“Awesome. I’ve got my new request for the Salvistis into my case manager. Since you have a different insurance than what I was on, we have to go through the entire approval process. Hopefully, she’ll be able to push it through before my next treatment.”

Dax’s eyes turn dark with worry. “And when is that?”

“I’m due for a transfusion middle of next week,” I reply.

“How long does it take?”

“About thirty minutes,” I say. “A nurse will come right here to the house to give it to me.”

“Do you need me here?”

“Not at all,” I assure him.

“Well, the good thing is if you’re tired, you just stay in bed. You don’t have to worry about going to work and—”

“I intend to get a job, Dax.”

“But you don’t need to.”

“But I want to.”

“It’s not—”

My fingertips go to his lips, quieting him effectively. “If I’m well enough to do what you and I just did, I’m pretty sure I’m okay enough to work.”

I expect Dax to argue because he likes to be right. An annoying little habit I’m sure is going to cause a fight before too long, but to my surprise, he merely pulls me into his arms and settles down into the pillows.

“Fine,” he eventually says as I lay my head on his chest. “But just know… there isn’t anything you’ll want for while you’re here with me. I’ll take care of you just the way Lance would have wanted me to.”

It’s nice to welcome the comfort of those words. For the first time since Lance died, I felt incredibly secure. And I love Dax all the more for it.CHAPTER 9DaxI know I should get out of bed since I usually meet Legend, Bishop, and Erik at the arena gym for a workout before our team meeting and practice. At least, that’s what I normally do on non-game days.

But my alarm went off almost half an hour ago, and I’ve been pretty much just laying here with Regan’s naked body curled into mine. She’s softly snoring and it’s adorable. For the first time since the season started, I’m choosing not to workout, putting something else above my priority to hockey. I’d considered waking Regan up with my hand between her legs, but I had second thoughts. I have no clue what types of regrets I’m going to be faced with this morning, and I’d rather figure that out first. So I dozed on and off again, contemplating whether I’m regretful for my actions last night.

I was by no means drunk after having three pretty quick bourbons while we talked. Yes, I was buzzed, but I’d still known right from wrong. I had the power within my own reasoning to stop what we were doing, but fuck… I hadn’t wanted to.

In fact, I can’t remember ever wanting anything as bad, so, selfishly, I took.

The covers and sheets are kicked to the bottom of the bed. More than a time or two since the sun started filtering in, I’ve studied Regan’s nude form laying against me. Her upper body is across mine, her breasts mashed softly into my chest. I worry about whether it bothers the port in her chest, but she sleeps on soundly. She has one leg in between mine where my soft dick is pressed up against the silkiness of her skin with the other stretched across the mattress. One arm is curled around her head with her fingertips floating right at the side of my neck. I’ve got one arm wrapped around her with my palm flat against her beautiful ass. Her breath fans across the top of my chest. I’ve been in this position a few hours, and I could go a few hours more. She’s like a soothing blanket over my body, which I have no desire to remove any time soon.

I think this means I have zero fucking regrets.

Now the question is… does she?

My phone vibrates on my nightstand, and I reach a long arm out to nab it. It’s Legend. He’s probably wondering where the hell I am. I tap the button that will send it straight to voice mail, then set it on the bed beside me. I don’t feel like entering the real world just yet. I’ve still got a beautiful, naked woman in my arms—whom I’m married to and fucked last night. I would like to keep fucking her, but I don’t know if that’s possible.

Or even ethical at this point.

Vibrations from my phone ringing again tickle against my thigh. When I realize it’s Legend calling again, I know it must be something important for him to call right back. A freezing chill sneaks up my spine as my thoughts immediately turn dark, wondering if Tacker has done something to himself.

“What’s up?” I say into the phone when it connects, trying to sound nonchalant. Regan stirs at the sound of my voice, but I merely tighten my hold around her waist. This causes her to lift her head, and she stares at me blearily having just woken from a sound sleep.