I’d even managed to sneak over there before we went to the locker room to give Billy a hockey puck and Blue a kiss, to which she whispered in my ear, “You are so getting lucky tonight.”

I liked hearing that. It’s not why I wanted to do this for Billy, but it was a perk I was not going to pass up.

Right now, I’m once again a little transfixed as I watch Blue with her brother. And weirdly…Tacker, as they play some videogames across the large, cavernous arcade.

After the game, plans were made in the locker room to head over to the Sneaky Saguaro for an afternoon of Saturday drinking. I’d declined and told them I was taking Blue and Billy to Dave & Buster’s which would be far more fun for Billy. Next thing I know, Bishop, Brooke, Dax, Legend, and Tacker were inviting themselves along. Dax had asked Pepper to the game, and she’s also here with us. Currently, she and Dax are battling the robots against each other while Legend stands beside me at the bar shooting them sour looks.

I try to get his mind off his wily neighbor and the fact that Dax seems to like her. Giving Legend a nudge and then nodding in Blue, Billy, and Tacker’s direction, I say, “Can’t believe Tacker actually accepted an invitation to come out with us.”

Legend’s gaze slides across the arcade where Tacker is currently leaning over Billy’s chair, showing him how to play Galaga Assault, an updated version of the old game. I found that Billy actually does quite well with joystick-type games as evidenced by him whipping my ass at Pac-Man Battle Royale earlier.

“Can’t believe Dax brought her out with us.” Legend grumbles, his eyes going back to Dax and Pepper.

I laugh and shake my head. “Dude…let it go. You’re getting worked up over nothing.”

To my surprise, Legend gives a sigh and then rolls his neck as if to stretch out the tension. “I know. It’s fucking stupid, letting someone have that type of effect on me.”

“Not someone,” I correct him, my focus on Blue as she cheers Billy on from beside his chair. “A woman.”

“Guess you know a little bit about that, huh?” Legend remarks.

“I guess I do,” I admit.

“It was really nice for you to do this for Billy. You’re really good with him too.”

Now that is probably one of the nicest compliments anyone has paid me, and it’s critically important too. I turn to him and ask, “Do you really think so?”

“Yeah,” he says with a chuckle. “He responds really well to you and it’s clear you guys hit it off. Oh, and if the way Blue looks at you when you’re interacting with her brother is any indication, you’re doing a fucking fantastic job.”

The relief that sweeps through me is not surprising. I know how important Billy is to Blue so he has to be important to me too. I didn’t want her to think I’m just about show today.

And truth be told, I fucking like hanging with him. When we first got here about an hour ago, I immediately took him around the arcade to find something he wanted to play. I didn’t find communication all that difficult either. He clearly understands everything, and I was surprisingly adept at figuring out what he was trying to say with just a little patience. If I couldn’t, Blue was there to help interpret the sign language he’d use.

What made it easy though was that Billy is an extraordinarily happy person. The guy fucking doesn’t stop smiling.

Like ever.

And he’s so easily pleased. Just a hug from Blue makes his smile go from merely bright to starlight brilliant. It’s humbling that someone confined in such a broken body can have that much pure joy in his life.

“Blue had to put him in a more affordable group home,” I tell Legend as we both turn back to watch Tacker and Billy take turns at Galaga. “Her father’s life insurance got hung up but I’ve got my attorney on it.”

“That can’t be easy for Blue.”

There’s no holding back my growl of frustration. “And on top of that, she has to work a shitty part-time job serving sleazy old men on private charters.”

“Money that tight for her?” Legend asks.

I nod before taking a sip of the beer I’d been nursing. “I’ve got an email into Christian Rutherford to help out.”

“What do you mean?”

I give my attention to Legend for a moment, leaning in slightly as if I’m divulging trade secrets. Lowering my voice, I tell him, “I’ve asked him to consider giving the flight attendants a raise.”

Legend eyebrows shoot up. “Come again?”

“They need a raise,” I point out.

With a distinct twitch of his lips, Legend drawls, “They do, do they?”

Shrugging, I admit, “Well, Blue does. That crappy part-time job isn’t worth the time away from Billy she has to take. If she gets paid more from Rutherford, she can give it up and I don’t have to be fucking pissed about old geezers grabbing her ass. So yeah…they need a raise.”