Tacker had been working out with us and had been a bit more vocal and outgoing during the workouts. I’m sure he felt he was letting us down by getting suspended so he was making more of an effort to open up personally. Now, this meant only as far as giving some encouragement while we lifted or casual conversation about the weather, but at least he was engaging. So maybe the fight and his suspension was a good thing if it ultimately connects him a little better with this teammates on an individual basis.

“I’m sure some of our old teammates will want to get together after the game tomorrow,” Dax says to the group. We were playing the other New York team—the Phantoms—the day after that so we have a night free in between games. “You guys up for that.”

“I’m out,” Bishop says with a shake of his head. “Brooke’s flying in to watch the games and hang out with her old boss, so I’ll be doing something with them.”

Brooke had moved to Phoenix from New York when her father took the job here. He was an assistant coach with the Phantoms before he was offered the head coach’s position with the Vengeance.

“Why didn’t she fly with us?” I ask.

“She couldn’t get out of work in time,” Bishop says with a casual shrug. “No big deal.”

“Not like you can’t afford to fly your girl in luxury anyway,” Legend observes.

“Very true,” Bishop smirks.

One of the flight attendants comes up on my left to take our orders. I assume it’s Sadie so when I look up to see Blue standing there in a uniform consisting of a white blouse, gray skirt, and a navy blue cardigan, I have to do a double-take.

I glance around the table and see all of the guys with their mouths hanging slightly open.

She bends over and efficiently places cocktail napkins before each of us. When she straightens, she looks around the table with a smile that’s cool and professional. She even makes the same amount of eye contact with me as she does the other guys, which tells me that she sees me as no more or no less than them.

“What can I get you guys before we take off?”

Bishop orders a beer and then adds on, “It’s good to see you back.”

“Thanks,” she says with a much brighter smile directed at him. “It’s great to be back.”

She takes Dax and Legend’s orders next, and then turns to me with her eyebrows raised.

“Thought you quit?” I ask bluntly.

“I did,” she replies still with that smile pasted on her face. “But then realized it was a mistake and begged Mr. Rutherford for my job back. I’m lucky he’s a nice man.”

I stare at her a moment before lifting my chin in acknowledgment. Truth be told, regardless of how she and I fell apart, I’m glad she’s back at this job. It gives her more money and frees up her time for Billy when she’s back in Phoenix, and I’ll only ever want the best for those two.

“I’ll take a Jack and coke,” I tell her blandly, refusing to let an ounce of emotion touch my words.

My gaze drops down to my phone. I flip it on and try not to notice that she hesitates before leaving, but finally she does. The minute she’s out of earshot, the guys all lean in toward me. Dax and Legend from across the table and Bishop from my left.

“What was that all about?” Legend whispers.

“Are you two back together?” Dax asks.

“She smiled at you, dude,” Bishop adds on.

I look at all three of them as if they’re crazy. “I have no clue what that was. I haven’t seen or spoken to Blue since she broke up with me week before last.”

“But she’s back,” Bishop intones, giving me an expectant look.

“So?” I say with a shake of my head. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

And it doesn’t mean a thing to me. She’s made her position clear. There’s no room for me in her life and I accepted that. Moved on.

Sort of.

Not really, but whatever.

I’ve still been mulling over Legend’s advice when we were in Vegas, unsure as to what type of forward efforts I should make where Blue is concerned. A clear answer still hasn’t come to me and I’m even more of a blank now that I’m confronted with her presence.

“Shhh,” Bishop hisses and leans back into his seat. “Here she comes.”

Dax and Legend act all casual-like, slamming back into their seats as well. Blue approaches carrying a tray laden with our drink orders.

She’s silent as she sets them down in front of each of us. None of the guys say anything either, and it’s slightly awkward as they always feel comfortable bantering with her.

Placing my drink last, she looks into my eyes while bent down toward me and murmurs, “Um…if you have a free moment, can I have a private word with you?”