He’s also done some personal favors to a few of my buds—including lending Bishop his private jet to chase after Brooke when they broke up.

Dominik walks right up to the podium while the rest of the team management stands behind him. Legs planted slightly apart, hands clasped in front of them, and dour expressions on their faces. This is not looking good.