“Not thin?” I repeat with confusion.

“We have substance. Put the insane sexual chemistry and attraction aside, we’re two people that have found out that we really like each other on a deeper level. We’re two people that weren’t right for each other five years ago, but we’re finding real joy in spending time together now. It’s certainly not too much to buy you and Billy a jersey.”

“But it’s a little weird for you to buy me things when you hardly know me,” I point out. “I mean…for Pete’s sake…you don’t even know my middle name.”

“I watched you ride my leg until you made yourself come,” he returns with a flash of teeth set in a wicked grin. “I know you well enough.”

“Fair point,” I concede with a dull ache forming between my legs at that wicked reminder, then incline my head. “Then by all means…I’ll take a medium and Billy probably a large.”

Erik throws his head back and laughs, but it only lasts a moment before he’s jerking me into him with his hands at my face. His mouth touches mine even as he’s still chuckling but when I slip my tongue inside to touch his, it’s not funny anymore. Erik wraps himself around me and deepens the kiss, right there in the middle of a Houston sidewalk as people walk by.

With a growl of frustration, Erik moves his mouth along my cheek to whisper in my ear. “You do know how much I want you, right, Blue?”

“Yeah,” I murmur back. Erik hugs me tighter to him and I can feel the ridge of his cock pressing into my stomach.

“Soon,” he promises and kisses me on my cheek. “Let’s head back.”

When we step inside, there’s a few of the younger players hanging out in the bar that sits just off the lobby. They beckon Erik and me in but we decline. I know other players probably hit up some of the bars around the area for a few hours of shenanigans. The plane doesn’t leave until 8:00 A.M. and they have a full day tomorrow to rest and recuperate outside of the practice skate which usually goes no longer than forty-five minutes. I had been shocked when I first started working for the team by how hard some of these men party after games and into the wee hours of the morning.

“What floor are you on?” Erik asks as we enter the elevator.

“Tenth,” I tell him, pulling my room key out of my purse.

Erik taps the appropriate button. “I’ll walk you to your room first. I’m on the fifteenth.”

There’s no stopping the dopey grin on my face as I realize, I’m experiencing real “boyfriend” stuff for the first time ever. I never dated in high school and my days in LA were filled with partying and meaningless relationships. When I returned to Phoenix to take care of Billy, I didn’t even have time to think about dating as I got him settled into the Cresson, moved into my new home, and started a new job.

But now I’ve got a handsome, successful man gallantly walking me to my room that sits five floors below his own and which it would be perfectly safe for me to go to on my own. A man that wants to bring my brother—wheelchair and all—to see a hockey game. A man that wants to walk a few blocks with me just so we can hang for a little bit.

A man who I feel like I could fall hard for.

I know I should have some reservations about letting myself get involved with Erik, who really did me wrong in the past, but as we exit off the elevator and our hands naturally find each others, I don’t have a single damn qualm.

“Want to catch an early breakfast with me tomorrow?” Erik asks as we approach my room.

“Sure. What time?”

“Bus is leaving at 7:30 so we should have plenty of time to eat if we meet down there at 7.”

“Sounds good,” I agree as we reach my door.

There’s a handwritten note stuck in between the door and the jamb. I put my key in the card slot, open the door slightly, and snag the piece of paper.

I open it up and see Sadie’s elegant penmanship. Erik looks over my shoulder at the note as we read it silently together.


Valerie and Legend are hooking up and they’re in his room which means Erik has been kicked out. I’m going to go sleep with Lyla and thus you and Erik can have this room. Unless you want Erik to go sleep with Lyla?

No? Didn’t think so.

Have fun you two.

Sadie“This is Legend’s doing,” Erik says with a grim smile as I twist my neck to look at him. “I’m sure he thought he was doing me a solid or something. I’ll go down there and tell him to send Valerie back to her room.”