Leaning in toward Christina, I murmur, “Got a real man there, didn’t you?”

I don’t wait for a response, but stride toward the door thinking this evening went better than I could have ever imagined.Chapter 22BlueWinding my way through Erik’s house, I do a spot-check for any cups or plates that need picking up. I’m pleasantly surprised to find none, which means the rookies that are currently cleaning up after the meal have done a really thoughtful job.

Our Thanksgiving dinner went off without a hitch and was made easier by the fact that everyone that attended brought a side dish. Erik and I provided the turkey and ham as well as the desserts and booze. His dining room wasn’t big enough to handle all the guests, so people just spread out all over the house and found an available chair from which to eat. After the initial round of gorging was complete, the young rookie Vance Gather organized a cleanup crew and the older players retired to the area of house that I call Erik’s “play wing.”

I’m still not quite used to how big this place is. It’s only two stories but it is sprawling and there are actually wings. The top floor is nothing but bedrooms. Five to be exact with actually two master suites, one on each end of the house. The bottom floor is for living and playing. The center of the first floor houses a massive formal living room just off the foyer. The east side holds a casual living room, the kitchen, and dining areas. The west side is the “play wing” and has the billiard room, movie theater, and denlike area with plush couches and the massive big screen TV. The rooms all flow one into the other with wide open archways to pass through.

In the billiard room I find Dax and Pepper playing a game of pool. Leaning casually against the wall, I watch them for a moment. Pepper looks especially pretty today in an off-the-shoulder cream-colored dress that’s gauzy and flowy, cinched at her tiny waist with a wide leather belt. She’s wearing big hoop gold earrings that look perfect with her pixie haircut. The whole look totally fits her carefree persona. She’s ditched her sandals and is currently barefoot. I was surprised when she and Dax showed up almost an hour early today to help me with last-minute preparations. I thought that was incredibly kind and thoughtful.

I know others are wondering if Dax is finally settling down and has perhaps found someone he can be serious about. But I don’t think that’s the case at all. I watch them together and they are completely at ease in one another’s presence. They joke and laugh a lot. However, they don’t touch. There’s no physical affection. Just an easy camaraderie with each other, and that tells me they’re only friends.

Do I think that’s weird that Dax has developed a friendship with a woman?


Do I think he has ulterior motives?


While I believe he really likes Pepper and is genuinely friends with her, I think he brings her to team events to put her right in Legend’s line of sight. I think Dax gets some perverse pleasure in making Legend uneasy, or maybe his motives are a bit nicer, like he wants them to be friends since they’re neighbors. Whatever it is, I find myself enjoying the weird tension that exists between Pepper and Legend. After all, I’ve seen how well things can work out between two people that don’t get off to a great start.

I glance over at Legend. He’s sitting at one of the high-top tables that are scattered around, with Erik’s father, Pierce, who flew in last night. They’re watching football on one of the flat screen TVs Erik has mounted on the wall.

Leaning to the left a little, I’m able to see across the pool table and through the arched entry way that leads into the den. Erik is right where I left him fifteen minutes ago when I decided to check on how the rookies were doing on cleanup detail. He’s engaged in what looks to be a very exuberant Call of Duty battle with my brother, who’s wheelchair is pulled up beside the end of the couch where Erik’s sitting.

I can’t help but smile. Erik doesn’t pull any punches with Billy, barking out orders to him like he’s an actual general in the game. Billy just grins as he maneuvers his character on screen, shooting at all the bad guys. We picked Billy up first thing this morning and outside of taking half an hour to eat Thanksgiving dinner, those two have been immersed in that game. I didn’t mind, though, as it got Erik out of the kitchen since he’s not all that great in there, and it kept Billy occupied. I just hope he has some brain cells left when we take him back to the Cresson tonight.