To kiss me, I think.

So I turn my face to accept, except she turns her face too and it’s clear she’s going for just a kiss to my cheek. My mouth lands gracelessly against the side of her nose and she ends up kissing my ear.

Despite the blunder, she still has an arm curled over one shoulder and I’ve got an arm around her waist, and we’re very, very close. We both go still for a moment, and then maneuver our heads ever so slightly so we can look into each other’s eyes. Mere inches separate us and I can feel her breath on me.

“Did you just kiss my nose?” she asks, her lips quirking up into a smile.

“It’s your fault you moved your mouth,” I mutter back to her.

“So you wanted to kiss me?”

Fuck, why does she have to sound so expectant? Why do her eyes seem to sparkle with almost a daring quality?

I tighten my arm around her waist, pulling her into full body contact with me. The tension that’s been building inside of me at the fact that I’m going to be a father starting tomorrow begins to boil. I lean down so I’m almost nose to nose with her. “It would not be a good idea for me to kiss you.”

“Why is that?”

Again, fucking breathy sounding as if I’m robbing her of air.

“Because there’s a whole lot more I’d like to do to you, Pepper, and they’re probably really fucking inappropriate.”

She gives a shake of her head. “Not inappropriate.”

“You don’t know what I’m envisioning,” I warn her.

“It would be interesting to find out,” she teases me. “You’re not the most creative or artistically inclined person, so I wonder—”

I shut her up with my mouth on hers. Immediately both her arms are around my neck and the kiss goes nuclear and deep. My hand drops to her ass, and I pull her into me, so she has no misconception about what those dirty thoughts have already done to my body.

Pepper moans and rubs herself against me, and I see stars behind my eyes.

My need for her…for release…for something…becomes overwhelming and I push her away from me.

We’re both panting and she looks at me with question in her eyes.

“I…I’m not sure this is a good idea,” I manage to say as my hands ache with the need to gather her back in close to me.

“Because we hardly know each other?” she asks.

My voice goes low and gravely. “Because I’m really grateful for everything you’ve done for me, and because I’m stressed and scared about tomorrow, and I’m tense, and my mood inside is a little bit dark. And, well…I’d probably fuck you hard and fast and that’s all this is…is a fuck, you know? I don’t want to do that to you.”

She regards me a moment before replying, “Did I ever say I wanted anything from you? Did I indicate that?”

I can’t help but smile. “No. In fact you’ve been a big pain in my ass since I moved in.”

Pepper smirks and slides in close to me. “I’m a big girl, Legend. I’m also attracted to you, just as I can ‘feel’?”—and here she brings her hand to my hardened cock and cups me—“that you’re attracted to me too.”

I take her hand, and rather than pull it off me, I press against it. I make her rub me through my jeans and it feels so fucking good. “So we’re going to be consenting adults. No expectations. Hot sex. Do I have that right?”

“Sounds pretty awesome to me,” she murmurs and my eyes almost cross as she tightens her hand on me really hard, causing my hips to punch forward.

That’s it.

She’s done.

I’m taking control.

Bending over, I lift her up and over my shoulder in a classic fireman’s carry. She laughs as her hands grip the back of my shirt for leverage.

I manage to make it to my bedroom without banging her into a wall. I let her slide down my body and when her face is even with mine, we kiss again.

Her palms go to my belt buckle and mine to the bottom of her shirt to lift it over her head. It necessitates our mouths to break apart but they find each other again.

Our clothes peel off, layer by layer as we kiss and touch each other roughly. When we’re naked, I lay her on the bed and turn away for a fraction of a moment to grab a condom out of my bedside table.

When I turn back to Pepper, my breath catches at the beauty of her lying on my bed. So tiny and petite with smallish breasts that are going to get lost in my hands, I just know it. Flat belly with flared hips. Slender legs that I doubt will be able to wrap fully around my waist, but we’ll soon find out.