“Sleep,” she tells me with a smile, and I can see it touches her I want to know those details.

“All right,” I tell her. “Let’s say our goodbyes and skedaddle out of here.”

It’s as we’re loading Billy up in the back of the van with the motorized lift that I realize this may actually be the most fun I’ve had after a game in a long time. It certainly beat out the Sneaky Saguaro, and it certainly alleviated some of the sting of the loss today. I definitely foresee a lot more trips like this with Blue and Billy in my future.Chapter 17Erik“I won’t be long,” Blue says as she starts to open the door to my Vette to exit.

“I’ll come in,” I tell her, also reaching for my handle.

“You don’t have to,” she replies quickly, and starts to push out of the car.

We’d just taken Billy back to the Cresson in the rented van. After we got him settled in, we Ubered back to the arena to get my car from the players’ parking lot and from there we came to her house so she could pack some clothes.

She’s coming to stay at my place for a few days.

Four to be exact, which is when we leave for the next away game.

Four nights with Blue in my house, whereby I don’t plan on leaving the bed except for practice, a home game we have on Monday, and perhaps to accompany Blue to visit Billy.

I reach out to grab her arm before she can escape the car. She turns to look at me over her shoulder. “Don’t you want me to come in?”

She grins at me. “Of course you can come in, but my place is a dump and the interior of your car is far nicer. I just thought you might want to stay out—”

I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up. “Don’t do that.”

She mumbles something under my hand so I move it. She repeats, “Do what?”

“Belittle anything that is you,” I tell her. “Your home in this specific example. I don’t give a shit what your house looks like, and in fact, we can stay here for the next four days if you want.”

Blue’s eyes turn warm as she crawls back into the car, right across the console to kiss me. “You’re sweet. And I appreciate you saying that. But we’re staying at your house because you have a pool and a fancy coffee maker.”

“That makes sense.” I grab her behind the neck and pull her to me for another kiss.

After a few moments of making out, we make our way into her house. I follow her back to her bedroom, plopping down on her bed while she packs up.

“You won’t need much in the way of clothes,” I tell her as she roots around in her closet. “But feel free to bring as much sexy lingerie as you want.”

Blue snorts and comes out of the closet holding a few pairs of jeans and some shirts in one hand, a rolling overnight suitcase in another. She places it on the bed and folds the clothes in there. She moves to a dresser drawer and I’m pleased to see her pulling out scraps of lace in midnight blue, pale pink, white, and yellow.

She tosses a handful of bras and panties at me and nods at the suitcase.

I refold them and place them in gently, the yellow actually being my favorite.

Blue returns to the closet as she says, “It was really nice of your friends to come to Dave & Buster’s with us today. Billy had such a great time.”

“I was glad to see Tacker come with us,” I tell her, my eyes pinned to her ass as she bends over to nab some shoes. “He’s sort of antisocial outside of the locker room. But he was really good with Billy, wasn’t he?”

Turning to face me, Blue smiles knowingly. “He’s got experience. His fiancée’s older brother had muscular dystrophy.”

“He told you that?” I ask in surprise.

“Yeah. I found him easy to talk to.”

“Huh,” I mutter as I consider this. Tacker is easy to talk to as long as you’re talking hockey. But the few times I’ve tried to engage him, he’s been pretty closed off.

Blue grabs the suitcase from the bed and I follow her out of her room. She crosses the hall into the bathroom and puts it on the sink. She then starts throwing in stuff from underneath like lotions and shampoo. She bags up her makeup and tosses it in. Pulling out a drawer, she nabs her toothbrush and toothpaste. She starts to shut the drawer but I reach out and grab at it, pulling it back out.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I say as I grab a silk pouch. “What’s this?”

Blue rolls her eyes at me as I open it up, and as I suspected find an impressively large vibrator with a small appendage on the front. I flick the switch and it hums nicely.