Now that I’m in Phoenix with my fourth professional team, and I have Blue, I’m kind of hoping this is where I’ll stay.

I had wanted to offer up to Blue my washer and dryer for her laundry but I was afraid that would be weird in a moving-too-fast kind of way.

Like the way I want to go trade my truck in for a van with an electric lift in the back so we don’t have to rent one every time we want to transport Billy and his motorized chair.

Or weird like I’d love for Blue just to move in with me since she stays every night that we’re in town. Get rid of that crappy little rental house in a bad section of the city and move to the burbs with me so we can make like a family.

I don’t offer her any of that because I’m afraid it’s too fast and too soon. Although technically, that’s just an assumption on my part as I have nothing to compare this experience to. Having these types of feelings for a woman is completely new and scary as fuck.

Maybe I should talk to Bishop. He and Brooke fell for each other really fast. He probably has some advice on how fast is too fast to move in together or buy a handicapped access van together.

Surely, some of these things are the next logical progression in our relationship. We’ve admitted we’re crazy about each other. We’ve done familial things together which have felt utterly natural even though it’s the first time I’m experiencing it. Like hosting Thanksgiving last week here at my house. Sure, I provided the venue but Blue was the true hostess. She coordinated the food, cooked a turkey and ham, and made sure everyone had a good time. She even babied the young, single rookies who were probably missing home a lot.

I mean…just yesterday we made the most of my day off. I’d rented a van and Blue and I picked Billy up. We then went shopping and bought a tree and decorations.

In my ten years of being an adult, I’ve never put up a Christmas tree. It just seemed like a lot of effort for not a lot of reward. But when Blue had mentioned she had a small tree to put up in Billy’s room, something overtook me. Next thing I know, I told her I wanted to do a tree at my house and I wanted her and Billy to help me. There was nothing weird about that if I went by the smile on Blue’s face when I told her what I wanted to do. Her eyes brightened and she jumped into my arms to kiss the fuck out of me.

Nothing weird about that at all.

Yesterday was great. Billy was in charge of the ornaments on the bottom third of the tree, Blue had the middle and I had the top since I’m the tallest. We had Christmas music playing in the background, bringing back some fond memories for me of Christmas at my mom’s house. Even James was a lot nicer and less Grinchlike during the holidays. My dad always put up a tree too but I expect that’s because my mom made him so that I’d have consistency in tradition.

Caught up in my memories of the past, I move through the kitchen and into the great room where we had put up the tree. Setting the bags down on the floor, I pull out the presents. While Blue was visiting Billy and doing her laundry, I ran to the mall after practice. Having taken advantage of the free gift wrapping in each store, I’m able to put shiny box after shiny box under the tree. Jewelry and some lingerie for Blue so far, and for Billy a Nintendo game system with several different games, each individually wrapped.

I had pondered for a very brief moment buying a new car for Blue because her car is old and could break down at any time on her. But I thought better of it. That goes in the weird category.

It’s way too soon.

I think.

Actually, not sure.

She did get a little wigged-out over the diamond bracelet I bought her but I don’t get that. Why should I be penalized for expensive presents when I make millions each year in salary and endorsement deals?

I jolt when I hear the front door open and Blue calls out, “Erik…I’m here.”

My pulse skyrockets just from her voice and I step away from the tree and into her line of sight from the foyer. She’s kicking the front door shut because she’s holding a big laundry basket full of clothes.

Blue sees me and grins. “I hope you don’t mind. I decided to do my laundry here.”

It takes every ounce of willpower not to smile in satisfaction that I’m getting what I want without even asking for it. So instead, I shrug casually as I walk to her, “Sure. Whatever.”