I open my eyes and lift my head. It’s 5:58 A.M. according to the digital clock on my dresser and I start making a mental list of what needs to be done. The team plane is leaving at 11:00 for our flight to Calgary. It’s a compacted trip since we had a full practice yesterday. We’ll go straight from the airport by bus to the arena where the Vengeance will have the ice for forty-five minutes. Coach said it will be a light skate, then we’ll go to the hotel for a bit of a rest and an early team dinner. Then it will be back to the arena for the game, then back on the plane to fly to Phoenix for a home game the next day.

Brutal but this is where the reclining seats on the plane come in handy to help us rest while in the air.

Lifting my head, I place a kiss on the top of Blue’s head and that causes her to stir. She’s a light sleeper anyway and also a morning person, so I don’t feel guilty.

She snuggles in tighter to me but in a husky, sexy voice that makes my dick jump, says, “Good morning.”

“Morning,” I reply.

“I’m hungry,” she mutters, dipping her head back to press her lips to my throat.

“For food or sex?” I ask.

“Food,” she grumbles. “Dinner last night sucked.”

“But the sex was great, right?”

“It was amazing,” she concurs.

“Then let’s go make some breakfast,” I tell her with a pat to her bottom.

She giggles and rolls away from me. I take just a moment to stare at her naked body as she exits the bed and heads to the bathroom, twisting her hair on top of her head as she goes.

Fucking phenomenal ass. I damn sure would like to fuck it and I’m pretty sure Blue would like it too. She’s totally adventurous in bed.

When she disappears, closing the door behind her, I roll the opposite direction off the bed. I pad over to my dresser, snag a pair of workout shorts, and toss them on. I head downstairs to make us each a cup of strong coffee and get some bacon frying.

As I make my way through the great room and into the kitchen, Blue’s phone starts ringing from inside her purse that’s still on the floor amid the clothes we’d torn off last night. It’s the ringtone for the Cresson so I do something I don’t normally do, and that’s invade a woman’s purse. I pull it out just as I see Blue coming down the staircase, wearing one of my T-shirts and I hope to fuck no panties underneath. My fantasies include her leaning her forearms on the kitchen island as she drinks her coffee, and me standing behind her as the T-shirt rides up and reveals—

Blue snatches the phone from my hand with a grin, perhaps because my eyes had glazed over and she knew I was thinking dirty thoughts. I turn away to head into the kitchen to get some coffee going just as she’s answering the phone.

I stop cold in my tracks when Blue exclaims in a completely panicked voice, “What?”

My head snaps her way because of the alarm in her tone. Her face is pale, mouth pulling downward into a frown.

Blue is silent for a moment, and then her body tightens. Her hand raises and flutters nervously at the base of her neck as she listens, and my stomach starts to churn as her expression fills with pain.

“What hospital is he at?” she asks and that has me jumping into action. I grab up the discarded clothing from the floor, figuring that will be quicker to dress into rather than going back upstairs. I separate the stuff quickly, putting Blue’s on the coffee table as I get dressed as fast as possible.

By the time Blue is disconnecting, I’ve got everything on but my socks and shoes.

She doesn’t even spare me a glance but starts talking while she pulls on the pair of panties and then ripping off my T-shirt to put her bra on. “That was the director at the Cresson. Billy took a fall last night as he was being transferred from his chair to his bed.”

“And he’s in the hospital?” I ask her as I sit down to attend to my socks and shoes.

She nods, putting my T-shirt on inside out but I don’t bother correcting her. Blue could care less what she looks like and speed is of the essence here. “He…um…broke his arm. Also hit his head pretty good but they did a CT scan and there was no damage to his brain.”

Okay…that doesn’t sound too bad. It could have been so much worse but those are words I’ll keep to myself. No one wants to hear that when they’re worried about their loved one.