She sighs and hauls herself up out of the pool. I try really damn hard not to notice how amazing her body looks in her swimsuit and maintain eye contact with her as she walks toward the table. I reach over, nab the towel and hand it out to her.

“Thanks,” she murmurs as she wraps it around her body, tucking it in at her chest.

“Sadie told me you were here swimming,” I explain to her. “And I really just want to apologize for offending you. I know I have and it wasn’t my intent at all.”

“You couldn’t help it,” she says tiredly as she pulls her goggles and swim cap off. Her blonde hair tumbles down her back and she reaches into her gym bag to pull out a hair tie. As she fashions her hair into a messy bun on top of her head, she adds on. “It’s just your nature.”

“Okay,” I say with a tinge of anger to my voice. “You keep saying shit like that, implying you think you know me. But I think you’re offering pretty harsh judgment based on a few conversations on the plane.”

“I do know you,” she retorts as she crosses her arms over her chest. “We met five years ago.”

There’s no stopping the momentum of my jaw as it drops wide open. “Excuse me?”

For a moment, she doesn’t answer me. Rather, her teeth bite down into her lower lip. They shine bright white against the natural cherry tint of her mouth. I’d normally find it sexy, but I’m too rattled to think much of it at all.

“Five years ago. At a party in L.A,” she finally offers.

“No fucking way,” I return adamantly, shaking my head for emphasis. “I’d remember you.”

There is no way in hell I could ever forget someone like Blue.

Just…no fucking way.

“We did,” she says confidently. “I had dark hair then but that doesn’t lessen the sting of you not remembering.”

“No, no, no. Not possible.”

“We slept together,” she tells me, and my head starts spinning.

“Now that’s a goddamn lie,” I growl as I stand up from the table.

“It’s not,” she murmurs with her brown eyes locked to mine, and it’s her soft tone that has me really doubting myself. She doesn’t seem angry, but merely resigned to the fact we had an encounter, which for the life of me I can’t seem to remember.

Goddamnit all to hell.

“Look, Erik,” she says as she grabs her gym bag and slings it over her shoulder. “I think it’s best we just go our separate ways. I’ll promise to be nice to you on the plane, and you already promised me no more hitting on me. It’s all good and let’s just forget this conversation happened.”

I’d like to readily agree to what she just said, but I’m actually reeling a bit to know that Blue and I had met.

Had fucking slept together, and whatever happened five years ago has seriously caused her to be pissed at me. My stomach churns knowing that I did something that clearly angered her, or even worse…hurt her.

But I can also see she’s done talking about it too and I don’t think it would be in anyone’s best interest to push her right now.

So I merely incline my head toward her, a silent show that I acknowledge and accept what she just suggested.

I get a relieved smile back from her. “Good. Thank you.”

“Sure thing,” I tell her. “Have a good night.”

She doesn’t respond and I watch her walk all the way out of the pool area. When she disappears from sight, I rub my hand over the whiskers on my jaw wondering what in the hell happened between us. It’s a goddamn mystery to me and I don’t like being in the dark.

My stomach rumbles, reminding me that in addition to being slightly sick from that conversation, I’m also still hungry. I decide to go catch up to Legend and the girls, intending to have a good meal and hopefully many, many mixed drinks to help me forget about Blue.Chapter 4ErikMy dick has never been harder, nor have I ever wanted to come so badly in my life. My hands tighten on her hips, torn between wanting to make her ride me faster and to slow her down a little to draw this out.

Blue’s eyes are closed as she leans over me. Hands pressed down onto my chest to use as leverage as she rocks up and down on my cock. Long, lustrous locks of chocolate brown hair flows over her shoulders, partially obscuring my view of her breasts. I’d spent some time earlier biting and sucking on her pink nipples. My mouth waters for another taste.

I let my gaze slide down her body. Flat stomach with a jeweled piercing in her belly button that most women in LA seem to favor, and yeah…it’s sexy.